
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Daisy, Daisy

A couple hours of work and this is what you get.  Cute, right?  Even as I was making it, I was about three flowers in, I was thinking I was already bored with it.  Heh.  That's what happens to me sometimes.  Each step of the project, I was already bored after I had completed one flower, one leaf, one row for the base, sewn on one button.  But then, all of a sudden, I had all the parts.  And then I was looking at the parts going, oh dear lord, now I have to put it together.  But like fifteen minutes after that, I was done.  And then I was thinking, that was it?  I'm done?  Huh.

So, April is over, and I'm not quite sure how that happened.  There's a lot swimming in my head right now.  I'm anxious, for very good reasons, and I'm probably going to pretty much be that way, at least part of me, until August.  I did get the acknowledgement email from the publisher...they have the story and it's been routed to the editors for review.  No pretending it didn't happen now.  But it's out of my hands.

I've got two more episodes to write for Spell Break...unless the muse decides it's not done when I think it will be.  And the boys for the second story are talking to me, too.  And at least one of the boys from the third story.  That one is kind of miffed that I don't know any more than how his story starts.  He's being very nice about it and all, but really, he needs to relax.  Because there is much to take place before we even get to his tale and who knows what might happen between now and then.  I sure as hell don't.

Hey, at least they're still talking, right?   

Monday, April 29, 2013

Spell Break: Part 9

Okay.  I'm going to be blunt.  This episode?  Absolutely NSFW.  It should not be read where there are children and/or bosses looking over your shoulder.  It is rated X.  Straight up erotica.  You can skip it if it's not your thing, I won't be offended.  But I think it's pretty hot.

Well, I hope it is anyway.

Miss any of the first 8 episodes?  Click the label over there in the side bar and you can catch up.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Eventful Weekend

I spent most of yesterday lazing around.  And then I wen to Izzy's in the evening because she was having one of those parties where someone comes in an sells stuff.  It was a good time, hung out with the BFF (did I ever mention she and Izzy live in the same house?), I bought some stuff, got the yarn for the daisy wreath, and came home.

So I'll be working on that today.  It shouldn't take me too long, I don't think.  Since tomorrow is episode day, look for pics on Tuesday.

But also...

"I did it," she whispers, still very nervous and more than a little bit nauseous.  "I submitted a short story to a publisher for consideration."

Excuse me while I go vomit.  Nerves will do that to you.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Do Not Feed The Plot Bunnies

Okay, just so everyone is aware: you're not supposed to feed the plot bunnies! *glares roughly 3500 miles Northeast*

Seriously, it's a big no no.  Its like feeding a gremlin after midnight and getting it wet, which, as you know, is a very bad idea.  I'd go so far as to say it's downright dangerous.  They wreak havoc when you do that and my brain just can't handle it.  Really.  When you feed those plot bunnies, they don't just disappear into the ether.  Oh no.  They gain volume and strength and suddenly there's a whole other character and he's so damn adorable and sexy you just want to squeeze him.  And maybe lick him a little.  And he just kind of embeds himself into the story you're working on and then, the little bugger, he starts wanting his own damn story.  

But you know, I've got things to do other than write.  There are projects to complete and books to read and...

*sighs heavily and shakes head*  There's no help for it.  Once the plot bunny has been fed, there's no stopping it.

It looks like we're looking at a trilogy, folks.  

Thursday, April 25, 2013

I Feel A Case of the Randoms

My hair is very long, it hangs to my waist, and very curly, a mass of ringlets.  Not quite red enough to be called auburn, I call it reddish brown.  It's also very thick.  If I put it up in a bun right after my shower it will stay damp for three days (my roommates insisted on an experiment in college).  Despite the fact that I won't cut it, and love it to be this long, I can't stand it hanging in my face and 95% of the time, it's up in a ponytail or bun.

Elephants are my favorite animal and I collect them.  I have tons of stuffed elephants; big, little, extra cuddly, puppets.  They make me grin.  My first stop at the zoo is always the elephants, unless they are out in their pasture, and I could stand and stare at them for hours.  They used to give elephant rides, when I was wee, and I'd beg and beg and beg until my father would take me on one.

I got Cushly (my teddy bear and our favorite model) for my tenth birthday from my best friend at the time; she and her brothers all had one like him, but in different colors.  He's had multiple surgeries; his tracheotomy has been closed too many times to count and he also has had back surgery.  He suffers from alopecia and his scars are all keloid.  I've had him for more than twenty years and he still spends every night in my arms.  I can't sleep without him.

Fake cheesy snacks are my kryptonite.  Goldfish, or cheesy chips, or anything like that...if I don't pay attention, I'll eat the whole bag.  

I spend those minutes it takes to drift off to sleep watching entire scenes with my characters play out.  It's like a movie behind my closed lids.  Sometimes, I stop and rewind and "watch" parts again so that I can commit them to memory because I think they are what needs to be written down.  It's in those moments, and strangely enough when I'm in the shower, that I often do my best thinking.  Of course, those are both times that I'm unable to make notes.

Speaking of which...I've talked about my propensity for plot bunnies to attack over the most random things.  What's triggered them in the last couple of days?  A commercial for painters tape, driving behind a truck with a trailer attached filled with lawn care equipment, seeing the guy who delivers the water delivering bread at a restaurant, learning said delivery guy's name is Esteban, and talking to a really nice dude who was a claim service rep at an insurance company I had to call for the job.

