
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


A couple of weeks ago, I noticed that I had put up a post every day in the month so far.  Well, except for that one day I posted twice and didn't post the next day.  (The extra post on the 24th doesn't count ☻)  Either way, I realized that I had the same number of posts for the month as the month had days thus far and I made a silent vow to myself that I would put up a post every day for the entire month.

In the past, I haven't always been great about that.  There have been months where I've barely posted at all.  I fall into that trap sometimes; complacency.  But even more than that, I felt like I didn't have anything worthwhile to say, so why write?  I've gotten much better about that.  And now, as the month closes, I've made my goal.  I have put up a post everyday.  

There is a part of me that cannot believe that it's been nearly a year since I started this blog.  I was inspired, you see, by all the blogs that I had started to follow.  I'm late to the whole blogosphere world.  I only started reading and following blogs a little over a year ago.  And I lurked for a very long time before I got up the nerve to comment (it goes back to my whole social anxiety thing) even though I was posting on my own blog.  But now, as I've made a few friends, I'm much more comfortable here.  I comment in a few places where I feel that I can, and I write my thoughts here, along with whatever project I'm working on.  

As the one year anniversary of For The Yarn Of It approaches, I don't regret a single thing.  And that is something I can have pride in.  

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Stuff Of Dreams

That dream haunted me all day long.  I played with the stitches in my head and with the yarn for most of the evening.  And finally, finally, I think that I've figured it out.

 Here it is: the stuff of dreams.  It looks almost exactly like what I saw.  In fact, I worked up a different variation that looked a little more like the dream blanket but I didn't like it as much in person.  So a little tweaking and voila!  This is the gauge swatch/sample that I came up with.  I even took the time to actually figure out and write down the pattern.  Now, I'm sure I'm not the first person in the world to figure out this particular sequence of stitches.  The 5 double crochet shell and V stitch are pretty common and I'm absolutely certain someone somewhere has made this before.  But yeah, here it is.  What I dreamed.

Side note:  I've got a post scheduled to go up tomorrow, but I'm pretty much going to be offline for a few days after that.  I may be able to check in here and other blogs but...yeah.  There's some...I'll be unavailable mostly. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I Dreamed a Dream

Last night, I had a dream.  There was a huge (I'm talking ginormous) room and it was filled to capacity.  Thousands of people.  It was loud with the buzz of conversation.  For a moment, I was filled with crippling anxiety.  Until I actually looked at the people.  All ages, races, genders, all these people who represented all the different walks of life were sitting around, smiling, laughing, talking, and crafting.  There were yarns of every color and weight and texture.  Hooks and needles were flying as delicate lace was being worked, or big cushy afghans, or socks, or hats or scarves or gloves.  Thousands of people, thousands of project.  The anxiety melted away and all I could do was think, "My people!"

It was a good dream.

Now, I know there are all sorts of craft shows and conventions where this exact thing actually happens.  But I couldn't make myself actually go to one.  And that's OK.  Maybe someday I'll work it all out in my head and be able to do something like that.  But for now, it's nice to dream the dream. 

And the best part about this dream?  There was a woman sitting near the door; a friendly sort with a kind smile and and open face.  She was crocheting a baby blanket.  She was nearly done, the bulk of the blanket flowing over her ample lap.  It was gorgeous.  Made from a delicately variegated yarn in the soft pastels so common in the baby palette, it was light and fluffy.  The pattern had some sort of shell work coupled with a lacy stitch.  Ever since I woke this morning, I've been trying to piece it together, trying to figure out exactly what stitches she was using.  I must have seen the pattern somewhere.  Or perhaps it's my muse speaking to me.  Either way, I'm going to try to find it or work it out.  I think that's the blanket I want to make.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Another One

One of my lovely, wonderful coworkers shared her big news today: she's expecting!  She was so cute about it; had this big plan to go to her appointment tomorrow, where she's getting her first sono, and then just bringing in the pictures.  But she couldn't contain her excitement anymore and shared today.  Of course, upon hearing the news, you know what my brain did.

Yeah, you guessed it.  Started planning a baby blanket!

Baby isn't due until September so I have plenty of time and I swear, this time, I'm not going to wait until the last possible second to get it finished.  I'm sure we'll be throwing her a shower when it gets down to it; it's an office full of women, what else would we do?  So, I'll have a solid deadline to work for.  I'll get started on that in a few months...it'll probably take me that long just to figure out what pattern to use!  You know my muse; she can be a fickle bitch.  I want to do something fun and original, something I haven't done before, so we'll see what I can find.  Or come up with.  Something to think about when I get bored anyway.  Not knitting though, takes too long.  

