
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Snow, Snow, and More Snow

Last winter, it was hardly winter at all.  My hometown still won for the most snowfall in the state, but that wasn't saying a lot.  We bought a new snowblower and never, ever had to use it.  The other day, that changed.  I finally got the snowblower out, managed to get it running for the first time, and about a minute and half later, ran over the hose which I had no idea was lying on the ground.  In the process, the sheer pin broke on one side of the auger.  Now, apparently that's what a sheer pin is supposed to do.  It breaks off and stops the auger so that you don't ruin your engine.  I had no idea this even existed.  Fortunately, my uncle is a genius and he came over and together we replaced the sheer pin and got on with the blowing of the snow.  And now I can replace it should it ever break again.

The snow is still coming down, though much lighter and at less of a pace than before.  I had forgotten, given last years mild winter, just how much snow we could get around here.  Part of me loves it.  I'm a fan of snow.  But only when the roads are clear and I don't have to shovel and snowblow.  Because seriously?  Every part of me hurts after the last couple of days.  Muscles not used to working in that way.  I can barely lift my arms.

In other good news, last night I finished writing a short story!  It was the first time I've ever written anything of this length.  I've done a lot shorter and much, much longer.  But never anything like this.  Right now, it's in the hands of my beta readers and I'm awaiting feedback from all quarters (thirds?).  Once they tell me where the problems are, I can fix.  We'll see what they say.

I'm also very much looking forward to a nap in a bit.  I love naps.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Well, then...

I had intended for a Merry Christmas post to go up yesterday wishing everyone a joyous holiday season but alas, I didn't schedule it right and it never went.  Sometimes, I'm painfully stupid about things like that.  So I'll say it now...

I hope everyone has a joyous holiday season filled with love and peace.

That said, here's what's going on...

My dear aunt who would have been at our house sharing the Christmas meal with us, fell down the stairs last week and, because she's bruised and a little bit broken, did not feel up to going out yesterday.  Instead, we packed up dessert and presents and traipsed over to her house so that we could celebrate some of the day with her.  She was well pleased to see us and it was a fun couple of hours.  She made me this wicked cool set of crochet hook and knitting needle wraps that keep them all contained.  Auntie is the craftiest person I know (as in she does a lot of crafts☺) and Sis and I take great joy in sharing things with her.

I whipped up an awesome scarf from some of the left over homespun thick and quick for my cousin.  May I say that it makes a luscious and wonderful scarf?  Highly recommended.

Santa brought me a lot of nifty gifites and though that was great fun (I think I reverted in age about 20 years) the absolute best part of the day was spending it with my family.  Dinner was wonderful and simply just hanging out with them was so very nice and needed.  I feel like my batteries are recharged.

The BFF got me the coolest thing!  Its a heated blanket that get it's power from USB cable.  I sweartogod!  I just plug it into an empty port on my laptop while reading or writing and my lap (or feet or shoulders) get all warm and toasty.  Seriously awesome. 

In other news, I'm getting a lot of pressure from my loyal fans (read: siblings, the BFF, and my  beta reader) to write something with the express intention of getting it published.  They are being very adamant about it.  I appreciate the support but it's also a little daunting.  That being said, I am sorting through plot bunnies and looking at avenues.  I don't want to say much about it now because I'm afraid of jinxing myself but I'll keep you posted when something develops.

I cannot believe that yet another year is about to close.  I'm looking forward to 2013.  My brain is already spinning with all the things I hope to accomplish!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

Yesterday it was cold and a tiny bit rainy and for like, a second and a half, it snowed.  It was gone about three seconds after that.  We haven't had any substantial snow fall at all yet.  But this morning I woke up and squeed!

There was several inches on the ground and it was still snowing!

Now, I hate driving in the snow as much as the next person.  And it never fails that there are people out there who apparently forgot what it was like since last winter and don't brush off their cars properly or hit the gas way too hard and go fishtailing or any number of other idiotic things.  And of course I would rather not shovel or snow blow or whatever else to move the snow from the driveway and sidewalks.  

But I actually like the snow.  Not tons and tons of it.  And not for six months (yes, that has happened here on occasion).  But during this time of year especially, I like a little snow.  If I had my way it would snow from the day after Thanksgiving to the second of January and only fall on the grass, the trees, and the rooftops.  Is that too much to ask?

Yeah, I know it is.  But I'm very pleased that we got snow and I'm pretty sure it'll stick around for a few days because yes, I love snow on Christmas.  

