
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, November 14, 2014


The BFF and I are having one of our night tonight.  It's been a bit since we got together--she hasn't even seen my hair yet--and with it being her birthday week, it was the perfect opportunity.  

We're having dinner at our diner, followed by prezzies, wine, and playtime.  We'll get a little bit drunk while we chat, and write, and do our respective things.  I love our playtime.  It's always recharging for me.

She's already decided on waffles for dinner.  Which makes  me grin because it's a fun deviation from the norm.  And she's feeling a little poorly, but I was assured that waffles and wine not only cure sickness but promote creativeness.  It's going to be a good night.

Now, I totally cheated on the BFF's birthday present.  The blanket isn't done, nowhere near, and she knew it all all along.  She knew I was making it, and she knew she wouldn't get it on time.  So she's getting some other things instead.  But it's a cheat, and I feel a bit bad about it.  She's already forgiven me for that, but...I still feel a bit bad.  

At any rate, it's going to be a great start to a great weekend!

Hope y'all have a lovely weekend!!


  1. And selfies with said items will be posted when I am looking hot! ~Share

    1. Even though they are total cheats! *kisses*
