
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Random

--Ha!  I finished another project!  It's a secret though...no pictures, no discussing it.  Shhhh!  This is the most important thing, so it goes first.  (Pictures and discussion will come later.  Promise!)

--I never really cared much for Halloween.  I'm not a big fan of scary and when I was little I was the mouse, the princess, the pretty witch.  And as much as I liked the candy, I never really got into trick or treating.  I was about ten when I asked to stay home and pass out candy instead.  Now, I mostly run and hide.  It just doesn't do anything for me.

--I will not be dressing up in any way, shape, or form.  I will be wearing regular clothes.  Though, in the past, I have been known to wear my Ren Faire costume, my Soft Kitty hoodie, and one year I went as a Cabbage Patch doll.  I even had Xavier Roberts' signature on my ass.

--I do not like Candy Corn.

--October is over!  Already!  But what a relief it is.  October is not my favorite month.

--I took the first week of December off as vacation before I decided to do NaNoWriMo.  It occurred to me just now that after a month of stress and crazy writing, I'll actually have a week off of everyday life to recover.  How creepily awesome is that!?

--If you're going out in the revelry tonight, enjoy yourself.  Have fun!  But stay safe.

--Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Stomach Bug

Yesterday, I was sick.

I got up and got ready for work, all the while pretending that I didn't feel like a great big pile of shit.  But then, my body informed me, very loudly, that no, we wouldn't be going to work.  

Before I went back upstairs on to bed, I laid on the couch for a while.  My Anyanka came right over and crawled up onto my chest, wanting pets.  I indulged her for a few and then my eyes drifted shut.  She curled up on me and snuggled in.  It's amazing how much heat a six pound cat can generate.  (My Anyanka is very wee)  That alone made me feel a bit better.

Eventually, I crawled upstairs and slept most of the day.  Around five I woke up and managed to keep down some toast.  Then I slept some more.

That's the only problem with staying home sick from work.  You can't enjoy it because you're sick!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Yarn On The Brain

Seriously, right now, that's all I want to do.  Riding high on the finished mitts, I jumped right into the next project with the fabulous yarn I bought.  It's so freaking awesome!  So, I'm working on that.  When that's done, I'll get to Izzy's gift.  I really hope that one will work out like I intend.  And I do need to make Auntie's gift as well.  But after that?  After those are done?

I know what I'm going to yarn after that and it's going to be fucking epic!

I guess I'm in a yarn cycle right now.  I do that, go through cycles.  Which, of course, is unfortunate timing because I have to start a novel in a few days.  Not just have to, want to.  And it'll be good and I'll enjoy writing.  But the yarn is on the brain and therefore, I must yarn myself out in the next few days.  So I can be in a writing frame of mind.

Sometimes, there's so much creativity going on in my brain (not all of it worthy of seeing the light of day) that I'm afraid I'll explode.  

Monday, October 28, 2013

Fingerless Gauntlets

All done!  Gauntlet style fingerless mitts!  I knitted them flat and then sewed them up, leaving a space for the thumb to go. It was the easiest way to get what I wanted.

Pattern is simple enough: Cast on 39 stitches.  Knit 1x1 rib for about four inches.  I like the 1x1 (knit 1, purl 1) because it fits tightly and doesn't move.  You can't really do a 2x2 here because it's an odd number of stitches

 After you have the ribbing (you can make it as long as you want) you start the pattern.  Knit a row to set it up.

Row 1--K3, slip 1, k3 to end

Row 2--P3, slip 1, P3 to end

Row 3--repeat row 1

Row 4--Knit

Row 5--K1, slip 1, K3, slip 1, rep to last two stitches, slip 1, K last stitch

Row 6--P1 slip 1, P3, slip 1 rep to last two stitches, slip 1, P last stitch

Row 7--repeat row 5

Row 8--Knit

Repeat these 8 rows four times, until the pattern section is four inches.

Knit 1 inch of 1x1 ribbing.  Bind off

**Whenever slipping stitches, slip purlwise with the yarn with the yarn in back for the knit rows, and the yarn in front for the purl rows**

Then, sew up the seam leaving hole for thumb.  And there you have it!

