
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Stuff and Things

--Finished the final first draft of a short story.  It's off to the betas this weekend!  I've already got major nerves.

--We got a new girl at work a couple of weeks ago.  Well, actually, she's not new.  She worked in one of the other offices.  I'd talked her loads of times on the phones but I don't think we actually met in person.  She's a sweetheart.  She saw my mitts and wants a pair.  Did I say no?  Of course not.  I said, "I absolutely have purple yarn."  At least I'm going to do the easy version and not anything complicated.

--They did a system update last night for one of our programs.  Have no idea if we'll even be able to log in when I get to work in a bit.  Sort of hoping not so that there's time to do funner work stuff.  (Yeah, I totally said funner)

--Now that the frog of the short story is done, I'm going back to working on Kirk.  Spock needs his T'hy'la.

--Tomorrow is March!  I love March.  It is my very favorite month of all the months.  There are several reasons...the most prominent and self serving is that it's my birthday month. :)

--March is looking to come in like a lion...I'm looking forward to the lamb part.

--Sometimes when I see the word March, all I can think about is Little Women.

--It's cold and wintery again (hence the March coming in like a lion bit) and i'm so far over it it's not even funny.  I don't even care about the cold at this point, I just want the snow to stop.

--I hate wearing socks to bed.  My feet need to be free.  But it was so cold last night they were necessary. When I woke up, they were gone.  I now can't find them.  Who the hell knows what sleeping me did with them?

--It's Friday!  Yay!  That always makes me happy.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Eat That Frog

Last night, I ate the frog.

Tonight, after a second helping, the frog should be gone!!

*Thanks Alder!*

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Snow Brings Out The Lazy

After a couple of truly sublime days this weekend, during which mother nature teased us into thinking Spring was on it's way, winter is back.  At least it's not with a vengeance.  It's just a bit of the really light and fluffy snow and though we're supposed to get a few more inches over the next couple of days, it's pretty much supposed to stay the light and fluffy stuff.  Which means brushing off the cars before you can drive, but clearing the snow from the driveways and sidewalks is a simple task of pushing it out of the way.  

And that's how I like it.

Of course, the really good thing about this weather--besides the fact that it's not too troublesome--is that it means that curling up on the couch with a throw blanket, a cup of tea, and a good book is all the more wonderful.  And terribly inviting.  So, of course, I want to do that instead of anything that I'm supposed to be doing, but sometimes we just have to make those kinds of sacrifices. :)

I'm actually working on a bunch of stuff right now, both words and yarn, and it seems that the option of so many things to work on is overwhelming and therefore I don't want to work on any of it.  It's one of my faults. I know it.  I need to just make myself work on one thing and get it finished so I can move onto the next.  My problem is trouble prioritizing what needs to get done first.  Each project has it's reasons for being at the top of the list.  

Truth is, I know what absolutely needs to get done first, and now that I'm done whining about it, I'm just going to do it.  But perhaps a little good luck wish won't go amiss, hm?

Monday, February 24, 2014

10 Questions Answered

I used to watch Inside the Actors Studio with James Lipton a lot.  I loved it.  But my favorite part was the end when Mr. Lipton would ask his guest 10 questions.  I decided to answer them here for you today.  **be forewarned, some of these answers are NSFW**

1. What is your favorite word? Awesome.  I think it's an awesome word.

2. What is your least favorite word?  Cunt.  I can not express my loathing for this word.

3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually, or emotionally? Yarn.  lol.  No, the real answer is a conversation with someone who just gets me...when that person values what I say and actually makes an effort to understand.

4. What turns you off? Small-minded, bigoted assholes who talk just to hear themselves.

5. What is your favorite curse word? Fuck.  Gotta be fuck.  And all it's fucking permutations.

6. What sound or noise do you love? It's an even toss up between the sound of a gentle rain and the sound of a baby laughing.  

7. What sound or noise do you hate? The drill at the dentist.

8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Farrier.  Seriously.

9. What profession would you not like to do? Dentist.

10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?  All the little things made a difference.  You done good, kid.  

Now it's your turn!  Feel free to leave your answers, to some or all of the questions, below!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Spock...in yarn

I didn't do some of the things I had intended because well...this.  This had to be made.  Don't you agree?

Thursday, February 20, 2014


You think I'd be used to it by now, wouldn't you?  The making-the-plans-and-having-them-go-to-shit thing.  And yet, it still pissed me off to no end when I make fairly reasonable and easily followed plans and something comes along to cock it all up. 

The frustrations--I got em.