Oh, and, as it looks now, there will be 13 total episodes of Spell Break, so there's actually five more episodes.  Yay!

Now that I've babbled on, yet again, about the randomness of me, it's your turn.  If you want to, tell me something random about yourself!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Essentials of Crafting

I was thinking about it last night...about all the things that are not actually "crafting tools" that I find necessary to have when I'm yarning it up.  So, I thought I'd share what I came up with:

You know those heavy plastic zippered bags that sheets, curtains, blankets, etc come in?  I keep them and use them to store yarn and projects in the works.  They often have a little pocket in the front where the product information was stored and this pocket is perfect for storing the hook or other accoutrements that go with the project.  And they keep extra yarn all nice and neat and safe.

Post It Notes are extremely handy!  Admittedly, this is not a trick I thought of on my own.  But if you're reading a pattern from a chart, it works well to cover up the extra rows and helps you focus on the row that you're working.  I'm told highlighter tape works well, too.  But I like the Post It Note because, like I said, it hides what I don't need to see at the moment.  I've also used that blue painters tape.  I have a roll left over and it's fabulous because it sticks well and peels off easily.

I always keep a little bottle of lotion and a nail file handy.  If my hands get too dry, then it's hard to work with the yarn.  And my nails, if one becomes jagged, snags the yarn.  So, these two things are essential.

My phone, or rather the camera on it, is also one of those tools that I must have.  If I see something I like, I'll snap a picture, or take a screen shot, so that I can zoom in and study it later.  That way, if I don't have the pattern, I can try to figure it out.  Or I can have a picture reminder of what I want when going to look for a pattern.  And of course, that makes it easy to take a picture of the final product, which...

I catalog in my computer with the name of the pattern or the pattern written out if I created it.  And, of course, there are thousands of free patterns out there so the computer becomes essential.  Talk about a time suck!  I can get lost on some of those sites for hours looking at and reading patterns.

Pen, paper, and a calculator.  Also, very, very needed.  Sometimes it's just to jot down lists of what I need to buy but I also use it to write out thoughts and patterns, of course.  And the calculator?  Well, we know I'm mathily challenged even when I do have something to help me add.  But, really, I couldn't do with out them.

I'm sure there are other things, but I can't think of them right now.  But it just goes to show, a lot of what you need to make the things that I do can't be found at a craft store.   

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning's End

As you may be aware, there was copious amounts of yarning this weekend.  I completed a couple of projects and played with some other yarn.  I started a scarf with one of the skeins of yarn that I got at the LYS and even though I'm making it in stockinette, which means I'll have to block it when I'm done (ugh!) I really like the way the colors are striping.  It's pretty cool and I'll be sure to post pics whenever that's done.

But I also wrote.

Here's the news: I now know Spell Break's end point.  Yes, my friends, the tale is coming to a close.  There are only three, possibly four, more episodes before the season ends.  It depends on how the muse lets it play out.  The next ep is ready (snickersnort) and the one after that is half written.  There is at least one more after that, possibly two, depending on how verbose the muse gets.  But don't fret!  The second season will pick up immediately after the first is finished.  Though it will focus on different characters, it takes place in the same world, so Jason and Kelly will be around.  In fact, if you use a little brain power, you just may be able to figure out at least one of the MC's. *g*  I will entertain guesses but I will neither confirm nor deny them...unless they're sent to me privately of course and you demand to know if you're right.  So yeah, a few more weeks and our tale will be complete and we'll start a new one.

In other news: grapevine has it that Izzy has gotten the ingredients needed to make a daisy wreath.  Once I have them in my possession, I'll yarn it up.  I'm still very excited about it.  

Monday, April 22, 2013

Spell Break: Part 8

Another Monday, another episode.

When last we left our intrepid heroes...well, you know you can just catch up if you click the label in the side bar.  If you haven't been following along, that is.  


Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Awesome BFF and A Bit of Yarning

My beautiful BFF took me to breakfast at our place yesterday as part of my birthday present.  The other part was the gifties I got as well.  You see, she ordered them from the webz, but of course, they didn't all arrive in time.  So, she said she'd take me to our place once they all arrived.  I sure as hell wasn't going to say not to that!  And let me tell you, they were well worth the wait!  She got me way fun stitch markers, things I can use when I'm knitting up my fun projects.  And to prove she knows me better than anyone, they are all things that I love.  So, I had to knit up a swatch so I could see them in action:
Yeah, that's right.  All the covers of the Harry Potter books.

Coffee Beans!  Sweet nectar of life!

Doctor Who...'nuff said.

So, after breakfast we hit up Barnes and Noble, but there wasn't anything to buy.  I can count on one hand the number of times I've walked out of that store without at least one book.  It's happened twice.  But we had fun browsing.  But then, after a nap, there was completing this:
 I had started it earlier this week, if you recall.  And I'd worked on it some each night, but I didn't get very far.  Yesterday, I decided I was going to work hardcore on it.  And before very long, I was at the middle.  And then, I thought that I would just keep going.  Once I got to the second half, and was decreasing stitches, then I was all set to just keep going until it was done.  I really wish y'all could touch it because it's so plush and soft!   
 It's worked on the diagonal in garter stitch.  The yarn is really chunky so I used US 13 needles.  It's really simple, too.  