Fingerless Gauntlet style mitts!  This pattern is highly customize-able.  If you need to make them wider or skinnier, just make sure you increase or decrease your cast on by four stitches.  And you can make them as long as you want by either working the ribbing or pattern for longer stretches.  Same goes for making them shorter, only do less rows.  Then, when you seam it up, you can put the thumb hole wherever it best fits.

A bit stretched out by my fat arm/hand.  But you get the idea
The BFF has skinnier arms than I do, and these are for her.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

More Knitting

I spent the entire day yesterday yarning.  Almost literally.  I finished one of The BFF's mitts and then...well, I couldn't resist the other yarn I bought so I started working with that.  It's so freaking fabulous!  It's a baby alpaca/merino wool blend and it's just so light and lofty but so warm too!  Honestly, I'm a little sad I'll be giving it away once I'm done with it.  I'm going to have to go back and get more yarn and make myself something too.  Well, I say that but we all know the issues I have with making things for myself.

So, that's what I'm doing today again.  Watching Supernatural all over again (I started at the beginning again yesterday) and knitting.  I'll finish the other mitt and then go back to my fabulous yarn once it's done.  SSS (remember the dreaded Second Sock Syndrome, of which I am an chronic sufferer) is rearing it's ugly head and I don't even want to do it, but once I get it on the needles and start doing it, I'll be able to muscle through.  I think the mitts are lovely and I hope she'll be pleased with them.  Look for pics tomorrow because...

I'm skipping Second Blessing this week.  It's just not where my head is at all.  In all honesty, I've got so much else going on in my life right now that I might put it on hiatus for a bit.  I hate to do that to any of you who are reading along, and I'm not quite ready to say it officially.  It definitely won't be going up this week, but, as much as I enjoy Sean and Daniel (because I really do) and even though I know where the story is going, I'm having issues wrangling them to where they need to be.  It might be good for me to take a step back for a bit.  I want to tell a good story, a story that's worth telling, and I'm afraid I'm forcing it.  Whenever I tried to get the next episode written this week, it all fell apart.  And that's not good for the readers or the characters.  Thoughts?

Anyway, I'm in yarning mode today and I hope I'll have pretty pics for you tomorrow, along with a pattern.  

Saturday, October 26, 2013

I Went Yarn Shopping!

Oh, good Lord, did I go yarn shopping...

It turns out, there's a cure to the yarn coma.  The only reason I didn't end up sitting in the corner at closing, glazed eyes and stroking yarn mumbling "prettyyyyy" (heh, thanks Alder!) is because when I went to pay, and she told me the total, my eyes sort of bugged out of my head and I choked a little.  No lie.  But I thought to myself, "Guess I don't get to buy any books for the next two weeks" and handed over my card.

I, of course, immediately casted on and started (re-started) the BFF's mits when I got home.  And got the cuff on the first one completed.  So I'm in a good place to get knitting today.  So that's what I'm off to do.  After coffee, of course.

Enjoy your weekend!  And maybe I'll have pics tomorrow!  

Friday, October 25, 2013

No Rest For The Wicked

So I have to go into work early today and the only good thing about that is that it means I get to leave early too.

And I have (dare I say it?) plans!  Leave work, stop at the bank, stop at the post office, and then, yes folks, go to my LYS!  I know, I know. I don't actually need any more yarn.  There so much in my stash, it's ridiculous.  But well, yeah, I want to indulge myself.  And possibly purchase different yarn for the BFF's birthday present.  I probably have enough to make the mitts, even with the one completed aborted mitt.  I have other yarn that would work as well.  Except, I got it in my head that I wanted to get something extra super soft...like a cashmere blend, or maybe something with kid mohair.  I'm not sure.  I have to see what there is to see.  And if she still has that fabulous yarn I made the tribble out of, but in the right color, I'm going to get the stuff for her Christmas present too.  Oh, and maybe buy some new needles too. (No, I don't actually need any more of those, either.  Just want)

I did finally pick out a stitch pattern for the mitts, so I think I'm good there.  Of course, that may all change depending on the yarn.  And, also dependent on what I see, I may get yarn for that other thing I need to work on.  And at some point this weekend, I need to locate the yarn for Izzy's present, so I know exactly where it is.  