And of course, I have to make something.  I can't give her a store bought gift.  For one thing, that's just not me.  What I do is make blankets (and other things) and give them to people.  And for two?  She's seen the other things I've made and I feel like she might be slightly disappointed if she doesn't get a handmade gift, too.  But that's OK, because that's what I do.

And yes, I am aware that what I don't need is yet another project on my plate.  But really, after Sis's 'ghan, I don't have anything in the works that needs to be done.  Just things I have in my brain that I want to do.  So, Sis's blanket and then a baby 'ghan.  

Sunday, February 24, 2013

It's Up!

Head on over to Joyfully Jay if you're interested in reading my guest post.

Of course, you should head on over there anyway.  Jock Week looks to be amazing!  There are tons of reviews, awesome giveaways, and some amazing guest posts scheduled. 

Scottish Knits

I've long been fascinated with Scotland.  The breathtaking landscapes, the people, the culture, the accent and yes, the yummy kilts, everything about it makes me sit up and take notice.  Maybe it's because I'm a boring American, but seriously, Scotland is the place of dreams for me.

Especially because of the knitwear!

The color work, the cables...delectable and breathtaking.  Argyle, Tweed, Tartan...the choices are endless and so are the possibilities.  Highland and Shetland wool....sumptuous.  Sometimes, I start looking at stuff and the next thing I know, hours have passed and I'm still drooling.

It's the birth place of the amazing technique of Fair Isle color work and traditional Scottish knitting even has it's own special way of holding the needles that's fascinating and looks very speedy.  It's something I want to try.

There's a new book of patterns out that I want and I'm going to put in on my wishlist.  Because some of the color work is just...literally breathtaking.  Like, I was looking at some of the pictures and actually gasped in awe.  

I'm not the type of person that has any particular yearning to travel.  And going abroad actually terrifies me.  But to visit Scotland?  To see the gorgeous landscape myself?  Maybe.  Someday.  If only to get me some traditional Scottish wool yarn!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Gave Toby his mitts.  He said thank you about eleventy billion times.  He played with them as if they were a new toy: putting the flap over his fingers, then snapping his hands out so the mitt would fly off while making "ninja" noises.  It was terribly amusing.  He is well pleased and so am I.

Sis is demanding I work on her blanket.  I know I should but I kind of don't want to.  I don't know when or if I'm ever going to get the yarn that I ordered.  And it's making me feel very meh about the project as a hole.  Plus, remember how I said it's fucking eight feet long?!  Yeah, it's boring.  Same stitch over and over and over..ad nauseam.  Boooooooring!  Right now, there's not enough TV in the world to keep me occupied while doing it.  She'll just have to wait.

I was going to work on new blanket today.  But I'm having some reservations.  And not just about the whole color work deal.  I didn't think about having to pick up stitches along the edges of squares while I was working.  Somehow, in my mad rush to step outside my comfort zone, I forgot that that particular technique is something I avoid because I hate doing it.  I'm not good at it.  OK.  So, really, I just need to practice.  And doing this will give me plenty of practice but...

And also? Ever since I decided that this was what I was going to do, I've thought of at least three other things to make with the yarn.  And they all seem awesome.  And I want to do them all.  I just don't know.  As I sit here and look at all these colors that shouldn't go together and yet some how do...I just don't know.  

But it's the weekend and Toby likes his mitts.  Speaking of practice, those mitts were excellent practice for something else I have in mind...heh.  

Friday, February 22, 2013

Feeling Better

I'm not sure if the nerves really were work related or if it's because in a roughly eight hours it'll be the weekend, but I'm feeling much less tummy squidgie today.  I hope it lasts. 

I think part of it is because I did some real writing yesterday.  It's been a while since I've delved into that world.  The muse hasn't been cooperating there at all.  But she hit me upside the head yesterday and I wrote some.  It feels good to be back there.  I know the BFF is going through withdrawals.  So, I'm going to do my damnedest to get another chapter done this weekend. 

Gonna give Toby his mitts tonight.  If he'll let me, I'll take a picture of him modeling them so you can see they actually do fit.  And that he doesn't have freakishly long alien hands.  He and Sis are heading out to the bar tonight so I'll be playing chauffeur again.  I'm sure it'll be another interesting ride.  

