
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Out Of Bed

I hate getting out of bed in the morning.  Hate. It.  Waking up is no problem, but the physical act of getting out of bed takes a sort of Herculean effort.  And it's no better when I actually am looking forward to something.  I just really, really hate getting out of bed.

It was particularly hard this morning.  Last night I broke down and pulled out the down comforter because it was just cold enough that it was distracting me from falling asleep.  Of course I woke up a few hours later sweating to death, but then I just tossed the comforter aside and fell back asleep.  By then I was toasty warm and comfortable, so it was easy.  But when I woke this morning, I laid there in y happy, warm cocoon and I had to really talk myself into getting out of bed.

Only the threat of being late and the promise of coffee made me move.

I hate being late and I love coffee more than I hate getting out of bed.

And tomorrow I can languish there a bit longer as I have the day off.  So I just need to get through today, and then I'll be home again, and I won't need to worry about getting out of bed until Thursday.  


  1. I hate getting up in the mornings, too.

    Enjoy your day off tomorrow!

    1. Getting out of bed just plain sucks! :)

      Thanks, I intend to.

  2. Lucky you! But I only have to work two days next week

    1. I have to work all four. Blargh. But tomorrow will be nice, except for that one thing I have to do.

  3. I used to find it much more difficult than I do now. But the only way I could deal with it is by allowing time to enjoy being in bed before I had to get up, and I still do that. I never get out of bed the minute I wake up.

    1. Mmm, yes. I snooze for at least half an hour. There's no way I could jump right out of bed, no matter what. :)