Then I'll spend the weekend yarning and possibly a bit of writing.  My goal is to get the mitts finished so that I'm not scrambling at the last minute, yet again.  Her birthday is sneaking up pretty quickly.  So that first.  Then my goddaughter's gift, which will probably be a toy of some fashion.  Then I'll turn my attention to my December gifts, one of which is crocheted, the other undecided.  

And in the midst of all that, I intend to write a novel.  

Thursday, October 24, 2013

One Step Forward

And two steps back.

(Hey BFF, pretend you aren't reading this post!  Kthnxbai!)

So!  The BFF is getting gauntlet style fingerless mitts for her birthday.  And remember before when I said I jacked up the pattern and I put them aside to focus on baby things?    Last night, I finished one of them.  I frogged out the bad part and picked up the stitches and got to work.  Except...yeah.  Not going to work.  I was making it up as I went along, thinking I knew what I was doing.  And I mostly did.  But I made some mistakes and so it's not going to work.  The cuff part isn't as long as I wanted it. And when I sewed it up, I made the thumb hole too low, so it didn't fit exactly right.  And I used a whips stitch to sew it up but I think I want to do it with mattress stitch instead.  And maybe even pick a different stitch pattern.

Anyway, half of me is just a little upset that I spend several hours making it and now it's going to amount to anything.  But!  I learned what I didn't want and how to fix it.  So I can start over and make it better.  Because now I know exactly what I want it to be.

All in all, tonight wasn't a complete waste.  I learned all the things I don't want to do and all the things that I do want to do.  And I now know exactly what I'm going to do.  With the exception of the actual stitch pattern of course :)

It's good when we can learn from our mistakes, right?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Things To Do

All right.  With the baby sweater off the table for now, I've prioritized what needs to get done.

--The BFF's birthday present.  I need to figure out what freaking pattern I'm going to use and just get it done.

--My goddaughter's birthday present.  As much as I have this fanciful notion of making her something for each birthday, I'm okay if I have to go shopping instead.  I'm kicking around a couple of ideas, but time, as per usual, is running out.  

--Izzy's birthday present.  I know exactly what I'm going to make her.  I even have the yarn for it already.  (From something I was going to make but never did)  If only I can locate it...

--My Autnie's shawl.  That one is going to be more difficult as I have yet to find an acceptable pattern.  

--There's one other thing that I'm making that also has a December deadline.

--And of course, Sis's blanket.  Have I bitched about that enough yet?  

With all this going on, I'm not sure how I'll have time to write or read.  Fortunately, I do have the first week of December off for some vacation time, so that'll help immensely.  I need to get crackin'.  Wish me luck and look for pictures in the near future!  

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Second Blessing: Part 5

Hello and welcome to the next episode of our continuing saga!

Catch up if you need to.  Our boys were left in a bad place.  Will they get it worked out?  Read on to find out!


Monday, October 21, 2013

Home Again, Home Again

I survived!

Actually, we had a very nice time.  It was the perfect time of year to be driving through the Berkshires.  It was such a pretty drive, with all the trees changing color and the occasional evergreen or bare tree in the mix.  It was seriously like driving through a painting.  And it made the five plus hours all the more bearable.

The hotel was nice and we just kind of hung out there Sunday morning, taking our time getting ready and heading out.  The baby shower was held in a restaurant and, though the space was a little cramped, the people were nice.  There were about a hundred different conversations going on.  And Brub and his girlfriend got so many nice things for the baby!  Seriously, this kid is set for about the first six months of his life.  At least clothes-wise. And quite a few of the necessities are taken care of as well.  And they got at least a couple of weeks worth of diapers, so that's nice too.  

Sadly, the cake wasn't that great.  But the food was delicious!  They actually had these specially printed menus and we could choose from about five or six entrees.  It was really good, I had the fish and chips, and enjoyed it immensely. 

