
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Fixing Mistakes

I'm human.  I make mistakes.  

When it's in writing, sometimes it's something as simple as correcting a typo and I can just fix it right there in the document.  Sometimes, though, an entire scene isn't working.  In this case, I have the awesome tool that I can view two documents side by side.  This is an awesome benefit of Windows 8.1.  I can just slide one document to the left, and it takes up half the screen.  Then I slide a new doc to the right to take up the other half.  I can read what's on the left, what I've already written, and write the new scene to fit in.  Then it's simply a case of cutting the old scene (and pasting it into the new doc just in cases) and then copying the new scene and pasting it into the doc I'm working on.  Ta da!  

It's sometimes hard for me to change my words.  Especially when something amuses me.  But if it only amuses me because of the inside jokes with myself, and in fact induces eye-glazing, then it needs to go. So this morning, an entire scene is getting rewritten.

If only it were that easy when the mistake shows up in the yarn.

Sometimes I can leave the mistake in the yarn.  No one will even know it's there except for me.  Sometimes there are easy fixes, techniques specially developed and lovingly learned by me so that I can correct what went wonky.  Sometimes the fixes are way more involved, but worth the time and patience, because the correct work looks so much nicer.  And sometimes, there's no help for it.  Sometimes the work needs to be frogged and restarted.  And even though it's frustrating as hell sometimes, that's worth it too, when I can have a good finished project instead of something that looks icky.

But whether it's yarning or writing, or life for that matter, it's all about recognizing mistakes and being willing to correct them.  It's not always easy, but it's always worth it.  

Friday, November 21, 2014


The snow is falling.

Round these parts, we've barely gotten a couple of inches, and some of that melted away before new stuff fell.  Basically, we're rocking the powdered sugar coating that I love so much.  Roads are just wet so they aren't treacherous, and the houses and grass and trees look very pretty.  It's cold, really cold, but I have thick blood having grown up with it and never straying far, so after the initial shock of it, I'm happy.

A few hours west of here is a different story.  They got about six feet of snow in basically 24 hours.  Since I'm only (barely) five four, it would be way over my head.  I'm just grateful that didn't dump on us.

But it's put me in the mind of snowflakes, and so I've been making a few.  The first one didn't turn out like I wanted, so I have to do that over.  But I've got a few more drying now, so we'll see how they go.  

It's fun, if slightly painstaking, work.  As you can imagine, it takes delicate yarn and a tiny hook.  And I don't even do it with as thin a thread and tiny a hook as it could be done.  Maybe should be done.  Instead, I use fingering weight, and a size B hook.  It's still pretty dainty.  But they are rather quick to work up.  Then it involves pinning them out in the right shape, and painting them with a glue and water mixture so they hold their shape.  

A couple will eventually be taking trips.  But the majority?  They'll be hung up along with my other decorations.  And that, I'm super excited about.  I can't wait.  I'll share pictures when they're complete!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

A Goal

Yesterday, on my day off, I woke up at pretty much the regular time.  Turned off my alarm and the dozed for a bit.  Woke up for real about a half an hour later, and then just kind of lazed in bed for a while.  That, right there, was glorious.

When I didn't have to make an effort to throw back the blankets, I got up and got coffee.  Then, with my coffee in hand, I sat at my computer. Two hours later, I'd had two cups of coffee and a cup of tea, and had written 2k words.  

I wish that was my every day.

It was wonderful to just stay in my jammies and still be productive.  

I wrote until about 11:30.  I had taken the day off so that I could go to Sis's doctor's appointment with her because she didn't want to go alone.  (There was a thing, she's fine, it was just a little nervous-making and she needed some support)  After the appointment, we went out to lunch.  Then I wrote a bit more, and took a wee nap (way shorter than usual).

Can I just say again I wish that was my every day?

Well, that's the dream anyway.  I don't know if I can make it an actual reality, but it's a goal.  I'd love not to have to cram the writing in on nights and weekends, around all the other stuff that I need to accomplish.  That would be awesome.  Make writing the daytime thing, yarn and errands around that.

Someday, eventually.  I'm working towards it.  

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


I put a string of lights up.