No big plans for the weekend.  I'm going to work on Sis's blanket.  Write.  Relax.  Maybe knit some on new blanket (now that I've found a way to fix my double purl decrease).  I played around with the colors some (gotta love graph paper and colored pencils; they should be in every crafter's arsenal) and it's a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.  I think I'm just gonna say "fuck it" and pick up whatever color I think should go next.  I've been all about stepping outside my comfort zone right?  If I'm gonna do it, I might as well just do it, right?   

And try to remember the good things so I don't get freaked about the scary stuff.  

Thursday, February 21, 2013


First, an slightly amusing story:

My mother asked me what I wanted for my birthday.  I thought about it and said, "World peace, my own publishing house, and a yarn store."  She laughed and asked me to pick just one.  I immediately replied that I wanted the yarn store.  "If I have to choose between world peace or yarn," I told her, mock seriously, "I'm absolutely choosing yarn."

Not exactly sure what that says about me ;)

I'm fairly certain that I'm not getting any of those for my birthday.  Unless she somehow wins the lottery in the next month, that is.  If she does, then yes, I probably would get my yarn store.

But here's the real thing:

I've got a case of the nerves that just won't settle.  I'm not entirely sure why.  It could be work, because I'm always afraid of making a mistake.  It could be the guest post that's going up on Joyfully Jay sometime next week, because she's got such large reader base.  It could be this blanket that I've decided to make that won't leave my head entirely for any length of time.  It could be that I'm giving Toby his mitts this weekend.  It could be all of those things.  It could be none of those things.  But I've got the squidgies in my tummy and they just won't leave.

Maybe I'm just hungry. 

Seriously, though.  I don't like feeling like this and I don't know how to change it.  Especially because, on the whole, my life is pretty damn good.  I have an amazing family and wonderful friends.  I have the yarn and the words.  I have a job that doesn't suck too hard and a roof over my head.  But I've got this feeling that something is about to happen.  I don't know if its going to be good or bad.  And it could just be all those things I mentioned, or it could be something else, and the not knowing is what's giving me the nerves.

Until something happens though, I'll just keep on keepin' on and do my damnedest to be content with my life as is.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fulfilling a want

There is a project that I've been wanting to make for quite a while now.  I've thought about it at least a dozen times.  Most likely more than that.  But ultimately, I never end up making it.

The project is an afghan, knitted mitered squares, that you build upon.  Each square is knitted off the next and it grows and grows until you have a finished afghan.  It seems, to me, the perfect way to use up extra yarn.  But repeatedly, I don't make it.  

Why, you ask?

Well, I have this brilliant idea, you see, of being random.  All the colors will compliment each other, but where the colors end up?  That's random.  I don't do so well with random.  That little bit of OCD that lives in me wants to make it symmetrical.  And the same color can't be too close to itself.  Which defeats the purpose, of course.  And I need the yarn to be all the same weight and type.  Other people might be able to make this particular project with anything that's left over, but I just can't.

But now?  With all the left over from the Tom Baker scarf and the mitts, I think I finally have the right kind of yarn and complimentary colors to make it work.  I think I have enough to make the entire afghan.  And the panic that bubbles up when I worry that I don't have enough is easily assuaged by knowing that I can get an additional ball or ten if I really need it.  But I really don't think I will.  And I've figured out a way to put them together that will make it grow in an even way so that I don't have a random empty space if I do run out of yarn.  

I would be OK if the miters point in different directions.  I won't be OK if the colors don't work out.  So, therefore, I will plan out the color part (I have colored pencils and everything) and then make the thing.

Of course, Sis's afghan comes first.  This will be my "in between" project.  The one that I work on whenever the mood strikes.  

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Here they are folks! 

I decided that I was going to do whatever I needed to do to get those mitts done...and that's what I did!

I got them mostly finished this past weekend, but then I got distracted by books.  I couldn't help myself.  Sometimes, that happens.  Anyway, like I said, I got them mostly done and, as my post said previously, when I woke up Sunday morning, I was all set and raring to go to finish them.  And I finished the hand part and started the flap part; got that about half done.  But then my brain didn't want to knit anymore, it wanted to read.  So that's what we did.

But then, I was bound and determined to finish them.  So I got home last night, didn't even turn on the computer, and got to work.  I did not stop until it was done.  I think Toby's going to be around sometime this week, too, so I'll be able to give them to him in person instead of passing them along through Sis.

