
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sherlock and Yarn

In the midst of all this hoopla about Sis's new blanket and the baby's blanket...and getting both of them done in time for their deadlines...I've neglected Toby's fingerless mitts.  It occurred to me today, in the bitter, bitter cold, that poor Toby doesn't have the promised fingerless mitts with the mitten flap because I totally abandoned the project. Now, it was completely unintentional.  I put them away when I was cleaning up because I didn't want them to get lost or messed up in the process...but there they sat, out of sight.  I feel really bad about it because honestly it doesn't take me that long to make them.  And I could have had them completed a while ago.  At the moment, my muse is waged in a battle with herself to try and figure out if we should abandon Sis's blanket (considering we won't get it done by Monday anyway) and try our damnedest to get Toby's mitts done.  I think he'll be stopping by this weekend, and if I push tonight and tomorrow night, I just may be able to do it.  And he really deserves to have them.  

And if I work hard on Saturday, I can still make incredibly progress on Sis's afghan and impress her with something nice to open.

I'm leery of making plans such as this though, because lately when I've made plans, they've gone to shit rather quickly.  Something or someone interrupts and then I get irrationally mad about it.  

I suppose, in the grand scheme of things, it wouldn't hurt to work on them tonight and then move on to something else tomorrow if he is, in fact, not stopping in this weekend.  I've got more Sherlock I can watch (I'm a little bit in love with Benedict Cumberbatch and Andrew Scott) and, if I knit at the same time, I feel much more productive with my evening. As long as I remember that it's 100% Highland Wool and that it's loosely spun, so I need to keep my tension loose as well or the yarn pulls apart.  Surprisingly, once it's knitted, it's very strong and doesn't pull apart.

Yes, yes.  I do believe this is how I will spend my evening 

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