Now, hang on a minute, don't judge.  I haven't turned them on, other than to make sure they worked, and I won't until it's Christmas season.  But I had a very practical purpose for hanging them even though they aren't doing anything.

I just bought them, and I needed them to stretch out.  Straight out of the box, they are all still coiled and don't want to give up their tension.  So I hung them up to let them relax, stretch, and get comfortable.  Then, by the time I'm ready for lights, they'll look pretty and nice, instead of all scrunchy.

See?  I'm thinking ahead.  

I've got a couple more strings that will go up when it's decorating time.  And, oh boy, let me tell you, I'm ready for Christmas decorations.  I have a list and a chart (okay, the chart is just in my head) and I know what will go where.  It's going to be lovely.  

And I can't wait!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Out Of Bed

I hate getting out of bed in the morning.  Hate. It.  Waking up is no problem, but the physical act of getting out of bed takes a sort of Herculean effort.  And it's no better when I actually am looking forward to something.  I just really, really hate getting out of bed.

It was particularly hard this morning.  Last night I broke down and pulled out the down comforter because it was just cold enough that it was distracting me from falling asleep.  Of course I woke up a few hours later sweating to death, but then I just tossed the comforter aside and fell back asleep.  By then I was toasty warm and comfortable, so it was easy.  But when I woke this morning, I laid there in y happy, warm cocoon and I had to really talk myself into getting out of bed.

Only the threat of being late and the promise of coffee made me move.

I hate being late and I love coffee more than I hate getting out of bed.

And tomorrow I can languish there a bit longer as I have the day off.  So I just need to get through today, and then I'll be home again, and I won't need to worry about getting out of bed until Thursday.  

Monday, November 17, 2014

It's the Holiday Season!

I really love this time of year.

'Round these parts, we get the snow, which for me makes the season.  Now, don't get me wrong.  I'm not a fan of blizzards, or 18 inches in 18 hours or anything like that.  But when it's all less than a couple of inches, and it just looks pretty on the grass and the houses and cars and trees, well that makes me really happy.

And Thanksgiving!  Oh, yes, how I love that holiday!  It a wonderful day, and my favorite part is spending it with my family, stuffing ourselves full, and enjoying the hell out of each other.  We usually laugh really hard, and often play board games.  Watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV, and a few other things that are tradition.  I love it.

And then, after the turkey coma wears off, it's the official start to the Christmas season.  I have to admit, I'm anxious and excited to get decorating, because I love seeing the Christmas cheer all around me.  

And holiday movies...I cannot even tell you how addicted to holiday cheesy romances I am.  Though most of them are het, I still love them.  On top of all my other Christmas movies.  That's basically all I watch from the day after Thanksgiving until Christmas.

So anyway, family time, and holiday cheer, and this whole end of the year makes me very happy.    

Friday, November 14, 2014


The BFF and I are having one of our night tonight.  It's been a bit since we got together--she hasn't even seen my hair yet--and with it being her birthday week, it was the perfect opportunity.  

We're having dinner at our diner, followed by prezzies, wine, and playtime.  We'll get a little bit drunk while we chat, and write, and do our respective things.  I love our playtime.  It's always recharging for me.

She's already decided on waffles for dinner.  Which makes  me grin because it's a fun deviation from the norm.  And she's feeling a little poorly, but I was assured that waffles and wine not only cure sickness but promote creativeness.  It's going to be a good night.

Now, I totally cheated on the BFF's birthday present.  The blanket isn't done, nowhere near, and she knew it all all along.  She knew I was making it, and she knew she wouldn't get it on time.  So she's getting some other things instead.  But it's a cheat, and I feel a bit bad about it.  She's already forgiven me for that, but...I still feel a bit bad.  

At any rate, it's going to be a great start to a great weekend!

Hope y'all have a lovely weekend!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Happy Birthday!

To the BFF!!

Happy birthday to my girl, my rock, my confidant, my support, my awesome BFF.  

It was my good fortune when I stole you.  I'm keeping you.  May your day be filled with awesome.  I love you 12ever.  

Monday, November 10, 2014

Locks of Love

I can't believe I forgot to talk about this!  Seriously!  It's a huge thing, at least for me, and it weirdly has slipped my mind since it happened.