Last night I had a list of things to do and I was all set to do them, but then there was a bunch of other stuff that had to happen and delay my good intentions.  In the end, I got it all done, but for a while there, I had an unholy anger about the whole thing.  I'm over that now, but I'm still frustrated.  Why is it that I can't make a simple plan and have things go according to it?  Is it a self-fulfilling prophecy at this point?  I would say yes, except it's always external forces that come along and ruin things for me.  It's like the universe knows I want to get certain things done or do something in particular, and then it comes stomping in with combat boots and says "Too bad, so sad, baby girl.  There's this whole other thing that needs to happen."

Perhaps that's where the muse gets it from?  Cause that bitch has done the same thing to me.  And often.

But I can't seem to stop making plans.  I can't even keep myself from saying the word.  Perhaps, in time, I'll actually get used to it.  Perhaps I'll remember to make the plans with the idea that they're going to get all jacked up in mind.

Maybe someday.

Until then, I'm still frustrated.  

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


In T-minus 36 hours (ish) it'll be family-geddon.  

That's right.  Inundated with cousins, all up in my house.  I love them.  I do.  A lot.  But all the peace and quiet will be gone for days.  I won't get away with hiding away, yarning and reading and writing.  I'll actually be expected to, gasp!, interact.  For four whole days.


It'll be good.  Really.  It'll be nice to see them.  I do miss them.  But I'll just be going a little bit crazy while they're here.  I'm not used to the upheaval, you know?  And it makes things hard on me.  But I will handle it, I will cope, and it's only for a few days.  

Focus on the positives right?

Monday, February 17, 2014

I was going to put up a post today...but all I can think of to write it about is complaining.  Complaining about the cold...the snow...the snow removal.  And that doesn't serve anyone.

Instead, I'll just wish everyone a happy Monday!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

What a Way to Spend Sunday

Okay, so yesterday didn't turn out like I wanted at all.  Are we surprised?  Not really, no.  I'm actually not too upset about it.  Just kind of shrugged and went with the flow.  And as much as I thought, "there's always tomorrow" I am feeling pretty lazy today.  So I figure I'm just going to go along and see what happens, what I feel like doing.  There's nothing pressing that has to get done.  So I figure I'm all right there.

So far the only things I've actually been able to accomplish is removing the collection of coffee mugs that has been accumulating and feeding the cats.

Also got stabbed by a fork. 

But I've got the movie cued up (Despicable Me 2) and the yarn at the ready and I'm going to see if I can get some of that done today.

The muse hit me, hard and fast, yesterday and I got a bunch of words on the page.  That felt really good and was one deviance from the "plans" that I didn't mind at all.  We'll see where it goes.  I'm loving the new world and I love my MCs, so it should be good.

Of course, there's still snow.  And at some point today, I'll have to go out and clear some of it away.  

Work, lately, has been both better and worse.  There are moments I dread going in and being there completely.  And there are times that it's pretty good.  The hard part, for me, is never knowing exactly where I stand and I always feel like I'm on edge.  I'm working on getting into a better head space about it all.  At least until I win the lottery.  :)

But I have the rest of today before I need to worry about that.  There's a pot of tea in my future--I got a new flavor yesterday and I'm looking forward to trying it.  Tea, yarn, movies.  That's a way to spend a Sunday.

Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend and that the week ahead looks glorious!

Friday, February 14, 2014

More Winter

Yep, more snow.  Overnight we got about 10 inches.  It was a bitch and a half to get shoveled out this morning.  It seems like I've been awake forever, simply because the first hour of my day was spent moving snow.  Blargh!  We have about another solid month of this before it starts to really taper off.  And even then, we might get a freak snowstorm or two.  But at least the worst of it will be over.

I really try not to complain about the snow too much.  It's not like I can do anything about it.  But yeah, I'm tired of it.  Ready for it to be past.

But it's Friday.  And the snow is supposed to stop.  And even though that means there is still clearing to be done, at least it won't accumulate much more.  And once I'm done with work for the day, I can go home, relax, and snuggle in for a winter weekend.

I have some goals in mind to accomplish, but I'm reluctant to say too much because I fear that will make it too much like the dreaded plans word and we all know how well I do when there are those.  So instead, I'm going to attempt to accomplish some goals.  And share them with you if I do.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!  And if you're spending today with someone special, enjoy the heck out of it.  If you're not?  Well, enjoy it anyway and treat yourself to something nice!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Of Yarny Things

Mom absolutely adored her mitts!  In truth, I got a better reaction out of her than I thought I would.  After she oohed and aahed over them, conversation turned to her Kindle cover.  She had been examining it over the weekend and she wanted to know how I had made it.  She pulled it out to look at it while I was explaining....and she had her mitts on at the time.  Suddenly, she did a double take and then put the cover against her mitts.  My reaction? "Yes, Mom, it is the same yarn."