The drive home was a bit harrowing...at least for the first hour.  There was so much traffic that at times we were practically stopped!  Brub kept telling us that as soon as we reached a particular exit, it would be like all the cars disappeared.  It took forever to get past that exit, but as soon as we did, it was literally like they just went poof!  After that it was much smoother and we just kind of chilled.

I fell asleep for about the last hour and that made the trip fly by, of course.  I woke up when the car slowed to pay the toll.  And then I knew we were but minutes from home.

All in all, it was a really lovely trip.  The only sight seeing we had time for was a quick trip to the home of Henry David Thoreau.  You know I'm a fan of HDT.  So I'll leave you with my two favorite shots from Walden Pond.

Walden Pond

A bit of the trail around the pond

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Off to Massachusetts!  Taking this sweet little hat with me, along with the fish.  

See you on Monday!  Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Stroller Toy

 Ok!  Ta Da!  Made a stroller toy!  Okay, so you can actually hang it on a stroller or a crib or even the car seat.  But fun right?  You can click to embiggen.  Anyway, so this is my fish stroller toy and I didn't like the tails that the pattern originally called for so I made my own instead.

A closer up shot.  It's hanging on the curtain rod in this pic and in the next one.  Because, you know, the curtain rod acts like the cross bar on a stroller/crib/car seat and so I wanted to see how it would look.  Still cute?  I think it is.  

And this one is a slightly different angle so you can see different parts of different fish.  So, anyway, a little something to stimulate his little growing mind and to occupy his time.  And maybe improve his hand-eye coordination as well.  I used the bright colors because that'll definitely catch his interest.  

So that's done and that's what I'll give at the baby shower.  Now, down to business!  We're leaving tomorrow somewhere around noon so I'll be around this weekend, but only as time/cell service allows.  (To be fair, I doubt coverage will be an issue, but you never know when you might end up in a dead spot)  And considering my weekend, I'm just going to go ahead and say that the next ep of Second Blessing will go up on Tuesday.  I may be able to finish it in time for Monday, but to ease stress (because I have enough heaped on this weekend) I'm just going to call it a Tuesday posting so I don't have to worry about it.  On Monday, instead, I'll give a recap of my weekend.  And if the leaf peeping is any good, maybe there will be some pics of that as well.  I haven't been to Massachusetts since I was about 18 (which is sad, because it's right over there) and it was a spring time trip.  Tune in Monday if you want to know about my weekend!

Everyone, have a lovely weekend yourselves.  And I hope yours is less stressful than mine expects to be.  And hey, maybe it'll all go better than I anticipate!  One can hope, yes?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

New Direction

After hearing some very sound advice, I decided to abandon the sweater.  Not forever, just for now.  There's no point in busting my ass to get it done when it can be gifted later.  Namely at my nephew's birth or even Christmas, which will be a short few weeks later.  So instead, I'm making a crocheted toy.  Not Death By Carrot, because I was made to promise that no toys made were morbid and/or creepifying.  

But first I had to find the pattern book.

Now, I'm more settled than I was, but there are still a lot of things in boxes and bags.  And I looked every damn where for this pattern book.  It wasn't where it should have been, in one of the three canvass bags I keep yarn and patterns in.  And I was getting super frustrated.  But then, I found it!  In another bag that it shouldn't have been in that was sort of hidden.  So I started work on that last night.  I'm almost done, so look for pictures tomorrow!  Just two more fish to go!

Of course, I worry (because that's what I do) that people will think it's a cheap gift because it doesn't really look like much.  But I need to get over that.  It's my work and time.  And it's cute.  And useful.  And I already made a blanket and there was already a shower, so I think it's fitting that this present be less.

Now, I just have to get it done.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Time Limits Cause Trouble

I'm in trouble.  I really am.

See, I have the baby sweater I'm making for baby right?  And the shower is on Sunday.  And it's away, so there's travelling.  It's like a five hour drive.  We're leaving noontime Saturday.  So really, I have until about 11 Saturday to get the thing done.

I don't think I'm going to make it.

Because I still have about 30 more rows to finish the body.  But then there's the arms.  And I have to get it done before we leave because I have to have time to clean it (I always clean everything before I give it away, whether washing and blocking or at-home dry cleaning).  And really, it should be blocked...because it's knitted stockinette and that curls in on itself.  So, I have to make some decisions.

