
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


First, an slightly amusing story:

My mother asked me what I wanted for my birthday.  I thought about it and said, "World peace, my own publishing house, and a yarn store."  She laughed and asked me to pick just one.  I immediately replied that I wanted the yarn store.  "If I have to choose between world peace or yarn," I told her, mock seriously, "I'm absolutely choosing yarn."

Not exactly sure what that says about me ;)

I'm fairly certain that I'm not getting any of those for my birthday.  Unless she somehow wins the lottery in the next month, that is.  If she does, then yes, I probably would get my yarn store.

But here's the real thing:

I've got a case of the nerves that just won't settle.  I'm not entirely sure why.  It could be work, because I'm always afraid of making a mistake.  It could be the guest post that's going up on Joyfully Jay sometime next week, because she's got such large reader base.  It could be this blanket that I've decided to make that won't leave my head entirely for any length of time.  It could be that I'm giving Toby his mitts this weekend.  It could be all of those things.  It could be none of those things.  But I've got the squidgies in my tummy and they just won't leave.

Maybe I'm just hungry. 

Seriously, though.  I don't like feeling like this and I don't know how to change it.  Especially because, on the whole, my life is pretty damn good.  I have an amazing family and wonderful friends.  I have the yarn and the words.  I have a job that doesn't suck too hard and a roof over my head.  But I've got this feeling that something is about to happen.  I don't know if its going to be good or bad.  And it could just be all those things I mentioned, or it could be something else, and the not knowing is what's giving me the nerves.

Until something happens though, I'll just keep on keepin' on and do my damnedest to be content with my life as is.


  1. That's uncomfortable for you. :(

    Have you seen this tumblr? http://colchrishadfield.tumblr.com/

    Colonel Chris Hadfield is a Canadian astronaut up on the space station right now, and he posts photos of the earth from space and of the inside of the space station. I've only recently discovered it but I check it every day. It certainly gives a new perspective to problems.

    Hope your butterflies settle soon, though. I don't think you have any need to worry about Toby's mitts, they're great. And as for the Joyfully Jay post- you write interesting posts here and I'm sure the Jocks one will be worth reading. In fact, if I can quote what Jay said on her site -
    "Kris has written an amazing post on why athletes make great romance heroes. I am so excited to share it with you guys."
    See, an amazing post she's excited to share! Can't wait to read it. Just you breathe deep and tell those butterflies off! :)

  2. Alder...thank you so much. Those pictures are amazing and you're right, it certainly puts things into perspective. And what you said...I'm touched and pleased and so very grateful that you said that. When I start to get doubty again, I'm going to remember this. Thanks you.