The left mitt is better than the right mitt.  Sorta makes me smad (that's sad and mad smooshed together so that you can't tell which emotion it really is) but also, it's their mark of handmande-ness so I guess I can't complain really.  Grandma would say only God is perfect.  And I know they look long and skinny, and they kind of are, but he's got long hands and also the cable kind of makes them squeeze together, but when you put them on, everything stretches out to the right place.  

It turns out I overbought the yarn by a lot, by the way.  It only took me one ball to do both mitts.  Less than, actually.  Pattern called for two balls, and I got three because I was making them longer than the pattern called for and with the cable...I just didn't want to be short.  But yeah, now I've got a lot of extra.

Now, what shall I work on for my next project, hm?

Monday, February 18, 2013

The News

I was going to wait until the mini event itself was right on top of us before I said anything but since it's sort of out of the bag now...

If you don't already check in over at Joyfully Jay, you really should.  She puts up honest reviews about books (m/m mostly) and she has never once steered me wrong.  If the reviewers there give a book a good review, it's a good book.  Anyway, over at Joyfully Jay, they are doing a theme week.  Jock Week.  It's one week away.  That link will take you to a post she put up about the upcoming event.  If you read along, in the Guest Post section, she mentions a reader that will have a contributing guest post as well.  I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this.  Yes,  that Kris she mentioned is yours truly.  I am contributing a post about why jock's make great heroes.

I've gotta say, I'm a bit nervous.  OK, a lot.  And I almost didn't do it.  But, a little over a month ago, when Jay put up a post about Jock Week and said that she was looking for reader contributions, my muse started writing in my head.  And suddenly, I had all these reasons why jocks make awesome MCs and so I wrote it and asked Jay if she wanted it and...yeah.  Then I couldn't undo it.

Needless to say, I'm completely excited but also utterly terrified.  It's not the writing itself.  OK, it is a bit because what if everyone thinks it's awful?  But no, really, it's the putting myself out there.  That is terrifying. And yes, I know.  Its the web and it's anonymous.  But yeah, it's still outside of my comfort zone.

Anyway, I'll link to it when its coming up, in case you want to check it out.  

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Wake me up

I woke up slowly this morning. Having stayed up way too late reading, I came back to conscious  grudgingly. The thought that got me out of bed this morning was not "I gotta pee" (though I did) or that I was hungry (though I was).  No, it was: only eight rows left, then a bit if ribbing, then it's only 34 rows for the mitten flap, and the thumb takes minutes. That was the thought that got me moving. 

I did get some peanut butter toast to eat and coffee was essential. But now I'm ready to finish that mitt, get it done and move on. I want to be done!

I also noticed a curious thing recently. When watching a movie or TV, my eye is always drawn to the knitwear. Like, sometimes I'm staring so hard at the hat or scarf or mittens that I forget to pay attention to what's actually going on in the scene. I've been known, if I'm alone, to pause a movie and examine a piece of knitwear. Very rarely do you see something that's crocheted, which is sad to me because the plethora of stitches alone far surpasses...but I digress. At any rate, knitwear attracts me like moth to a flame. I sort of think that's weird but I'm also ok with it. 

So I'm gonna find something to watch, hopefully with not a lot of distracting knitwear, and get my yarn on. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Long Week

Isn't it weird how days have a feel to them?  It's very common for us to say "it feels like Friday" on a day not Friday. This week, both Wednesday and Thursday felt like Friday to me. On top of that, time has a feel, too. It's feels later than it is or it feels like more time has gone by than it really has. Of course, the opposite is also true. Time sometimes flies by and suddenly it's hours later than the last time you looked at the clock. Or it's already Thursday and you have no idea where the last three days have gone. But this past week, even though it had the same amount of days and hours as weeks previous, it felt much, much longer. 

Of course, part if that is the rough time I had. I wanted the week to be over so it seemed to take longer than it really did.  At any rate, I'm very, very glad the bulk of the week is over and I have a couple of weekend days to decompress. I need those days sometimes, the decompression days, desperately. I don't have anything I have to do, anywhere I have to go. After last weekends busyness, I'm very glad about that. My intent is to spend solid time with the yarn and finish Toby's mitts. I think that I can get it done. Maybe not the whole thing today, a nap will most likely happen this afternoon, but I've reached that point in the project that makes me desperate to get it done. And even though the dreaded SSS is making me not want to do the second mitt, once I make myself get it on the needles, I'll be able to work. Of course, if his hands weren't so damned long, it'd be easier because I wouldn't have to far to go. The only good thing is that, when I was making the first one, I was figuring it out as I was going along. Now that I've done it once, it should go a bit faster because I just have to follow what I did before. And remember to make the thumb on the other side!