And tonight, the festivities begin with the BFF Christmas!  Presents and snacks and wine and Love, Actually and maybe more Christmas themed movies. It's going to be wonderful just hanging out and having flop time and watching our movie and just chillin'.  I'm very much a lot looking forward to it.  

And there is snow outside!

Friday, December 21, 2012

More Time in the Day

I really like to sleep.  A lot.  Like, really kind of a lot.  It's one of my favorite things and naps on the weekends are one of my ultimate guilty pleasures.  So, I can't give it up so that I can have more hours in the day.  Really, what I need is for the days to just be longer.  Not the daytime, mind you.  There are plenty of those hours and working for eight of them is more than enough.  No, just...how bout instead of 24 hour period, we have 36 hours?  That would suit just fine.

You see, if I had more hours, then I could still work for eight and sleep for ten and I'd still have a good 18 hours to split between reading/writing/yarning.  Because it stands, I have, like, five.  And isn't 18 way better than 5?

There's just so much more I want to do.  So much more that I want to have time for.  But instead, I have to choose what do to, cut time short on one thing if I want to go to another, or simply put it off until the next day (or later) in order to do one thing.  But if there were more hours between working and sleeping, I'd have so much more done!  It's the perfect solution!

I know, I know...it's just wishful thinking on my part.  A girl has got to dream though.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The 100th Post!

It seems fitting that I write my 100th post with celebratory news...That's right folks!  The tree is finally up, adorned, and sparkling!  And yes, it was a typical situation in which I did all the work while everyone watched.  OK, Sis helped with the lights and then opened boxes and handed me ornaments to put on the tree. 

Some other bits of random news:

Co-worker has a horrid flu and was in today before she left, went to the doctor, and found out it's a nasty version.  She's out until after Christmas.  We are all now paranoid that the flu will attack us all.  I'm crossing my fingers that it avoids me.

The BFF and I will be doing our Christmas prezzies plus our movie and wine on Saturday night.  I'm very excited for BFF time...and prezzies and wine.

I wrote a little story, basically because of a picture prompt over at Matty and Brad's blog.  Matt put it in the comments.  You can check it out here,  I also highly recommend following their blog.  It's fun and sweet and serious and a lot of wonderful things. 

I've got all my Christmas shopping done.  If there's anything else that I should have gotten, well, too damn bad.  I'm done and that's all she wrote.  

I'm very excited about Christmas this year, simply because everyone will be home, my aunt and uncle will be joining us, and there will be family time and a feast...and yes, OK, presents.  I like getting stuff, what can I say?  It doesn't make me bad, just makes me human.

I don't have to work on Christmas Eve, which is very nice.  It's the first time ever and I don't have to work because my boss told me I wasn't working that day.  I do have to work New Year's Eve, but only from 8 till noon.  At any rate, I appreciate the little bit of time they give us to show their appreciation.  It's little things like this that remind me yet again that I made the right choice back in March to take this job.

The muses have been fighting in my brain again.  I'm just waiting to see which one wins.  Right now, it's a draw.  They've retreated to plan their next attack.  I sometimes wonder why they can't combine forces.  There should be a way for me to yarn and write at the same time, right?

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

So, we all know my need for external validation.  And how I've been known to try and fish to get extra praise.  Yesterday, I'm very proud to say that I got a lot of thank yous and praise but I did not fish for more!  This may seem like not a big deal, but for me it is.  I made apple bread for the office party and gave my coworker the lapghan she ordered.  For both of these things, there was much love shot in my direction.  But I smiled and said thank you and I'm glad you like it and went about my business.  It's very nice to hear that my efforts are appreciated but I don't need more than that.  Knowing I've done a good job is enough.  Admittedly, I had to give myself a stern reminder before I got out of the car that whatever was said was enough.  Even if it was nothing, I didn't need the external validation.  I'm a work in progress, but I did well yesterday.

I also started a new throw with what's left of the homespun thick and quick.  It's so cushy.  I really love it a lot.  I don't know if I'm going to keep it or give it to someone else.  It's not really my color, it's a wine-y color called Claret, but I may keep it it because it's so fluffy and cuddly.  Or I may purchase some more in a more me-like color.  There are at least four different colors that I like.  And if I purchase more I can make it as big as I want.  Hmm...

In other news, the living room is still sans Christmas tree.  If I hadn't been so tired last night, I would have gotten it up no matter what.  But I needed sleep more.  So maybe tonight?  I'm not going to make any solid plans just so they can fall through, but I'll see if I can't get it done.  It's starting to stress me out, not having it up.  And I'm not enjoying that feeling.  Besides, it will really start to feel like the season once there are pretty lights and garland.  

