
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Mathily Challenged

Math and I have never, ever, ever gotten along.  I don't know where the disconnect is in my brain, but even the simplest of equations baffles me and requires the use of a calculator, my fingers, and often a little outside help.  I get ridiculously happy when I managed to correctly subtract 9 from a total and nines are easy!!  But I understand my limitations and I try to work within them.

So when I started Sis's afghan, I worked up a fake gauge swatch so that I could figure out, roughly, how many stitches per inch the particular yarn and needle size gave me.  It didn't have to be exact because it's an afghan, not a garment.  I just needed an idea.  It was roughly two stitches to the inch so I cast on 150 stitches because I knew that would give me about 75 inches, which I knew is a little more than six feet.  Today, while I was working on the afghan, I decided to measure it for shits and giggles.  It's fucking eight feet wide!  Eight!  I don't know how I got an additional twenty inches of fabric, I don't.  Did I measure my gauge swatch wrong?  Was it actually three stitches to the inch and my math was all wrong?  I have no clue whatsoever.  None.  And when I realized just how wide it was, I stared at it for a good ninety seconds debating on whether or not I should frog the whole thing and start over with less stitches.  In the end, I decided to keep going making the width the length instead.  Essentially, I am now working it from side to side instead of bottom to top.

And speaking of Sis...she and Toby went out last night for some birthday celebrating. I dropped them off at the bar and then stayed up so when they called three hours later, I could go  pick their drunk asses up.  It was an incredibly entertaining ride home.  Apparently, I'm "awesome and amazing and not superfluous and wonderful and very, very loved."  It's true, I am all those things :)


  1. I can connect with this as I am not a numbers person either. Basic arithmetic I can do, but the rest...eek.

    If you're making the width the length, does that mean you have less to knit to complete the afghan now?

  2. Yes and no. It will be less rows but I still need to make it a good 60 inches wide. So it'll be less overall but not by a whole lot.

    And math just makes me shudder. Fortunately measuring for width on a completed project doesn't require any addition!