Side note?  Remember last month when I said I got some exciting news?  I think sometime this week, I'll be able to tell what it is and talk about it a little. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Easily Amused

I am very easily amused. The little things make me laugh or smirk or giggle. I think this is a good thing, that I can get joy from the smallest of things.  I still giggle over a chair accidentally named Trish and my favorite joke, that never fails to make me laugh like a fool is: What's long and green and hangs from tress?  Answer: Giraffe snot!

After my bad day yesterday, I came home to a package, as I said. It was a computer program that, when I tried to load it, wasn't compatible with my OS. I started to get down again, knowing I had to spend more money to update the system. But as I told the BFF about my woes, she told me I was wrong and walked me through a free update that I should have done already. The program works, is hella fun, and the BFF rocks. Joy. 

And the Toby tried on his mitt and it fits perfectly. He really likes the thumb the way it is, Sis calls it a thumb sleeve, and doesn't want me to change it so I won't. He also wanted to keep the mitt. And was pouty when I told him he had to give it back. I smirked and said he could have one now OR two later. He hung his head and handed back the mitt with a very amusingly petulant, "two later, please."  More joy. 

I have to go into work in a minute. I know it's gonna be fine but I really just wanna be home and curled up with a book. So I'm going to hang on to the lingering joy and try to find all the little amusing things that will help the day pass. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Karmic Cycle

Lately, I've noticed that all the good stuff that's been happening is followed by some bad stuff.  Of course, the reverse is also true.  If there's bad stuff, it's followed by good stuff.  

There were a couple of really good things going on for me and then, even though they didn't unhappen, when I was emotionally high and feeling good, somebody said something to me that brought me way down.

I had a rough day at work today.  I don't want to go into the detail because I'm trying to let it go.  But, emotionally, it was tough.  I agreed with what was happening, but it's hard for me to hear some of the things I was hearing.  I didn't feel like eating lunch, though I managed a few bites, so by the time I got back home, I was a little shaky and hungry, on top of being emotionally drained.  But following with the up and down theme, I got home to a sneak attack package.  I knew it was coming but I didn't expect to receive it until next week sometime.  It was a very pleasant surprise!

I'm a big believer in karma in general.  And I believe that the good thing/bad thing cycle is a part of that.  Its just that, when I'm down (especially over an extended period) it's hard to remember that good things will bring me back up.  And when I'm feeling good, its doubly hard to remember that things will and can bring me down.  

But my surprise package today is an excellent reminder that when bad stuff happens, good stuff happens too. 

**As a side note, Toby's coming over tonight and, even though I don't have the mitts finished, I'll have him try on the one that I do have finished.  I'm suddenly terrible nervous that it won't fit!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

One to go

One mitt finished...one more to go. The dreaded SSS has reared it's ugly head and I don't wanna do the other one. I will, but I don't wanna.  I try to look at it as one whole project and its only half complete but no such luck. My brain is disagreeing vehemently. It says "we've done that already, why would we do it again?"  Silly brain. I'm really going to have to force myself. Once I get the next one started, I'll be able to make myself finish. Maybe this weekend. 

I finally heard back from the website about the missing yarn. Apparently, it is out of stock. The one skein the sent was the last one they had. There is no word on when the stock will be replenished. I still have two skeins from my previous shopping endeavor. So that's plenty to work with for the moment. I'll still need all the ones that will eventually arrive. And probably more on top of that. Good thing afghans can never really be too big...especially where Sis is concerned. 

All that aside, my muse is already trying to decide on what to work on next. I'm desperately trying to tell her to put a sock in it. But. As you can imagine, she's ignoring me completely. I'll let you know when she decides. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Birthday Report

So. Mom had an excellent birthday. First there was dinner out. And the food was amazing so that made it worth it. Then back to my aunt and uncle's for cake and prezzies. Mom was excited to get her slippers and her Triple A renewed. And she was ecstatic with the wrap. She raved about the warmth and how it stayed put. That's the beauty of that design; the way it fits over the shoulders means it doesn't slide off. She liked it a lot and that made me happy. She also got a pretty night light with a stained glass cover with a Monarch on it and a journal. She was just tickled with the whole thing.  And we were all pleased with her reactions. 

Next up is my birthday..,but that's still more than a month away. 