I also baked another loaf of apple bread last night because the first words out of everyone's mouths when they saw me was that they didn't get any.  I made two loaves for the office party and brought them both in.  I didn't make any for home.  Apparently, that was a very bad thing.  I had one extra large apple left and that was enough for one loaf, so I halved the recipe and popped it in the oven.  The family was very happy with that.  Though mostly they just wanted to devour the bread.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

No Plans

I like making plans.  I like it a lot.  I always feel more secure when I have a game plan in place, a list of things I'm going to do.  Some sort of general idea about what's what and when and who.  But once again, my plans were foiled by others.  So, I'm not going to make plans anymore.  I'm not going to worry about when we get the tree up anymore.  They don't care then I don't care. 

OK, yeah.  That's totally not true.  But I'm not going to make plans about it.  I'm going to have a frank conversation with my family.  They aren't usually this lazy about getting the tree up and decorated so I'm not entirely sure what's going on.  But I'm tired of waiting.  Christmas is in a week (gasp!) and I want the tree up.

OK, OK.  Enough complaining from me.  I did get the lapghan done last night while the bread was baking. The yarn is super thick and soft and awesome and I'm glad I inadvertently bought too much because now I can make something else with it as well.  It's really fabulous.  I can absolutely see myself using it frequently in the future.  I'm putting it on my love it list!

Monday, December 17, 2012


The great tree plan of this weekend was foiled by well meaning members of the family who really want to help.  What that resulted in was the tree not getting up and decorated.  At all.  I'm trying not to be upset about it.  I'm trying very very hard to just roll with it and say, "OK fine, then let's make a plan to get it up and decorated." But the truth is...

The truth is, I am upset about it.

And the reason is simple.  This has happened in the past.  A lot.  For years now, I make the big plan and then it's "no, I want to help and I can't do it that day," or "let's not do it tonight, let's do it later." And then?  Then, I end up doing it myself.  Because, when it comes to the day, and even though everyone is there, I still end up having to do it all myself while they sit and watch me.


Well, I guess that's sort of tradition now too.  So I guess that I shouldn't be upset about it at all.  It's how it always goes and that appeals to the part of me that likes things the same year to year.  And at least, if I do it, then I know the ornaments get put where I like them to be.  And the lights will go on just how I like.  So, I guess it's a good thing after all, huh?

Izzy's party tonight, which will be fun.  And then home to bake some apple bread because our office party is tomorrow and we're going to have food all day.  And maybe while the bread is in the oven, I can convince the family to watch me put up the tree.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

O' Tannenbaum

The first thing you have to know about our tree is that it's fake.  And before you get all up in arms about it, we can't have real as several members of my family, including me, are highly allergic.  So, if we want to be able to breathe, then fake it must be.

The second thing is that it's old.  Really old.  Older than me.  It belonged to my grandparents.  It's the kind where the branches are individual and you have to fit each one into a hole on the center post.  

The third this is...well, there's no easy way to say it.  It's ugly.  I think it's attempting to be a Douglas Fir of some sort but it doesn't really succeed.  It's pretty hideous.  It's sad and pathetic and every year when I get it out of the box and get it all put together I think "50 bucks and we could have a normal looking tree."


The thing is, it's our tree.  Our tradition.  And once I get it all put together and get the lights on (white only of course) and get it all decorated, it's actually quite lovely.  Boarders on beautiful even.  And I love it.  And I think "this is why I didn't waste 50 bucks on a new tree." 

Of course, it always is a big to do.  Everyone wants to help and then, well, I end up doing it all myself anyway because they don't actually want to help, they just think they do.  So I put it together, and Sis helps with the lights, and then I end up putting on all the ornaments (which actually appeals to the bit of OCD I have so that I can put them right where I want) and then I have to rub my arms down with lotion because the tree branches scratch the crap out of them and because of the dermatographism it welts up in crazy patterns.  But in the end, it's worth it.

So, that's on the agenda today, finally.  Get the tree up and decorated.  Take something ugly and turn it into something beautiful. 

Of course, there is a pall of sadness over this day.  And many days to come.  In the wake of the tragedy in Newtown, CT, all I can do is hold my loved ones close, take comfort in the familiar traditions, and send thoughts and prayers eastward.

Friday, December 14, 2012

The "No" word

Yeah.  I did it again.  Someone asked if I could make something and without hesitating, without thought, I said, "Of course I can!" I swear, I always tell myself I'm not going to do it but...I don't know if it's my need for praise, or my need to help, or just an excuse to make something new.  At any rate, there's no pressure which is nice.  And I'm making a lapghan in Lion Brand's new Homespun Thick and Quick.  You can check it out here Homespun Thick and Quick. 