I actually had a moment of panic on Monday while I was grocery shopping where my brain thought, "Oh shit! I didn't get a present!"  And then right there, in the middle of the store and out loud, I said, "Stupid Kris.  You have the mitts."  Then I had to chuckle at myself because I completely forgot about them for a couple of seconds there.  I'm not used to finishing things early.  In the few instances in which I have, I've been exceedingly grateful that I'm done before the deadline.  I really need to try to do more of that.

And speaking of making things... One of my coworkers is having another baby.  Well, his wife is. :)  This was the one where I tried and tried to make a baby blanket and then I ended up finding one I had made and forgot about years ago.  But they found out today they are having a boy.  Which apparently surprised the crap out of him, because he thought he'd only ever make girls.  The baby is due in July, so I have plenty of time, thank goodness.  But I already know what kind of yarn I'm going to get.

But Izzy's shawl first.  And then the other mitten for the BFF.  And then I can start thinking about things for a baby blanket.  

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Happy Birthday Mom!

It's Mom's birthday!

Happy birthday Mommy!

We're all getting together tonight for dinner and cake and prezzies.  I'm excited.  I'm also a wee bit nervous about my gift.  But mostly excited.  Dinner will be late, but it'll still be good.  I love it when all of us are together.  We laugh so hard.

My mom is awesome.  Just a truly awesome human being.  And I could spend a great deal of time extolling her virtues.  But I have dinner to cook and cake to bake, so I won't.  Suffice it to say, she's just stellar.  And I'm very, very lucky to have her.  

She's also proof you can teach an old dog new tricks...and I couldn't be prouder!

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Yesterday went by both way too slowly and way too quickly!

Getting up at five o'clock int he morning on a Saturday?  Not fun.  No matter how you slice it.  But I managed to haul my ass out of bed.  The baby fell asleep when she wasn't supposed to and then, later, wouldn't sleep when she should.  But the times when she was sleeping were awesome.  He took a good long nap.  I ended up corralling them and confining them to two rooms, just because I couldn't keep chasing them.  I was tired and my patience was worn thin...and I didn't want to snap and be harsh when I didn't need to.  Finally, 3 o'clock rolled around and they went home.  I felt like I'd had a day twice as long as it was already.  But on the other hand, I was like, "holy crap! It's already three o'clock!"

Didn't stop me from taking a nap though.  

Then I went and collected Tato from work and we had one of our nights--which equals dinner and a movie.  Dinner was tasty and he made me try something new...which I didn't like.  Which always happens when I step outside of my food comfort zone and why it's so hard to get me to do it.  Though, in all honesty, it wasn't bad and I did eat it.  I just wouldn't eat it again.  

We watched Epic, which neither of us had seen.  It's exactly his kind of fantasy.  It was completely predictable and really cute.  I enjoyed it.  It was not, however, epic.  It was good, though, and I wouldn't be opposed to watching it again.  

Before the dinner and the movie, he helped me hash out some plot point that were sticking.  I'm worried about getting all the details down but I'm certainly going to try.

Today is a lazy day.  I need to clean some, but I might put that off till tomorrow.  I also need to yarn and I may or may not do that today.  Other than a couple of errands that I have to run (the cats are out of dry food and I need more litter) I'm thinking that I might not do much of anything at all.  I have tomorrow off, just a chill day, and I can get things done then.  Or not.  :)

Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Well Then

There's no help for it.  I have to scrap Izzy's shawl and start over again.  But at least this time I know what I'm doing, I understand the rhythm of things, and I think I'll be able to do it well.  It's always a possibility, with a new pattern, that you don't understand what's going on until you actually work it.  Even though I read through it first and tried to visualize what was going on, what I thought I "saw" was not quite what was happening.  Now that I've actually worked it and caught the repeat-y-ness of it, I can make it without jacking it up, missing stitches that need to be there, and making it a funny shape.  That's next on my agenda as Izzy has patiently waited long enough.  I think I may be able to accomplish a great deal by the end of the weekend and my goal is to have both that and the mitts finished by next weekend.

Actually writing words on the page is going to have to take a back seat until I get those two things done.  But even though both things require a bit of concentration, I can devote at least part of my brain cells to plotting and planning while I work.  So really, that's the best of both worlds.

I have a busy weekend ahead of me.  A book I've been waiting for is being released on Friday, watching the babies on Saturday, and needing to yarn.  Fortunately, I've taken Monday off from work to kind of recuperate.  And the Dr. Feelgood anthology is released Monday...I have a story included in it, Hero WorshipI adore Matt and Alex and I love their story.  The entire anthology is filled with great shorts about finding love with men in the medical profession.  It's a really fun compilation of stories.

