
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


That's today's buzz word.

I must be disciplined.  Because, you see, the yarn for Toby's mitts came today.  And as you can imagine, all I want to do right now is get it on the needles and make his prezzie.  But I can't.  Because I have other things that need to get done first.  So, I won't.  But only because I'm disciplined.

About the yarn:  it's a little darker than I thought, which is fine, but might mean that I don't put a cable on it like I thought I was going to. Cables are awesome and show off such pretty stitches, but when the yarn is dark, it doesn't show up quite as well.  Now, this yarn has a pretty severe twist to it which makes it awesomely springy and also highlights stitch definition.  So it may work out just fine.  If I can find the right kind of cable.  We'll see.  I haven't ruled it out completely but I won't be heartbroken if I don't put one one.  At any rate, I'll put it in the box for right now because out of sight helps with out of mind.  And soon, as a reward for getting my other things done, I'll get his mitts done, too.  And they'll be better this time, I promise.

And as an aside, I received some exciting news today.  But I'm going to keep it under my hat for a bit.  I'll share when the event gets closer.  But I'm thrilled and a bit flattered and that good feeling will keep me in a happy state for several days to come. 


  1. Good luck with all your projects. I hope there's something worth watching on TV to help.

    Look forward to hearing your news. :)

    1. Plus, I like the new blue background.

    2. Thanks for the luck, Alder. I have emergency back up DVDs if TV doesn't cooperate. Ever see or hear of Nigel Marvin's series Prehistoric Park? I've seen it a bunch of times but, like a five year old with a favorite cartoon, I just keep watching. :)

      And the background is a pattern that I created and knitted up, so I'm very happy you like it! Thanks!

  2. I've not seen Prehistoric Park, but you can't go wrong with dinosaurs. You make up your own patterns! Wow, that's impressive. I think I should have realised that from some of the things you were saying, but being craft-impaired I didn't. lol

    1. He goes back in time, with a portal, and brings dinosaurs (and other prehistoric creatures) back to the present. It's really fabulous! I wish they'd make more.

      As far as making my own patterns, well...I try anyway. Sometimes, it works, like this one did. Most of the time it's an epic fail. Because there is a lot of math involved and, as you know, I am mathily challenged. :P
