
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Winter Again

Apparently, it's winter again.  Wednesday, we had record 63 degree weather (that's 17 ish for you C folks).  Yesterday was a clear, though incredibly windy, day.  The snow had all melted away.  Today, I woke up to the snow blizzarding down.  OK, maybe not quite a blizzard.  But on and off all day long, it kept snowing.  The drive to and from work was not at all fun.  I'm happy to be home, ensconced in my warm house and my comfy pants.  

I did something today, inspired by Brad's post over at 2 boys in love, that took me outside my comfort zone.  I'm really glad that I did it, though the relative anonymity of the internet helped.  And honestly, it never occurred to me until just this minute that me posting on this blog, sharing my life and crafting, is a way for me to step outside of myself as well.  I do it because I like to write and because I want to share my love of the fiber arts.  I'm relatively safe because I only share what I want and my life is still private but still...let's just say I have trouble in social situations and this allows me to have that without anxiety.  Maybe I'm taking steps forward too.

This weekend is dedicated to the yarn.  I'm about halfway done with Mom's present and since it's made with the thick yarn and a big hook, I think I'll work on getting that done first.  The plan is to either be done with it by tomorrow afternoon or put it away at the point anyway and work on the baby's blanket.  That's got a hard deadline of the 10th.  If I don't finish Mom's wrap by the 11th, well, she can have it when I'm done.  She'll appreciate it just as much.

And then it's back to work on Sis's afghan!


  1. Matt and Brad are an inspiration aren't they? Did you watch Madison's link about introverts? I thought it was very interesting. I'm not a very social person either and it took me a while to start commenting anywhere and even now I only comment on five blogs, though I look at lots more - mostly book review sites. Books are my addiction. I like reading about them almost as much as actually reading them!

    Good for you for being out here blogging, and for testing your comfort levels in other ways. :)

    1. They are absolutely inspiring. I'm a total Matt and Brad fangirl! :)

      I did watch the link. She hit on some very interesting points. I especially liked what she said about there's a scale of introvert/extrovert and how people fall on different place on it. It explained so much about how I can be so outgoing in certain situations but most of the time, prefer to be by myself.

      I totally understand about not commenting for a long time...I lurked for months before I was able to get up the nerve to start commenting. And I feel very privileged that my blog is one you feel comfortable commenting on! Thanks for being here!