Option one is to make it a vest.  But it's not really shaped right for that and I think it would look ridiculous.

Option two is to incorporate the curlage into the design.  Make it a bit longer in the body so that when the edge curls up that's how it's supposed to be.  The sleeves would work fine that way because that way it won't be covering up baby's hands.

Option three is to work the bottom edge of the sweater and the sleeves in a rib so that it lies flat.  It would mean a bit more work, though not anything harder, and I'm already short on time.

Option four is to abandon it completely, raid the yarn stash, and make, like, five hats in fun and funky colors.  He is a winter baby after all.

Option five is to abandon it completely and buy something at the store.

Really, I think I've already ruled out option one.  Because of it's shape, with the raglan sleeves, it needs to be a sweater.  Option two is the easiest and option three would look nice.  Option four is a nice idea, but he's already got a bunch of hats (Izzy got him a little viking hat...so damn cute!)  And option five just makes my skin crawl.  I make stuff.  That's what I do!  Buying something just seems like a cop out.  And it's generic.  The handmade gift, that's something only he has.

But time is bearing down on me and I just don't know if I'll get it done.  If I ignore everything else on my plate and just do that for the next three days, I'm certain I actually can get it finished.  

I guess I just needed to lay everything out so I could see it in black and white.  So, work like crazy tonight, tomorrow night, and Friday night, and it should be done by Saturday morning.  Everything else in my life can wait until Monday, right?  There's nothing that is earth shattering if I don't get it done.  At least, I don't think so.

So, that's the goal.  Knit like crazy until it's finished.  (Yes, Alder, I promise to do my stretches)  

Of course, this time crunch just makes me think of all the other things I need to get done.  The BFF's birthday gift, my goddaughter's birthday gift (both November) and Sis's blanket has been languishing in the third done stage for months now and I promised it to her and it's still not any closer.  And don't even get me started on Christmas.

And on top of all of that?  November is NaNoWriMo and I was going to do that this year, on purpose, and try to write an entire book and...wait.  Wait.  Deep breaths.  One thing at a time.  Get through this week and the weekend, and then freak out about everything else.  Right?  Right.

So now I just need to choose between option two and three by the time I get home from work tonight.  

I'm in trouble.    

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Second Blessing: Part 4

Ta da!  As promised, the next episode is up for your consumption.  

I hope you enjoy.  And are intrigued enough to find out what happens next.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Slight Delay

Second Blessing's next episode will go up tomorrow instead of today.  With the weekend and the exhaustion, I didn't get a chance to give a proof read.  So, tune in tomorrow for the next episode!

Instead, I'll give you a quick recap of the weekend.

The baby shower went off without a hitch.  Everyone had a good time.  I was ready to run and hide throughout most of it but I put on a brave face and muscled through.  There was lots of yummy food and good fun and lots of laughter.  Lots of awesome presents too.  Everything she wanted and needed.  My blanket was a big hit and that made me happy.  What can I say, I'm prideful like that.  

At any rate, I'm glad it's over, because it was exhausting.  And there were too many people for my comfort.  But it was good and that's what matters.  

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Shower Day!

It's here.  The day we're having a bunch of people in to celebrate the anticipated birth of my nephew.  

Honestly, it's a bit of "world's colliding."  There's my family, there's her family, there's Brub's friends from law school and a few from his old work, and Izzy and The BFF, too.  So yeah, it's going to be a an interesting mix of people.  But we're all coming together with a common goal.

And food.  There's going to be so much yummy food.  And cake.  

So now, I'm going to put up the decorations (which is all on me, I bought them and I love them, it's fun!) and do all the food prep.

The thing about parties though?  You spend all this time getting ready: planning and cleaning and cooking and what have you.  And then, in a matter of hours, it's over.  Done.  Days and weeks of preperation for four hours of merriment.  Is it worth it?  Really?

We shall see.  It'll be a good time at least.  

And I'll certainly be looking forward to a nap when it's over.  

