
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


So it's October which is, overall, probably my least favorite month.  The only thing I like about it is that fall is well and truly here.  Though not quite in my area; it's still rather warm.  But it's getting there and that makes me happy.

Don't know why I dislike October as a whole.  There really isn't a reason for it.  Just do.  

Okay, so the CAL?  Yeah, I'm done.  This was week four, I still didn't get the clue despite several complaints.  I had to go to the website, and then wait for that to be updated.  And then when it was...another awful pattern stitch choice.  I thought perhaps it was just me, but nope.  I checked out the forum, which I hadn't been looking at, and several other people were all, these stitches don't go together!  They don't look good!  And it's true.  It doesn't work together.  It doesn't look good.  And even though I started the next one, about three rounds in I was just like, nope!  I just couldn't do another one.  Just couldn't.  So I've given up on the CAL because I can't, in good conscious, make something that I think is ugly.  I did it in the first place because of the donation from the sale of yarn, and for the fun "choose your own adventure" feel of it.  But it's awful, so I'm done.  I will continue to buy that yarn, and I will use the yarn I have to make a throw instead, because I have enough, especially if I frog what I've already done.  But I'm so over this CAL it's not even funny.

I had a really lovely two days off.  It was incredibly wonderful just to chill.  I treated myself to fast food breakfast one day.  I read.  I wrote.  I napped.  It was wonderful.  And in a couple of weeks, I get to do it again.  It'll be lovely.

And yes, I know it's silly, but the Bobs?  They still bring me great joy, they are growing like awesome with new leaves and new shoots emerging all the time.  I talk to them, and I swear they preen.  One of my great joys is walking 'round the room and giving everyone their drinks.  I check on them daily.  And I want more.  

So even though October makes me cringe, it's here and there's nothing I can do about about it.  It'll be over in 30 days, and I just have to wait it out.  And take joy in the little things while I'm at it.  


  1. What a disappointment that Crochet along turned out to be. :( Such a pity when it was for a good cause.

    October seems to have arrived awfully fast! Only 3 more months left in the year. I can hardly believe it. O.O
