
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Fold 'Em

Remember when I said making a plan was a bad thing?  You know how they say that thing about self fulfilling prophecies?  Yeah.  That was me last night.

OK.  I really do blame the yarn.  You see, it's really loosely spun.  And yes, I'm aware that I mentioned it several times.  But what happened was this: it kept breaking!  The third time, I was at my wits end and ready to cry.  So, I came to a very important decision.  That yarn?  It wants to be crocheted into a scarf.  It does not, I repeat does not, want to be made into fingerless mitts with the mitten flap.  In fact, I'm certain it's very highly against it.  Sometimes, you gotta know when to fold 'em.

And since you were wondering, yes, I'm absolutely aware I am anthropomorphizing the yarn.

So even though I had one mitt about three quarters done, I scrapped it.  Yeah.  Just decided it was done.  I stared at it a long while before I made that decision but in the end, it was the best thing for my peace of mind.  If I didn't want to end up a sobbing mess of girl, it had to be done.  It's all right; he really wanted green anyway.  And I can do it better than that.  I can make the cuff better, and not start the ribbing at the top quiet so soon.  And remember to put in the lifeline where I want the mitten flap to start.  Really, it was a blessing in disguise.  I wasn't entirely happy with it and now I can do it over and better.  And, aw shucks, I've got to go yarn shopping.  Shame, that.  

Maybe this time I'll put the fancy man cable up the back like I was thinking of in the first place?

At any rate, that means that tonight and the rest of the weekend, I'll be focusing back on Sis's afghan and the baby's blanket.  And doing a little celebrating of Sis's birthday. And have some family time which always makes me happy.     


  1. But remember, you're only shopping for enough green yarn to do 2 mittens, nothing more! :o)

    Great attitude, though - allowing the problem to improve the result. Kudos.

    1. The sad thing is, I absolutely need that kind of warning before I go into a yarn store. You have been paying attention, haven't you?! LOL.
