
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

So, we all know my need for external validation.  And how I've been known to try and fish to get extra praise.  Yesterday, I'm very proud to say that I got a lot of thank yous and praise but I did not fish for more!  This may seem like not a big deal, but for me it is.  I made apple bread for the office party and gave my coworker the lapghan she ordered.  For both of these things, there was much love shot in my direction.  But I smiled and said thank you and I'm glad you like it and went about my business.  It's very nice to hear that my efforts are appreciated but I don't need more than that.  Knowing I've done a good job is enough.  Admittedly, I had to give myself a stern reminder before I got out of the car that whatever was said was enough.  Even if it was nothing, I didn't need the external validation.  I'm a work in progress, but I did well yesterday.

I also started a new throw with what's left of the homespun thick and quick.  It's so cushy.  I really love it a lot.  I don't know if I'm going to keep it or give it to someone else.  It's not really my color, it's a wine-y color called Claret, but I may keep it it because it's so fluffy and cuddly.  Or I may purchase some more in a more me-like color.  There are at least four different colors that I like.  And if I purchase more I can make it as big as I want.  Hmm...

In other news, the living room is still sans Christmas tree.  If I hadn't been so tired last night, I would have gotten it up no matter what.  But I needed sleep more.  So maybe tonight?  I'm not going to make any solid plans just so they can fall through, but I'll see if I can't get it done.  It's starting to stress me out, not having it up.  And I'm not enjoying that feeling.  Besides, it will really start to feel like the season once there are pretty lights and garland.  

I also baked another loaf of apple bread last night because the first words out of everyone's mouths when they saw me was that they didn't get any.  I made two loaves for the office party and brought them both in.  I didn't make any for home.  Apparently, that was a very bad thing.  I had one extra large apple left and that was enough for one loaf, so I halved the recipe and popped it in the oven.  The family was very happy with that.  Though mostly they just wanted to devour the bread.

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