CO 4 stitches.

Next row: Knit 2, make 1, Knit to end.

Repeat this row, every row, until it's 36 inches across.

Next row: Knit 2, Knit 2 together, Knit to end.

Repeat this row, every row, until you have four stitches left.  Bind off.  Nothing could be easier.  

And I think it gives it just a bit of differentness, you know?  To be on the diagonal.  If my coworker is, in fact, having a girl, she'll get this.  If not, well...I have the other yarn and I'm sure I can come up with something fun to work with that, too!

Now, all that's left that I have to work on is Sis's afghan.  Which I still don't have all the yarn for.  And kinda don't want to work on anyway.  I do have that lovely hand painted chunky yarn I got from my LYS that's been taunting me for a week, though...  

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Ta Da!

Okay, so my day yesterday?  Pretty fabulous!  First, there was Dirty Laundry with my coffee.  And it was so good.  I think if you're a fan of the Cole McGinnis series, this one is going to be your favorite.  The characters get even more developed, which I think is essential in a series; the characters have to keep growing or else it's the same story over and over again.  Cole and Jae's relationship moves forward, also essential.  There were some moments that made me gasp...and there was one moment where I was certain my heart was going to stop beating in my chest.  All in all, an excellent read.

And then, I did yarn.  In fact, I'm finished!  Woot!  I got into the knitting groove and then, before I realized it, it was nearly complete.  So instead of a nap, I finished the cover for Mum's Kindle.  Go me!

 And here it is!  Red is Mom's color so of course I had to make it in red.  And I had the buttons from...something.  I don't remember why I bought them but I never used them and they were perfect.  So, I used them.  It was fairly simple to make too! 

I used worsted weight yarn.  Caron Simply Soft in Red, if you care.  Size US 8 needles...when I work in the round, I use two circular needles, but you can use whatever method you like.  Just be sure that if you use double points, you have the right number on each needle so that you aren't splitting up the twists in the cables.  So this is how I made it:

First, some points--You can use whatever method you like to cast on.  A provisional cast on would work well and then use a three needle bind off or kitchner stitch to close up the bottom.  I was too lazy for that though, and just used a long tail cast on, left a long tail on purpose, and sewed up the bottom with mattress stitch.  I picked the cable out of my stitch dictionary and it's worked over 16 stitches.  Also, there were two different kinds of twists in the cable so the definition of those are:

C4b--slip two stitches to the cable needle, hold in back, knit 2, knit the 2 stitches from the cable needle.

C4f--slip two stitches to the cable needle, hold in front, knit 2, knit the 2 stitches from he cable needle.

And of course K = knit and P = purl.

Got it?  Okay!  Here's the pattern:

Co 50

Set up row--P 5, K 16, P 5, K 24

Round 1--P 5, K 4, C4b, C4f, K 4, P 5, K 24

Round 2--P 5, K 16, P 5, K 24

Round 3--P 5, K 2, C4b, K 4, C4f, K 2, P 5, K 24\

Round 4--repeat round 2

Round 5--P 5, C4b, K 8, C4f, P 5, K 24

Round 6--repeat round 2

Work these 6 rounds until work measures 7.5 inches.  End with row 6.

Switch to US 5 needle for the first 25 stitches.  Work 1 x 1 rib across these stitches and K the second set of 25 stitches (still using size 8 needle)  for another 3/4 of an inch.

Bind off first 25 stitches in pattern.  The last 25 stitches leave live, you will be working these in rows.  Continue in stockinette until flap measures about 2 inches.  This put me on a wrong side row and is where I put the button holes: P 3, BO 3, P 13, BO 3, P 3. (This part is dependent on the size of your buttons...you may have to BO a stitch more or less, depending on how big they are.  Remember how many you bound off for the next row.) 

Next row-- K 3, CO 3, K 13, CO 3, K 3 (here you can use either the "e" cast on or a purled cast on...I used the latter)

Work three rows garter (so the edge doesn't roll, you can do it in stockinette if you want to block it after) and then BO.  Sew the buttons on in the ribbing section so that they, obviously, correspond with the button holes.  And you're done!

Oh, and don't freak out if it looks too narrow when you're done.  Remember, knitting stretches and the cable makes the work a bit scrunchy.  But it'll all be nice nice once you get your Kindle inside.  Speaking of which, this is for the Kindle Fire, which is 7.5 inches by 4.7 inches...so this pattern is basically 8 x 5 inches.  Depending on what device your knitting it for, you may need to add a few stitches or take some away.  If that's the case, do that by an even number in the stockinette section at the back and you'll be fine.  If you need to add rows, you can either add another set of the 6 row cable repeat, or make the ribbing at the top longer. 

Questions? Comments? Leave it below or send me an email!    

Friday, April 19, 2013

Coffee with Cole

No work today!  I took the day off!

I wanted a day off anyway, right?  And when Rhys Ford posted that the next book in The Cole McGinnis series was being released today, I said I was going to take the day off of work so I could read it.  And then I thought, why the hell not?  So, I took the day off.  And I'm going to get my coffee and then I'm going to download Dirty Laundry.

