
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

What a Way to Spend Sunday

Okay, so yesterday didn't turn out like I wanted at all.  Are we surprised?  Not really, no.  I'm actually not too upset about it.  Just kind of shrugged and went with the flow.  And as much as I thought, "there's always tomorrow" I am feeling pretty lazy today.  So I figure I'm just going to go along and see what happens, what I feel like doing.  There's nothing pressing that has to get done.  So I figure I'm all right there.

So far the only things I've actually been able to accomplish is removing the collection of coffee mugs that has been accumulating and feeding the cats.

Also got stabbed by a fork. 

But I've got the movie cued up (Despicable Me 2) and the yarn at the ready and I'm going to see if I can get some of that done today.

The muse hit me, hard and fast, yesterday and I got a bunch of words on the page.  That felt really good and was one deviance from the "plans" that I didn't mind at all.  We'll see where it goes.  I'm loving the new world and I love my MCs, so it should be good.

Of course, there's still snow.  And at some point today, I'll have to go out and clear some of it away.  

Work, lately, has been both better and worse.  There are moments I dread going in and being there completely.  And there are times that it's pretty good.  The hard part, for me, is never knowing exactly where I stand and I always feel like I'm on edge.  I'm working on getting into a better head space about it all.  At least until I win the lottery.  :)

But I have the rest of today before I need to worry about that.  There's a pot of tea in my future--I got a new flavor yesterday and I'm looking forward to trying it.  Tea, yarn, movies.  That's a way to spend a Sunday.

Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend and that the week ahead looks glorious!

1 comment:

  1. I hope today is going according to plan and the yarning, tea & movies is happening. :)