Auntie is an incredibly gifted crafter. So while Mom was otherwise occupied in conversation, I got to talk to Auntie about Toby's mitts. She was impressed with my ingenuity so far and had some ideas about the whole thumb dilemma. I think, between the two of us, we managed to figure out a way to make it work. I'm going to give her suggestion a practice run so that if it doesn't work, I don't have to frog the whole thumb and start over. It's good to have such an experienced crafter to talk to. She's been knitting/crocheting longer than I've been alive. She knows a thing or two. I'm lucky to have her. 

Already ready to be home and back to the knitting. Sometimes, having a job sure gets in the way of life ;)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Family Time...part deux

Happy birthday to my mommy!!  Today is a day to celebrate her and I'm very pleased to do so. There will be dinner out, and then cake and prezzies. And lots more family time. Which, as you know, pleases me to no end. And my mom is good at being the center of attention when it comes to things like this. I anticipate a fun time will be had by all. 

Happy birthday, Mom! I love you!

In other news, the christening was beautiful and the baby was so good...even if she tried to pick her nose at one point during it. I had to keep pulling her hand away but after the third time she got the message. She's also completely full of personality and was a big love bug at the party after. 

I started the mitt flap part of Toby's mitts yesterday evening. They are really coming along. I already feel like I've been working on them forever, though, even though its only been a day and a half. I can feel SSS sneaking up already. But I will push through!

Worked on Sis's blanket some too. It makes my lap hot. I best get going on that because I sure won't want to work on it in the summer! 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Christening Day!

That's following noon mass. I'm exiting and thrilled and honored and a wee bit nervous. I'm  more excited about family time afterward. There's going to be everyone together and that's always thrilling. I love family time. 

I made good progress on one of Toby's mitts yesterday. About three quarters done. All I have left is the flap and the thumb. I might not worry about the thumbs until I have both mitts completed. Thumbs can be last. They make me nervous. 

The week ahead looks like its gonna be pretty slow and I'm pleased about that. I could use some downtime and want to work on the projects I have going. Of course, now that I said that, I'm sure something will happen to mess with that. Oh well. You'd think I'd know better by now!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Magic Fingers

Totally not what it sounds like, I promise.

See, I have a bit of a knack for fixing things, for figuring out how things work, for putting together pieces of a puzzle.  And a lot of the time, when other people can't make something work, I can.  I just see how it fits together or sometimes, weirdly, just me touching it makes it work.  So, Mom say I have magic fingers.  Maybe.  The snow storm is done a'ragin' and it's not so bad here as it is in the northeast, but we've gotten quite a bit of snow.  Sis gets the snow blower out and it just won't work.  I mess with it, confused, because both sheer pins are intact and whole, but the auger won't engage.  I realized that the lever to engage the auger just wasn't moving all the way.  So I gave it a bit of a nudge.  Now we know that if it doesn't do what it's supposed to, just give it a little kick and it's all good.

And, of course, my magic fingers serve me well when working on my yarn projects

Fortunately for me, I get to spend the day ensconced in my nice, cozy home.  The pressure is off on the projects that I had to complete so now I get to work on the other things.  Sis has made me promise to get her blanket to her in less than 11 months (like last years) and I am going to do my best.  If I can ever get all the yarn.  It's stuck in some sort of limbo.  And there is no indication from the website as to why it hasn't shipped. And they never answered the email I sent questioning the delay. It sort of makes me not want to buy from them again (which is why I'm refraining from naming the site) and that makes me sad because they've always done well by me before.

I've poured over my stitch dictionary and I think I've settled on a cable for Toby's mitts.  Now, I just have to figure out the right stitches to work it over.  I have a tracing of his hand so that I can make it the right size.  The biggest hurdle is that I have to figure out how to put a whole in the thumb.  Every pattern I've seen has whole thumbs or no top to the thumb.  But he wants to be able to cover the top of his thumb or be able to slip it out if he needs it.  I have some ideas that might work, but I'll have to play with it a bit to see if it will.  Otherwise, he's getting a completely covered thumb and he'll just have to deal with it.  I have a while before I need to worry about thumbs, though, because I can do that part last. 

Anyway, that's what I'm working on today.  

Friday, February 8, 2013

I Get My Reward!

See!  I was a good girl!  I finished my project!  And now?  I get my reward!  I went shopping with Brub and Sis as soon as I got home from work.  We hit the Christian store to get prezzies for the baby.  As the godfather, Brub wanted to get something nice and something fun.  I got a little something too...a cross with a sweet prayer on it...to go with the blanket.  I'm hoping that she will like it and be able to look back years from now and know that her godmother gave it to her. 
Here's a bit of detail, showing off the border a bit.  I was right when I said I'd have to pay attention.  It wasn't complicated, exactly.  Just that I had to make sure I was doing the right stitch in the right place.  Because of the shopping, and then pizza for dinner, I was worried that it would be very late indeed before I finished.  But fortunately, it wasn't terribly late.  Very ready for bed though.  