This morning, I'm having coffee with Cole.  And Jae.  And Neko.  And Bobby.  And whoever else shows up.

By the way, if you haven't read any Rhys Ford I highly suggest you remedy that quickly.  Excellent writing.  Good story lines.  Freaking awesome characters.  She's on my automatic buy list.  Btw, there's a link to her blog at the bottom of the page...her's is one of the Places I Go.

And then after Dirty Laundry, I'll yarn.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Breakfast For Dinner And That Darn Yarn Muse

So, after work yesterday, I go to the grocery store with the intent of getting the makings of pasta salad and sammiches.  That tricksy grocery store.  They had the watermelon right up front, taunting me.  So, I think, that'll make a nice dessert and I put one in the cart.  And then, more taunting, with the strawberries and blackberries and raspberries and blueberries...immediately, without much thought, I decided we were having french toast and fruit for dinner instead.  I added a pineapple and I knew there were bananas at home already.  I got some whipped cream.  And orange juice.  And bacon.  Yeah, y'all should have been at my house for dinner last night.  It was awesome!

Izzy thinks she's going shopping this weekend for all the stuff for the wreath.  I know as soon as I have it in my hands, I'll drop everything else and do that instead.  It's a quick and easy project, so there's that almost instant gratification thing.  And the fact that I figured it out all on my own makes me very excited to do it.  

But, of course, I got all this yarn, remember, and now the muse wants to do seventy different things at once.  I know I need to work on the kindle cover because that has a real and true deadline.  But...

I've been working on the baby blanket instead.  I started with the "girl" color because I like that color better and one of our other coworkers insists that It's going to be a girl.  I don't know how she can tell, mom-to-be hasn't even really started showing yet, but she's eerily creepy about things like that.  So, we'll see.  Her sono is Tuesday and, as long as baby cooperates, we'll know.  I'm working it on the diagonal.  You start with four stitches and increase every row until you have the width you need, and then you decrease back down until it's four stitches again.  It's still fun right now because  it grows a bit with every row.  When I get to the middle, I know I'll get tired of it, but then you start decreasing so each row has less and less stitches.  Sot it's the middle third I'll be like "can I just be done already" about.

So, I've done that for the last three nights, instead of the Kindle cover.  But I have, dare I say it, plans to work on the Kindle cover tonight.  

Oh, and I'm not going to work tomorrow.  But I'll talk about that tomorrow.  :)  

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Don't Want To Say No

So, Izzy sends me this message a few weeks ago asking me if I'll make this daisy wreath she found a picture of for her.  I say, sure, but find me a pattern because there isn't one attached to the link (apparently it went defunct).  She texted me the other day to tell me she was sending me home a snack and that she's still looking for a pattern.  

Now, it's pretty straight forward and I figured out how to do the daisy part just by looking at it.  But the leaves were consternating.  Then, as I was picturing it in my head, the yarn brain kicked in.  I found the pic again and zoomed in and looked at it...and just like that, I knew how they had done it.  It all made sense.  So, I told her I figured it out and to get the stuff and I would make it.  

I know, I know, there are already too many things in the pipeline and here is yet another thing that I said I'd do for someone else.  And I could justify it by saying that it won't take very long and that's true, but really, I just didn't want to say no.  Because she's never asked for anything before and she's going to buy the stuff so all it would take is a few hours of my time.  

Plus, it's super cute.

So, yeah, when I get the stuff, I'll whip it up and, of course, share pics.  

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Yarn and The Words

First and foremost: my thoughts and prayers go out to all in Boston after the tragedy of yesterday.  I don't have any words.  I can't begin to even fathom why things such as this happen but I am sending my best thoughts eastward.  And I am selfishly relieved that those I know that live there and were there are all OK.  

Second, just a notification: I hurt.  All that cleaning and moving of furniture, muscles got worked out that don't normal get worked out and I hurt.  It'll go away soon but right now? Hurt.  Thank you for listening.

This weekend, I went yarn shopping.  First, it was to a chain store to spend my gift cards there.  I got new scissors, some stitch holders, new tapestry needles cause they came in a handy case, yarn for mum's kindle cover, and baby yarn. I couldn't resist the baby yarn.  It's really think, so it'll work up quickly, and it's soft and fuzzy...almost like terry cloth.  Of course, the color that I liked the best was yellow and pink and turquoise and white, which screamed girl to me.  But I don't know if my co worker is having a girl yet.  She is going to find out though but I couldn't leave the yarn.  So I got some in that and also some in much more boy colors of blue, green and white.  So, once she finds out and announces, I'll start a baby blanket.  It probably won't be the pattern I created, the yarn is too thick for that, but the yarn is just too lovely.

Then I went to the LYS and met the cutest puppy on the planet.  They had a English bulldog name Brenda that was their mascot (she was the owner's dog) but she passed away a couple of months ago.  Lucy is nine weeks old and so damn cute.  I think bulldog puppies are the cutest puppies anyway but she's extra adorable.  She came running to greet me and get pets as soon as I walked in the door.  After wandering around for quite a while, I picked up some pretty dark blue yarn that wants to be fingerless mitts for me (but we all know that may change) and some rich mulberry colored yarn that I don't know what it wants to be yet but it wanted to get bought.  And a skein of chunky hand painted that is orange and brown and green and purple and just sumptuous that probably wants to be a scarf at some point.  I don't go there very often because it's the real high quality stuff so it's pretty expensive but Beth (the owner) always remembers me when I come in even if she can't remember if I'm me or my sister.  It's still very cool.