Friday, October 11, 2013

I Love Yarn Day

Do you know what today is?!

It's I Love Yarn Day!

No, really.  It is.  And I had no idea any such thing existed but I woke up this morning to several emails proclaiming it's I Love Yarn Day and, of course, there were sales.  *whimpers*  Yarn sales!  What's a girl to do?

Turns out, the Craft Yarn Council  has proclaimed this the day to reaffirm the passion for yarn.  I seriously don't know how I never knew there was a yarn appreciation day.  But, even though I probably won't be partaking of the sales (sadface) it's really wonderful to know that there's a day to appreciate and celebrate all things yarn.  Totally gives me the warm and fuzzies.

I have a million things to do today: going to the bank and buying decorations and cleaning the bathroom and hanging some curtains.  But I'll make a point to spend some time with the yarn.  It'll certainly be a good time out for me, and a way to decompress a little.

Enjoy your day!  And if you know a fiber-holic, make sure you wish them a happy I Love Yarn Day!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


It totally gets an exclamation point because I feel like I've actually, finally, got some things accomplished.

I got some boxes unpacked, some clothes put away, some things hung on the walls, some books on the shelves...I've finally got some space and I feel like I can breathe again.

I ordered a new laptop desk and it should arrive in a few days. That will make the writing and the blogging and the research a hell of a lot more comfortable.

I got a bit more done on the baby sweater and it looks like I just may have it done it time for the shower in a week and half.  I still think I'll be scrambling when it comes down to the end, but I probably wouldn't know what to do with myself if I actually had a project done with room to spare.  It's happened twice in recent memory, with the baby blankets, and it feels really good.  But I've always worked well under pressure.  I once wrote three ten page papers in one day when I was in college.  I double majored in Religious Studies and Procrastination. :)

So, off to work, and then the time budget has me working on yarning for most of the evening.  Tomorrow is supposed to be writing, but I may have to push that off in favor of the baby sweater.  We shall see.  

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


So, I have a laptop right?  And I had this awesome tray type thing, that had adjustable legs and the fan built right in so that I could work or read while sitting cross legged on the bed.  Could even lay back on the pillows and be super comfortable and have the laptop right there.  I mean, that's the point of a laptop right?  So you don't have to always sit at the desk?  But notice how I said had?

The other day, one of the legs just snapped off.  And while it was going down, it took the other leg on the same side with it.  Two legs just poof!  Broken.  It happened so fast there was nothing I could do to stop it.  There was nothing I could do to save it.  And I kind of stared at the wreckage for a few minutes because I was shocked and pissed.  I loved that thing, it was perfect.  Alas, sadly, it is no more.  I tossed the legs in the trash with much more vehemence than was necessary and consoled myself with Reese's Big Cup (god, I love those things!) and moved on.  

I've done without for a few days.  But I'm going to have to buy another one. Now, I was saving for other things, but I'm going to have to dip in and get a new one.  I can't not have it, I've found.    Because it just doesn't work as well without it.  And I'm pretty sure it's stifling my creative process.

We can't have that now, can we?

**edit--I thought I had scheduled this to post after I wrote it this morning, but apparently not.  Sigh.  Sometimes, I'm painfully technologically challenged**

Monday, October 7, 2013

Second Blessing: Part 3

All right!  Here we are.  An extra week made all the difference and I was able to get my thoughts on the page.  Or rather, Daniel and Sean's thoughts and actions.

Catch up, if you need to, but clickiing the label.  


Friday, October 4, 2013


Work has gotten, in a word, crazy.

Yesterday was the epitome of that.  See, we got this new system for part of what we do and it's full of problems.  Remember?  A while ago, I was supposed to learn the new system so I could show other people.  That didn't end up happening because they moved the training and I had to stay in the office that week because someone else was out and Ro was back so she went instead.  But anyway, we went live with it last week and it's been a hot mess ever since.  It doesn't work like it's supposed to and it was a push to make it go live and nothing, nothing, is turning out right.  So there's that.

And then, for some reason, all the whack jobs came out of the woodwork and have been calling and I had to spend most of my time on the phone explaining the same thing over and over again because they just can't seem to understand the words that are coming out of my mouth.  It's frustrating and I don't blame them, not really.  But it's making for stressful times.  