Storm is brewing and it's gonna be a big one.  I can't wait to get home tonight and be safe and cozy with tea and a good book.  It's not supposed to be too bad here, only about a foot to a foot and half when all is said and done.  It's going to be much worse to the north and to the northeast.  Here's hoping everyone stays safe!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Progress Report

I'm happy to report that I was a very good girl last night. I got the bulk of the blanket finished. Finally. Now all I have left to do tonight is the borders. That's a bit of an involved process with this particular pattern. I'll have to actually pay close attention to what I'm doing. That's OK, though. I like a challenge. 

I found one thing I really liked about this pattern was that each round ended in the perfect position to start the next round. A lot of times, when crocheting in the round, that you have to slip stitch over to the starting point again. But this pattern?  Where you end is where you start the next round. I liked the symmetry of that a lot. 

I also discovered I worked a little faster than I thought I did. Using the handy dandy stop watch on my phone, I timed how long it took to make each motif.  Of course, when I shared with Mom that each motif took me, on average, 17 minutes and 16 seconds, she mocked me a little. She seemed to think that was weird. I just rolled my eyes at her. Timing myself gave me the motivation I needed to get things done. And even when I got sleepy and was ready to quit, there were only two left to do. For a brief moment, I considered putting it away and just doing that tomorrow. But then my brain vetoed that. Told me firmly that there were only two left and in 34 minutes, I could be done. So I got it done. 

Tonight, I'll get the border on. And then I'll be completely done. Stick it in the dryer with a Downey sheet and freshen it up, and I can bring it in for some show and tell Friday. 

And then finally, finally, back to Sis's blanket and Toby's mitts!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Out Of Sorts

My brain is coming up with a million tiny ideas that aren't going anywhere...

I have a severe case of the I don't wannas...

I have a deadline I need to meet and I can't make myself work on the project...

It's snowing yet again and that's messing with my mood...

I'm very much out of sorts right now.

So!  It's time for me to give myself a goal and a reward if I complete it.  A little TV and work on the blanket tonight.  Not going to even turn on the computer (which is my biggest distraction) and simply yarn until my wrist falls off.  Tomorrow, I will rinse and repeat.  After a shopping trip with Brub and Sis.  I wanted that blanket done so I could do some show and tell (the girls at work like to see) but if I can't manage to get it done, then I do have all day Saturday.  At any rate, there will be pictures when I'm done.  

And then I can get Toby's mitts on the needles and work on Sis's blanket.

I sort of sound like a broken record, don't I?  If I could just get motivated and get my stuff done, I could move on to something else.  So enough of the whinging and whining.  I'm tired of it and that means everyone else is beyond over it.

Mom's birthday is Monday and I'm so very excited to give her the wrap.  I think she's going to be super thrilled with it.  And it's all I can do not to give it to her early.  I'm so bad about that.  It's just that as soon as I get something done, I want to give it to the person.  Giving gifts makes me incredibly happy.  And that will go a long way to brightening my mood.  But I will refrain. 

Despite the blech mood I'm in, it's Wednesday.  And everything looks better on the other side of Wednesday.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I'm certainly not Monk level OCD. There are just certain things that I have to do a certain way. And there are certain tendencies I have that I have to do. Last night, it was making a list of something completely random. But when I got it in my head, I could not let it go. I had to get up, find a piece of paper and a pencil and make my list. And I sat there with it in my lap until I could remember that last thing that had to go on it. When that last item came to me and I wrote it down, I was good. I could put the list away. 

Another thing that I like to do, and I'm not sure if it qualifies, is that I time myself doing things. Take the baby's blanket, for example. Because its worked in separate motifs, I'll turn on the stop watch on my phone and time myself for how long it takes to complete it. And then, given a certain amount of over/under, I'll keep timing myself to make sure it's each consecutive one is done in the right amount if time. 

Now, I don't think these things are be necessarily bad, but I sometimes wonder if its a subtle way for me to exert control. Because when I make my plans, and something gets in the way of completing it, I get all out of sorts and it takes me a while to get my head clear. 