So, I started the Kindle cover yesterday and I got a few inches done and cut a piece of cardboard to size so I could make sure it fits and all that...I'm sure you'll be completely shocked and surprised to learn that even though I made a gauge swatch and triple checked my math, I still did it wrong!  Okay, not really, but I needed a multiple of eight so I went up instead of down on the stitch count and it was too wide.  So, it would have worked if I put the Kindle in the other way but the the stitches would be sideways and even though that's fine, it just...I was just not happy with it at all.  So, I frogged the whole thing and started over when I woke up from a nap with a different pattern (a wide pretty cable) and the right number of stitches and now it looks lovely even though I only have about two and half inches done.  And I'm not sure what I'm going to do about the flap at the top yet.

And in the middle of all this, there were the voices.  Only, the guy talking to me?  Not part of our current tale.  Or at least, not yet.  He told me his story is the next in the series.  Sort of left me speechless for a moment because, really, I hadn't planned on a sequel (even though I love sequels with the fiery passion of thousand suns) but he won't shut up so, I'm thinking, if there are no objections, after Spell Break is over, we'll get another story.  Because I already know the meta plot and also the title (which never, ever happens.  I suck at titling things).  Anyway, I'm thinking that when we get to the end of Kelly and Jason's tale (which I have no idea when exactly that will be), we'll stay in the world and have another story with some other MC's.  Unless, of course, anyone has a problem with that. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Spell Break: Part 7

It's Monday again and that means episode!

Have you been waiting patiently for two whole days? I knew you were!  That was part of the motivation for posting part 6 on Friday...I didn't want to leave you hanging too long!

Catch up, if you need to, by clicking the label in the right hand side bar.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Spring Clean

It makes sense, you know?  The whole house is closed up during the winter, to keep the heat in and the snow out, and when it finally gets nice enough to maybe open up a window or two, you want to do it.  And that heater keeping you warm all winter sure makes for a lot of dust.

So, that's what I did for the majority of the day yesterday. The big spring clean.  I opened the window.  I cleaned.  I dusted.  I vacuumed and rearranged furniture and put away some of the bulkier sweaters that I know I won't be using again for a while.  I organized the yarn stash (I have a fuck ton of yarn, by the way.  Not enough of any one thing to actually do anything with it, though.  I really need to find a good stash busting project!).  I changed the sheets on the bed.  

And then I took one of those showers.  You know the kind I'm talking about?  When you've worked hard and you're sweaty and your muscles are achy and you take a really long, hot shower and when you get out you feel like a brand new person?  Yeah, one of those.  It was awesome.

And then I took a nap because I was fucking tired.

Mum's Kindle arrived yesterday, which was a surprise because I didn't expect it so fast, and Sis and I discussed opening it up and getting it all set up and then me making the sleeve/cover and putting it inside for the big presentation.  She would make one of us set it up anyway so this way it's all set up and ready to use when she opens it.  I think I've settled on a pattern and I actually worked up a gauge swatch and figured out how many stitches and rows I'll need.  I'm not big on gauge swatching. I understand the necessity of it but It's irritating to me.  But because I'm not working to an already set pattern, I had to figure out exactly how many I needed.  I triple checked my math.  And fortunately, it doesn't have to be exact.  It just has to be big enough.  But not overly big.  But a few stitches either way is not going to make a big difference.  If it's slightly too large, that's fine.  If it's slightly too small, well, knitting stretches a bit.  

So, now that I've got that all set, it's off to the yarn store to do some shopping.  Because I've got gift cards to spend.  

Saturday, April 13, 2013

More Tales of The Yarn

Okay.  To give you some idea, this is how it worked.  First, there was the ginormous needles.  Can you tell how big they are?  And then there's the seven different balls of yarn.  Holding all seven strands together makes one very chunky strand.  Of course, when working, you have to be most careful not to "split" the strand; that is to say, make sure that you are catching all seven strands with each stitch and yarn over.  You must pay attention, at least a bit, to make sure that you aren't leaving any strand behind.  So this is what it looked like in progress.  I just did garter stitch (which is knit every row, or in my case, purl every row) and worked until I ran out of the rust color (which sorta looks brownish in the picture) because that was the color I had the least of.  It turned out that knitters intuition prevailed here because I had exactly enough to finish the bind off row.  I didn't do that on purpose so much as go, "Oh.  I don't have enough to knit another row.  Damn me for not paying attention.  Better bind off," and then it somehow miraculously working out just fine.  It turns out its pretty long too, longer than I thought it was going to be.

Our favorite model agreed to show it off for us, because Mary demanded requested pics.  He thinks its wider than it needs to be but he agrees that there was no way that we were frogging it and starting over with less stitches.  It's very warm. And stretchy.  And feels good around your neck.  And it's only too bulky if you're showing off for Sis and start wrapping it around your neck multiple times and then you choke a little bit and...heh heh heh.  Now that winter is over, it seemed rather appropriate that I finally make myself some winter wear, huh?  At some point, I will make myself some fingerless mitts.  I hope.  Someday.