All in all, I'm very glad it's Friday and there is weekend to look forward to.  And breakfast with the BFF at our place tomorrow.  And a trip to the farmers market. But also? Amy Lane's Ethan in Gold is out today and I can't wait to get home and read it.  I've been waiting for this boy's story since he showed up in Chase in Shadow and even more so once we got to know him better in Dex in Blue.  I just know my heart it going to be torn up and put back together again.

I just need to make it through the next 8 hours.  And then I can relax.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Tale of Two Knitters

So, it turns out that Mum had a baby hat pattern the whole time that I could have used.  Now, I'm not discounting the hours and hours that I spent perusing free patterns on the interwebz-- because, seriously folks, that's one of my favorite past times--but come on!  Why did I not think to ask Mother if she had one?!  I sometimes forget that she was a knitter, too.  Not that she does it much anymore.  Quilts have been her thing for quite a while now and she's very talented.  Me?  I can't sew a straight line and the sewing machine kind of scares me.  Sis quilts, too.  And knits.  And crochets.  Bitch.

Okay, no really.  I'm teasing.  See, here's the thing though.  Sis lived in Colorado for four years.  And when she came home she was all, "I need a hobby!" and I was like, "Well, I could teach you to knit."  Now, two things.  First, she already knew how to crochet, I had taught her that long before, and she didn't really love it.  And second thing?  At the time, I knew how to knit.  But I sort of sucked at it. I hadn't discovered Portuguese style yet.  Anyway, she says no but then shows up like a week later and gives me the eyebrow waggle and says, "Want to teach me to knit?"

So I did.  I found a couple of needles and some spare yarn (cause, let's face it, I had tons to spare) and I showed her how to cast on and how to do the knit stitch.  She got bored with that after a couple of rows and so I showed her how to purl as well.  And there she went, knitting along.  And a little bit later I looked over and she's got this beautiful piece of stockinette fabric.  I glowered.  I said, accusingly, "You knew how to do this before!" and she was quick to deny.  She'd never knitted before.  But this thing she was creating?  The tension was perfect, her stitches were lovely.  Bitch.

No, still teasing.  But I'm not going to lie, I was jealous.  Because with hardly any effort, she was doing so much better than I could do.  Of course, then I found Portuguese style and I far surpass her now.  Mostly because I actually finish stuff.  And now I've had way more practice than she has.  I'm obsessed with it too, in a way she isn't, so that helps too.

Anyway, I've finally finished my time budget.  Okay, really only sorta.  It's a mini time budget.  Cause stuff keeps happening and getting in my way.  But I've got a couple of days worth of time budgeted and so we'll see how that goes.  God, I can't wait until all the crazy calms down.  Seems like it's been going on forever.

Tonight, the first item on the budget is "practicing" some more knitting.  I've got a sweater to make!  

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Time has a way of sneaking away on me.  One minute, I look at the clock, and I've got plenty of time.  And then, the next, like three hours have passed and it's time for me to crawl into bed and I haven't gotten anything accomplished!

Happened again last night.

Okay, so I did get a bit accomplished.  I got some research done that I needed to do, so that was good.  But nothing is solidifying quite the way I want it to.  I have a severe case of the writer's block.  

I didn't get anything more done on the baby sweater, and I have to because the shower is in three weeks...the one in the girlfriend's corner of the woods, that is.  And I don't want to be scrambling last minute to get things finished.  I really, really hate when I have to do that.  

And speaking of time getting away from me: how is it October already?!  Now, I'm not a big fan of this month anyway (don't really know why) and there are some anxiety inducing events going on this month.  Which absolutely makes it worse than normal. So it's October and I've got 30 more days until I can relax in my skin again.  Ugh.  It's going to be a stressful time.  And even if I get good news, I have a feeling it will be fleeting euphoria.  At least until October is over.  I'm going to try very hard not to let it get me down, but this month has a tendency to pull me under anyway.

Incidentally, this is my 345th post...and the consecutive numbers amuse the crap out of me.