And thankfully, the snow has stopped for the time being.  My drive home from work last night was terrifying, but it's clear today.  Cold, very cold, but clear.  As much as I love having four distinct seasons and yes, even enjoy the snow, days like yesterday make me want to move somewhere where there is no snow.  Probably never happen though.  

And that's it for me for now.  Hope y'all are doing well! 

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Good and The Not So Good

I started and finished one of the BFF's mitts this weekend.  It was, actually, a study in extreme patience.  And, a couple of times there, I was convinced the mitt did not want to be made.  Twice, I crossed the cable the wrong way.  Fortunately, both times, I realized it immediately and was able to go back straight away and rearrange my stitches.  Twice, I dropped a stitch.  The first time, I didn't realize it at first and had to "ladder" it back up a couple of rows and put it back on the needle.  The second time, I saw it was not on the needle as soon as I finished the row so I stuck the cable needle through it to hold it until I got to that spot again, put it back on the working needles, and knit it.  Several times, while working the cables, my needle slid out of the stitches and I had to quick grab them back up again.  When I got to the very end, I somehow had the incorrect number of stitches so I had to fudge it to finish the top.  That didn't matter so much because you can't tell and I didn't drop any stitches.  But one mitt is successfully completed.

After that, I jumped over to Izzy's shawl.  Now that I'm about halfway finished, I sort of think I should trash it and start all over again.  See, the pattern is in Swedish (yes, Swedish) and even though the pattern maker also translated it into English, I seem to have trouble following along.  It's taken me an extraordinarily long time to realize exactly what is going on and how it is all put together.  To be honest, I'm not entirely sure I understand one part of it.  But it's sort of misshapen.  I can fudge it...I can finagle it from here and make it work.  But I sort of think it would be better to just bin it and start over so that I can do it correctly from the start even though that means she'll have to wait even longer for it. I'm still contemplating my options.

At any rate, I do feel a bit accomplished.  It was a good weekend for the yarn...even if it didn't all turn out as it should. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Two At A Time

Here's the thing about making stuff that comes in pairs: it's hard to make them exactly the same.  Even if you count rows/rounds meticulously, there's still a margin of error.  I usually do pretty well but there's always slight differences.  A stitch or two, a row or two...they fit differently.  I finished Mom's mitts the other night and the difference is a lot more than normal.  I'm a little bit upset about it, to be honest.

The wine colored fingerless mitts I made are pretty good.  My mitts have a row difference that I only notice sometimes.  I remember when I made the BFF's mittens the first time around, one was a couple of rows longer than the other.  

There's a way to almost eliminate this.  When you are making something that there are two of--mitts, socks, sleeves--you can knit them both at the same time.  This way, you are essentially working the same row on each thing at the same time.  I've only tried it once before, when I was playing with sock yarn, and ended up accidentally using the wrong ball of yarn, so that I connected the socks.  Frustrated, I tossed it aside and have only worked one at a time since.

But seeing the difference in Mom's mitts...and remembering the difference in the first pair of BFF mitts...I decided to give it a go again.  I tried.  God knows, I tried.  But I couldn't seem to get my needles sorted and everything kind of got completely frustrating and It just all fell apart.  And then, I thought I had gotten it all set, only to realize I had screwed up the pattern on the second row and hand to pull one out and that I would be much slower when I had to switch back and forth between the different balls of yarn.  And I was worried that I would get into a rhythm and just...forget to pick up the right yarn.  At that point, I decided it was much easier--and sanity saving--to just make one at a time.  

Though I admittedly sometimes feel like a failure when I can't manage to master a simple technique like making two mitts at one time, I also know that I'm a pretty good knitter and I make beautiful things.  So I've got my trusty click-action row counter, and I'll pay attention, and hopefully, things will work out like they are supposed to.  Wish me luck!  

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Doin' the Steek

Here's a quick lesson in knitting steeks because this time, I remembered to get photographic evidence.  
Here's what it looks like

And from the side

And cut open!
Okay, so, here's what it looks like.  Basically, the premise is this: cast on the number of stitches that will go across the hole you want to make.  Knit them in stockinette (knit every stitch when working in the round).  It's erroneous fabric, a place holder, if you will.  Then cut open in the middle of the section of stitches.  For this, I cast on an extra five stitches, knit them, then, when I was done, cut down the center of the middle stitch.  Looks scary, but it's not.  Then you can just tack the flaps down on the inside of the work, pull out the little stray ends, and you're good to go!