Alas, yarn shopping did not happen.  The good thing about a small local business is that you get to know the owner and have a nice, friendly relationship.  The bad thing about a small local business is that if you need to go home sick, you close the shop and put a sign on the door so that when people show up the store is dark and there is a hand written note on the door apologizing for the inconvience.  So, between that and the other gift cards I need to spend, I'm think of a trip later today.  Or possibly tomorrow.  Sis wants to go but sometimes I think it's better to go on my own.  Then I'm not constantly having to wrangle her (she likes to touch and she can't make decisions) and I can take as much or as little time as I need.  We'll see what I end up doing and I'll be sure to share how it went.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Spell Break: Part 6

Episode 6.  Now, we finally find out some stuff.  

If you need to catch up, click the label in the side bar, okay?

Thursday, April 11, 2013


I've been thinking about them lately.  As well as the vernacular of an area.  There are books that I've read recently that have done a really good job about making the characters sound like they are from/grew up in a certain area.  Each region has it's own slang terms that people use.  Each culture has it's own dialect.  And there have been some lately that really immerse me in it...I believe those characters are from that area because they talk like they are.

The adverse, unfortunately, is also true.  Some authors don't care, like they set their story in a certain place but don't bother to make it sound like the characters are from there.  Or, they go overboard, and just start throwing in any and all words and phrases, making everybody sound absolutely ridiculous.  

If your character lives in a certain place, or is from somewhere specific, they should speak and think in words that would be part of his experience.  If he's from the Northeast, he's going to want a soda.  Midwest, he's going to want a pop.  He's from the south?  Then he's going to want a coke.  But if I'm reading along and suddenly someone says something that's out of keeping with the vernacular, I'm yanked hard out of story and all I can think is something like "There is no way people from this place would use that word/phrase.  They don't talk like that!" 

**side note: this also happens to me with English spelling versus American spelling (all those extra o's, lol)...I don't even notice it when the story is set in London.  When it's set in Texas, all I can think is that's not how you spell tire (tyre) or curb (kerb)!**

Of course, then again, maybe it doesn't matter.  Because no matter where a character is from or what kind of accent they are supposed to have...British, or Southern, or North Country, or Midwestern, or French, etc...I hear them all in my head as sounding like me.  It takes another character pointing something out or maybe a particular turn of phrase to remind me that "Oh, yeah, this guy is from Alabama.  He's probably got a pretty heavy twang in his voice."

Its easier for me, of course, if the characters have "accents" I'm personally familiar with.  A Canadian with their long a's and ending questions with eh? is like comfort food for my ear...I spent a great deal of my childhood in the North Country, snugged up tight to the border.  This I can relate to.  Obviously the particular diction from my area, which is pretty straight forward, makes sense.  Even a bit of Brooklyn or Boston isn't so far out of my realm.  But even then,  I still have to remind myself of how they are supposed to sound because they still just sound like central New Yorkers to me...

...Anybody else have this problem?  Or do I make a complete lack of sense?

And hey, tune in tomorrow for an episode of Spell Break...since I'm about three episodes ahead right now, I figure we could move it along a bit.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Trip to my LYS

There's a date for yarn shopping.  I'm very excited.  My LYS (that's local yarn shop) is a fabulous place and for my birthday, you may recall, I got a gift statue to shop there.  So Sis and I, and probably Toby, are going shopping on Thursday after work.  I know, I know, I don't need any more yarn.  But, I have to sped my gift money, don't I?  

As Mother's day is coming up, my siblings and I purchased a Kindle Fire for Mum.  Now, I do believe that she will greatly enjoy getting books for it.  I had to get my love of reading from somewhere.  But really, she wants to play games.  The word games, you know?  So we started looking around at iPods and iPads and found that the best and cheapest way to go would be to get the Kindle...plus then there's books!  It's a double win.  

Anyway, the point of that diatribe is to say that I will be yarn shopping at the fancy yarn store with the purpose of getting something fabulous so that I can knit or crochet a sleeve for Mom's new Kindle.  And it's not like it's that big, the sleeve only needs to be like 8" x 5" so that won't take me long at all.  But that way, she has something pretty to tuck it into when she's done with it.  

And speaking of yarn and new projects...I finally figured out what to do with the left over yarn from the Tom Baker-esque scarf that I made for the BFF for her birthday.  There are seven different colors right?  So, I used my biggest needles, which by the way are a size US 50 (for those of you that aren't in the know, those are some seriously big ass needles.  25 mm in diameter, which works out to like, an inch around), and hold all seven strands together like it's one big chunky ass strand of yarn.  The benefit of this is that the stitches are really big.  So it's warm and solid, but sort of lofty, too.  Bulky and not at the same time.  The rust color is the one I have the least of (I used some to make a werewolf named Riley) so I'll just keep working until I'm out of that color, and then bind it off.  It'll be a pretty fantastic scarf when I'm done and yes, this one is for me. I am actually making something for myself.  Contain your shock, please.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Kitties

I hadn't realized that I've never talked about the cats, until it was pointed out to me.  So...