It's really super chunky and it will hardly take anytime to work up.  That I'm incredibly excited about.  And it's something I've never worked with before.  Well, I have made many a thing in homespun (it's one of my favorite yarns) but this new version is even thicker and cushier.  Big hook, I'm thinking an N or a P, and I'll be done in no time.  My brain immediately went into auto pilot, the yarn muse into overdrive, and I think I've thought of a pattern that will work quickly without being too heavy or too light.  I have to see how the yarn behaves first, but I'm thinking it can't be too different from Homespun original, right?

So, even though I couldn't say the no word, I at least get to play with a new yarn.  And when she says thank you, I will simply say you're welcome.  Because I don't need the extra validation.  I want it.  But I don't actually need it.  Right?

Monday, December 10, 2012

External Validation

I admit it.  I'm one of those people.  The ones that not only crave praise but also deny and fish and act like it's no big deal just so that I can get more.  So that I can hear it again.  I know everyone likes to hear a kind word of praise, but seriously, it's like I need it.  Even when I'm aware of what I'm doing, trying to get someone to say yet again that I'm awesome, I can't seem to make myself stop.  I'm also sure that this is a completely unattractive trait.  And yet, I still do it.

I'm trying to be better.  Really.  But then I get some praise and it's like my soul is starving to hear the words and I fall right back down in the pit of trying to get more.  

Today, I was soaking in it.  And my insides were glowing with happy because of the shock and awe.  And I was standing there, trying to act like it's no big deal, but really I was totally doing a happy dance in my mind, waiting to hear some more good words.  I was aware it was happening.  And I just couldn't stop myself because that external validation that what I had done was a good thing, an impressive thing, was feeding the pride monster within.  

My goal for next time I hear the words of praise and goodness is to simply say thank you instead of saying thank you followed by an attempt to get the person to say it again.  I'm going to try very, very hard.

I need external validation.  But one comment should be enough, right? 

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Ta Da!!  I'm a haberdasher!  I've made a hat!

When I first started knitting in the round, I did it with the time honored method of double pointed needles.  I quickly discovered that it was hard to knit that way.  It took a lot of practice to make it so you weren't constantly poking yourself in the hand/arm/eye.  And I discovered that I always had the problem of a bit of "laddering" between the needles.  My stitches weren't tight enough from one needle to the next.  I thought there had to be an easier way.

Ah!  The magic loop method.  The method of using one super long circular and pulling the cable out between stitches so that half of the stitches are on either side.  I was intrigued by this and enjoyed it, but I always had the problem of a bit of laddering at the beginning of the rounds.  And also, sometimes the cable itself got unwieldy and bent in a consternating fashion.  There had to be an easier way!

My preferred method now is the best I've found yet.  Using two circular needles.  Half the stitches on one, half on the other.  It doesn't matter how many or how few stitches you have on either one because the cable always bends where you need it too.  I don't have any of the problems that I'd had previously.  It's now my go to method whenever I knit in the round.  I highly recommend it.  

This hat, as I previously mentioned, is inspired by one of my favorite sweaters.  It has four cables, all with left leaning twists, that twists ever eight rows.  The only thing I made a change to is twisting alternate cables on a different row.  Every four rounds, I twisted a cable, but only every other one.  Just to give it a bit of movement.

I offset the cables by one stitch so that it basically straddled the ribbing.  And put a panel of four stitches of stockinette between the cables.   The construction of the hat is pretty standard.  Cast on 80 stitches.  Work 2x2 rib for two inches.  Slip the first stitch of the round onto the other needle.  Knit 4, purl 4, knit 8, purl 4, repeat around.  It's on the knit 8 panels that you twist your cables.  You can do it whenever you want.  Work until the hat is approximately 6 inches (try the hat on.  I always do.  When it reaches your earlobes is about when it's time to start the decreases).  I then knit one round plain.  After that, it's standard decreasing.  Knit 8, knit 2 together all the way around.  Knit one round even.  Knit 7, knit 2 together...knit a round even.  Knit 6, knit 2 together...get my drift?  Keep doing that until you have 16 stitches.  Knit 2 together around, cut an 8 inch tail, thread it through the remaining stitches, close it up.  Ta da!  Hat!

And that's how I made Izzy's hat.  And remembered to take a picture!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Learn To Say No

I am not so good at that.  People ask me for things and, of course, I say yes.  And sometimes I get myself in hot water because of it.  Suddenly, there's a deadline looming and I have to scramble and stay up late and be cranky.  Most of the time, it's yarn stuff of course.  Someone wants something and the next thing I know, I've got no time (because I admittedly like to procrastinate) and I have to just get it done.  And every time I do this to myself, I swear I'm not going to do it again.  Yeah, I didn't learn my lesson once again.