I don't know if its something I should roll with or if its something I should try to get over. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Plot Bunnies

I have long since blamed the muse for the things that go on in my head.  I've been being subjected to a rare treat of her talents lately.

Watching a music performance on TV, my mind was suddenly awash in a character with a lot of talent and a scene in a bar. These characters were talking to me in that way they have and I was thinking things like how did they get there and what led them to this place in their lives?

A song that I happen to adore came on and the next thing I knew I wasn't singing along, I was lost in a different scene, with different characters, and trying to figure out how they got to that point.

A phrase someone said and I was off and running with yet different characters and a different set of back stories.

I like to write, I love to create characters, but seriously?  There seems to be too much going on.  Why would my muse keep planting plot bunnies?  Is she just using the spaghetti method?  Throwing a bunch of stuff out there to see what sticks?  It's getting pretty crowded in my head.  I need room for essential things.

Do normal people's brains work this way?  And what am I supposed to do with all these thoughts?   

Saturday, February 2, 2013


I know, two posts in one day!  But, Mom's wrap is completed!  It didn't take as long as I feared it would.  And I almost ran out of yarn.  Again.  But I made it with just a bit to spare.  Thank goodness.  I tried it on and wore it for a bit.  It's very, very, very warm.  I think it's not for a day when it's just a wee bit chilly.  It should be used on those truly cold days.  Fortunately, at least in this instance, we have quiet of few of those kinds of days to spare.  And I'm certain several more to come before winter leaves us for good.

At any rate, one project done, three more to go!

I Ran Out of Yarn!

Gasp!  It's true.  It hasn't happened to me in such a very long time because I usually over buy so that exact thing doesn't happen.  But in this situation, with making Mom's wrap from left overs from a different project that I over bought on, I guess it's understandable.  Still, I thought I had enough to complete the project.  Turns out, I didn't.  So there was yarn shopping this morning.

I went to my favorite store because I was certain that they would have what I needed.  I was actually a little bit heartbroken that they didn't.  Not only didn't they have the color, but they didn't even carry the kind of yarn.  I think I stared at the section where it should have been for like three minutes before I could convince myself it wasn't there.  Then, I walked up and down the aisle twice to make sure it wasn't somehow somewhere else.  Fortunately, there was another craft store in the same plaza.  I headed over there, half convinced that they wouldn't have it either and I'd have to go all the way down to the other store.  I sighed in blessed relief when the second store had it.  They only had two colors, but one of them was the one that I needed.  I was hoping to pick up some more for Sis's afghan, too, but the other color was not her color.  For 60 seconds, I contemplated heading down to the third store, but I just didn't want to.  I had what I needed, so I checked out and came home.  

I really didn't want to go out at all this morning but because I needed the yarn and had to stop at the bank, I made myself.  Fortunately, all the snow from yesterday had been cleared off the roads and though it was a bit wet and some parts were just a tiny bit slippery and the traction control in my car turned on, it was mostly smooth sailing.

Now, I'm home again and I will put something interesting on the telly and finish Mom's wrap.  And then, because it's Saturday, I'll take a nap.  

Friday, February 1, 2013

Winter Again

Apparently, it's winter again.  Wednesday, we had record 63 degree weather (that's 17 ish for you C folks).  Yesterday was a clear, though incredibly windy, day.  The snow had all melted away.  Today, I woke up to the snow blizzarding down.  OK, maybe not quite a blizzard.  But on and off all day long, it kept snowing.  The drive to and from work was not at all fun.  I'm happy to be home, ensconced in my warm house and my comfy pants.  

I did something today, inspired by Brad's post over at 2 boys in love, that took me outside my comfort zone.  I'm really glad that I did it, though the relative anonymity of the internet helped.  And honestly, it never occurred to me until just this minute that me posting on this blog, sharing my life and crafting, is a way for me to step outside of myself as well.  I do it because I like to write and because I want to share my love of the fiber arts.  I'm relatively safe because I only share what I want and my life is still private but still...let's just say I have trouble in social situations and this allows me to have that without anxiety.  Maybe I'm taking steps forward too.

This weekend is dedicated to the yarn.  I'm about halfway done with Mom's present and since it's made with the thick yarn and a big hook, I think I'll work on getting that done first.  The plan is to either be done with it by tomorrow afternoon or put it away at the point anyway and work on the baby's blanket.  That's got a hard deadline of the 10th.  If I don't finish Mom's wrap by the 11th, well, she can have it when I'm done.  She'll appreciate it just as much.

And then it's back to work on Sis's afghan!