Simon...he's half Siamese, half Tabby and the smartest cat I have ever met in my life.  You can't see his eyes too well but they are a startling blue.  We got him when he was about 18 months old.  Sis saw him at a pet adoption show and was just sick over having to leave him.  She contacted the place where he was and we brought him home a week later.  He loves treats and opens the cupboard door to get them out and rip open the package.  He also loves to play with rubber bands, swings them around his head, and will open up drawer (the kind without handles) to dig them out.  He really loves the bathroom; he sleeps in the dirty clothes basket or with his front paws in the heater vent.  He mostly only drinks from the sink and we totally indulge him when he jumps up there, turning on the water to a slow trickle so he can quench his thirst.  He always wants to bother you when you're taking a pee, too, so when he sees me coming, he runs and hides behind the toilet like I can't see him so I don't kick him out.  He's a bit of an attention whore and will demand pets like he's about to die if he doesn't get them.

Tobias...yeah, he's a spoiled brat.  Completely.  And that's all thanks to Brub.  He's a gray tabby.  He's mostly annoying but then he'll do something so completely adorable that your heart just melts.  He'll jump up on furniture as you pass and stick out his front paw asking for a hand shake and pets.  He does shake, just like a dog, and when he gets into trouble we tell him he's a bad dog.  He knows what that means.  Though the most adorable thing he does, in my opinion, is the way he eats treats.  I just hold it out to him and he will stand up on his back legs, and take my hand between his two front paws and eat the treat from my hand.  We've had him since he was about three months old and got him because poor Simon was lonely after having been in a home with multiple cats throughout his life.  He's also got the longest tail I've ever seen on a cat; I measured it once.  16 inches from the base of his butt to the tip.  But he really is an absolute brat, though.

 Anyanka...that's my baby girl.  My little diva.  She has the softest fur in the world and the saddest, most plaintive meow you have ever heard.  I adopted her when I was living on my own when I was 23.  She was found by the river and had obviously been owned because she was already spayed.  She's mostly calico (see her white socks) but has some tabby striping on her legs and forehead.  You can't see her bum but she has a stub for a tail.  They didn't know if it was removed after some sort of injury or if she was born that way.  She's fairly little and everybody dotes on her because of her sad cry and because she's skinny.  She and Tobias don't get along very well and I think that's because Tobias, as a spoiled brat, doesn't like it when his daddy pays attention to her.  He'll attack her with no provocation and sometimes, she will do a preemptive strike and attack him first.  She mostly hides whenever anyone comes over and you know you're apart of our family when she doesn't bother to make herself scarce when you come over.  It's always a big deal when someone who is not family actually sees her, they feel like they've been graced by the queen.  She went missing once, no one had seen her for two days, she didn't show up for breakfast (the one meal where they all get canned food) and Mom and I looked everywhere.  She's pretty old and I was mostly convinced I was going to find her having gone off somewhere to die.  Then, late at night, when she'd been missing for more than 48 hours, Sis came home from work and randomly decided to open the linen closet door.  And there she was, cool as you please, like "what's the big deal?"  We still have no idea how she got in there or how, once she had, the door got closed, but I can't tell you how relieved I was to find her!

Before these three, we had Penelope.  She was my baby.  I was 5 when we got her.  Mom's cousin found a new mother with a tiny litter in her trash bin, how people can be so cruel, I'll never know, and we drove down to pick one out.  I chose her.  She was black and white, with green eyes and I loved her the most in the world.  She was an indoor/outdoor cat and used to beg to be let out and then cry on the porch to be let back in.  She also used to climb up on the back porch roof outside my bedroom window and cry to be let in if she didn't come home before we all went to bed.  We tried to break her of the habit, but eventually, I just gave in.  And she knew if she called to me louder and faster, I would get out of bed quicker.  I'd open the window, pull her in, and she'd jump down and go wait patiently for me to put the window back in order before I'd open the door to let her out into the house.  She was with us for 17 years.  They day we took her to the vet and put her to sleep is still one of the saddest days of my life.  But I was with her at the end and got to hold her as we said goodbye.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Spell Break: Part 5

For your continuing enjoyment (I hope), here is episode five.

This episode is rated R for adult language and violence...

Missed parts 1-4?  Over in the right hand side bar, there's a label just for the story.  Click it!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Fight of the Vacuum

There are long haired people and three cats in this house, and that means that all of us are constantly shedding.  This, inexplicably, collects most noticeably on the stairs, along the edges and in the corners of each step.  So I, considerately, get the vacuum out and go to suck up the extra cat/person on the stairs.

I immediately notice that the suction is not great and that, while the clumps of hair are disappearing, they are not showing up in the clear collection container.  I turn it off, wrangle with the hose a bit, trying to see what the hold up is.  There doesn't appear to be one.  I take out the bin, take it apart, trying to rectify the situation.  When I say I take it apart, I mean that I literally start to disassemble the vacuum.  Thirty minutes later, all the pieces are back in the right place and the vacuum is reassembled.  

That was a great deal of fun, just so you know.  I like taking things apart and putting them back together.  I like to see how all the pieces fit.  And who needs diagrams or instruction manuals?  Not this girl.  Instructions are for wimps!  You just pay attention to the way it comes apart and putting it back is easy peasy. 

Btw, the clog was in the hose the whole time, just like I thought it was, and it only took a bit more wrangling and a little inventive twisting to shake it loose.