I sent the BFF a text and said, "I've really got to learn to say no."  Her immediate response? "What do you have to make now?"

It's really not a big deal this time around.  One scarf.  That's it.  The ruffly kind that I made before.  Won't take me hardly any time at all.  But it's a slippery slope and the next thing I know...I'm scared that someone else will ask for something and yes will pop out of my mouth before my brain kicks in.  

I've really got to learn to say no.  I just don't know if I have it in me.  

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The thing is...

The thing about time off from work is that it feels really good while it's happening and then you get to the end of it and realize that tomorrow you have to go back to work.  I keep looking at the clock thinking "Oh good, whatever o'clock.  I have plenty of time."  But the truth is, there is a part of me that's already coming down from the mini vacation high and knowing tomorrow I have to go back to work.

Now, I like my job.  It's a pretty decent way to pass the day and make money.  And I do the job to the best of my ability.  But still, I would much rather sit around all day and do nothing.  I don't know if that makes me lazy, per se, but if it does, I don't care.  I'd rather do nothing.  I'd much rather spend my time with the words and the yarn than have work time interrupt that.

Speaking of yarn, I started Izzy's hat and it's pretty.  I'm liking it.  Of course, I've already got to that point where I just don't wanna anymore.  And it's not even half done.  But in a bit I'm going to pick it up again and try very hard to finish it tonight, just so it's over.  And then I don't have to do it anymore.  

But first, I'm pretty sure I'm going to take a nap.  It is my last day off, after all.  

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Guilty Pleasure

I have more than my fair share of them.  It's true.  But, in keeping with the holiday theme, I will tell you about one of my absolute favorites: holiday themed romances.

I'm a total sucker for the love story that takes place at the holidays, Christmas in particular.  Hallmark channel is great at providing multiple movies on the weekends and even during the week.  My DVR gets filled with them during this time of year.  ABC Family usually has some, too.  And of course, I buy DVD's and books galore that have the theme.  Romance set at Christmas time never fails to be a trope that I love.  It doesn't matter if the acting or writing is bad (which, fortunately, is very infrequent), I still love them.  There's the classic meeting at the right time with unforeseen circumstances keeping them together for the holiday celebration or the getting together under the guise of saying they are together to appease their families while falling unknowingly in love.  And there are the ones where an established couple strive to make the holiday special for each other, or reconnect again, or put up with the hellish family gathering while trying to stay together.

It doesn't matter what, holiday themed romances are one of my greatest guilty pleasures.  

Dreamspinner Press has a yearly "advent calendar" and releases holiday themed m/m romances at this time of year.  All are available now, but you can also buy the whole set for automatic delievery of one story a day.  It makes my day to wake up and find one waiting for me. 

Feels Like Home  by Rowan McAllister was one that made me smile because it was cute.  Eight Days by Cardeno C. was just released and I adored it.  Puppy, Car, and Snow by Amy Lane is one of my all time favorites as is her just released Turkey in the Snow.  All can be found at Dreamspinner Press.

As for movies?  Holiday in Handcuffs with Melissa Joan Hart and Mario Lopez never fails to make me laugh.  Snow with Tom Cavanaugh and Ashley Williams is also adorable.  And there is the timeless Love, Actually which centers around the Christmas season and follows multiple characters as they navigate the waters of love.  

It doesn't matter the story, or the characters, or what brings them together.  If it's about love at Christmastime, I'm there.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


It's December first and that means it's the start of advent.  Now, I still consider myself Catholic even though I haven't been to church much lately.  It has more to do with my church itself than anything else and needing to find a new one, but that's another story.  This is about advent and how it's always been my favorite time of the liturgical year.  I always loved going to church, watching the advent wreath being lit at the start of mass, the hymns we sang at this time of year, and the anticipation of getting ready to celebrate Christmas.  I'm not good at waiting, like at all, but somehow, this four weeks never bother me.

I think it's because as much as I hate waiting, I love getting ready.  And that's what its all about.  Even though I won't be doing a lot of that in church this December, I will still be preparing myself to celebrate the holiday.  And Christmas, for me, is about spending time with my family and remembering all the things the holiday is really about.  OK, yes, there will be presents but that's not the whole deal, and that's what I love.  The whole spirit of the season.  It's about giving of yourself and about family and about kindness and generosity and love.  

It's my favorite time of year.