Long hair is my thing.  I've pretty much had it my entire life.  And it's sort of my security blanket, if I'm honest.  Mostly it hangs all the way down my back, and I'll get trims, but never really cut it.  Only, it was getting a little...ratty.  Split ends and breakage like you wouldn't believe.  So I took a huge leap, and cut it off.

Like, massive cut it off.  What once used to be hanging down to my ass, now barely brushes my shoulders.  More than 15 inches are just...gone.  It's a huge change for me, and I've never had my hair quite this short.  

Sis actually cut it for me.  And just as she was about to take the scissors to my hair, I told her to hand it to me as she cut it off.  Before that moment, saving it never even crossed my mind.  But I'm glad that I thought of it before she cut, because now I have a 15 inch ponytail to send to Locks of Love.

So even though I'm sad that my hair is gone, it'll do some real good.  And that makes me happy.  And makes it's loss easier to bear.  

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November...

Not a holiday per se...

Still, 'round these parts, it's an important day.

Midterm elections are going on today here in the US, and there are a lot of tight races.  Some will tip the balance one way or the other.  Maybe not any that I vote in, but that didn't stop me from stopping at my polling place this morning and casting my ballot.

It's my privileged and my right.  It's my duty.  It's something I've taken pride in since I was 18 years old.  My vote matters.  

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Left One First

So it's November!  Yay!  That means October is done, and I have a weird and completely inexpiable dislike for that month.  But November is here and that is good. 

Less than 8 weeks till Christmas!  Woo!

So yesterday, I had a marathon yarning session.  I made up my own pattern for a pair of fingerless mitts.  And you know how I hate doing two of something.  So it was torture.  The good kind, but torture nonetheless.  But I was bound and determined that I would get them done, and it took me all damn day but they are finished.

It wouldn't be me if everything worked out properly of course.  I had to frog it twice before I really got started.  I made them with variegated yarn, and normally when I do mitts, I work the ribbing flat, and then start working in the round, sewing up the gap in the beginning.  But because of the way these colors worked, I had to start in the round from the very beginning.  So that was the first frog.

The second happened after I had finished about two inches, and realized they weren't big enough.  Because, you know, math.  So I had to take rip it out again.  These both happened on Friday night.  So I made a plan, and got cracking early yesterday morning.

And dudes, it worked out perfectly!  I was a little bit surprised myself.  Because, you know, winging it as I went along.   I mean, I knew theory and all but putting it into practice was something else entirely.  I had very specific requirements, and I had to custom fit them to someone.  So I was convinced it was going to be one big hot mess.  Especially after the false starts.  But yeah, once I got going, and it was actually working, I was like a yarner on fire.  

My fingers are sore, and my wrist is aching something fierce, but yeah, I got two mitts done.  After I finished the first one, about 3 o'clock, I had a serious attack of SSS.  Holy crap, did I not want to do the second one.  It was epic, and I whined out loud even though there was no one to hear.  But I just made myself do it.  The second mitt took a bit longer, because I had to take breaks and procrastinate a little with Youtube.  And then there was a whole incident with being roped into taking Tato to work. And then, long about ten, I was so tired I was nearly falling asleep.  But I was so close to being done, that I just made myself push through.  It took me until about 11:40, but God that sense of satisfaction was huge.  

But here's the thing that I realized when I was working on the mitts.  I made the left one first.  And it occurred to me that I always do.  When making mitts, and I've made my fair share, in which there is an actual wrong side and a right side, I always make the left one first.  I have no clue why.  But it's an interesting observation anyway.  

The yarn is totally sumptuous, 100% alpaca, and it just feels awesome.  And as per usual, I overbought.  This time, though, I really thought it would take almost the entire hank to make one, so I bought two hanks.  It took about 2/3 of one hank to make both.  Of course.  The good news is that I have the lovely, wonderful yarn now that I can use for something else.  Maybe fore me, as it's blues, and I love blues. 

I'm not going to post the pattern, because I only have it half written down in "Kris speak" but if anyone wants it, just drop me a note and I'll send it to you when I have it transcribed into English.  Well, into knitting, but you know what I mean.  In the meantime, check 'em out!