Oh, and for those of you who are interested, there was yarn, nap, movie and writing...for once all according to plan!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Saturday

I was going to go shopping this morning, for yarn of course, and spend some of those gift cards, but I got lazy.  And I had a stern talking to, from myself, that with all the yarn that I have in the stash right now, it really wasn't smart.  I did, however, make a copious list of yarns and accoutrements that I will need to purchase once I actually get to the store.  You know how I love my lists.  I'm in need of some bigger safety eyes and also some felt.  And yarn, of course!

I'm going to have another go at the yarn/movie/nap plan.  I'm going to start that baby blanket.  I need to get it done and out of the way so that I can move on to other things.  I think I have enough yarn to finish it, but of course, I'm not certain.  For a moment I dithered as to whether or not I should start it without getting more to make sure it all matches.  But I have about four or five random skeins of baby yarn from over buying in the past.  They don't match, it's not like I can use them together, but it illustrates the problem.  I keep buying new yarn for each project and then I have left overs.  I have two skeins that match.  I'm crossing my fingers it will be enough.  I really need to find an acceptable stash busting project!

Sis's blanket is still not anywhere close to getting done.  Her birthday was only two months ago.  I still have another eight months before I get worried...lol.

Anyway, I'm going to walk away from the computer, spend the morning with the yarn and then take a nap.  And when I wake up, I'm gonna try that paying attention to a movie thing without any interruptions.  Spell Break part the fifth is ready to go but the characters are still talking, which is good.  I might end up jumping back in that world later tonight/tomorrow and writing some more.  

I'll let you know how it goes.


Friday, April 5, 2013


Sorry y'all. I've got nothing today. Absolutely nothing. Except, maybe, that I can't wait for the work day to be over so that it can be weekend. And I'm happy to be wearing a comfy hoodie. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Comfy Pants

Seriously, is there anything better at the end of the day then coming home, getting out of work clothes and putting on a pair of fleece or flannel comfy pant?  Okay, yes, there are probably better things.  But it's one of my simple joys.  It's like the first thing I do when I get home.  And I live in them all weekend.

I sit cross legged or with me legs tucked up underneath my bum almost all the time.  Can't do that comfortably in jeans or dress pants.  Comfy pants not only feel good but they allow me to sit in the way that is most comfortable for me.  Another tick in the win column.  

Okay, yes, I aware that I'm being ridiculous.  

I'm stalling, you see, because I just realized that March has slipped away and it's now April and I didn't do one of the things I said I was going to.  Or rather, I haven't done it yet.  Remember when I said that I had written a short story and I was going to submit it for consideration?  Somehow, I'd gotten it into my head that I was going to do it by the end of March.  I don't know why that was the deadline.  But I haven't done it yet.  And now that the month is over, I feel like I failed to accomplish what I set out to do.  I aware that there is plenty of time and that the deadline isn't actually until August but...I'm scared.  Terrified really. Even when I think about it logically and tell myself that yes, it will probably get rejected if only because there are going to be many submissions and not because it in and of itself is bad.  I try to tell myself it's all practice.  

But underneath it all, I'm down right terrified.  It's giving me a weird twitch right between my eyebrows.

I'm working on working up the nerve. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spell Break: Part 4

Wait a minute!  Now, how did this get here?  It's certainly not Monday.  Oh well, I guess I better leave it.

The truth of the matter is, I got a little impatient myself to move the story along.  And remember when I said I liked cliff hangers?  Well, five days to leave you hanging is better than seven, right?

Episode four, for your enjoyment.

(Parts 1-3 can be easily accesed by clicking the label in the right hand side bar)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Not According to Plan

Oh well.  I'm not surprised.  Part of it was my fault, yes, but of course, things did not go according to plan.

I only knitted for about a half an hour before I decided I didn't like it at all and was bored out of my head.  It got, therefore, quickly scrapped.  It was the modular knitting thing I talked about but...yeah, it didn't look as good in the actual as it did in my brain.  Back to the drawing board I go.  

And then there was reading...lots and lots of reading.  I didn't mean to, but I got sucked in so I did that instead of watching a movie like I planned or even napping (though I did nap on Sunday).  Sometimes, that happens.  And it's not all bad...but yeah.  I did that and not a whole lot else for the majority of the weekend.

I did find some baby yarn in my stash, so I'm all set whenever I start the baby blanket.  I'm thinking I might move that up on the docket just to get it done.  I'm thinking of doing an amigurumi toy, too.  But not "Death by Carrot", I promise.  Something sweet and baby like.  I have that whole pattern book from Sis that she gave me for my birthday.  I think that would be a nice touch.  IF I can get the face right.  Faces are a problem for me.

And speaking of not according to plan: I'm as impatient as the next person so I was thinking about the schedule for Spell Break.  And thinking that I might post it more often, because I have episode 4 ready to go and episode 5 is almost ready.  What do you think?  Opposed to episodes more often?  I would still keep Monday mornings, and definitely have one go up that day, but maybe some weeks there would be extra eps?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Spell Break: Part 3

Episode three in the continuing saga.

Still pretty PG...honestly thought there would be more bad words and dirty actions going on in these.  But don't worry.  That will happen!  

If you missed any of the previous parts, click the label in the right hand sidebar.