
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Magic Fingers

Totally not what it sounds like, I promise.

See, I have a bit of a knack for fixing things, for figuring out how things work, for putting together pieces of a puzzle.  And a lot of the time, when other people can't make something work, I can.  I just see how it fits together or sometimes, weirdly, just me touching it makes it work.  So, Mom say I have magic fingers.  Maybe.  The snow storm is done a'ragin' and it's not so bad here as it is in the northeast, but we've gotten quite a bit of snow.  Sis gets the snow blower out and it just won't work.  I mess with it, confused, because both sheer pins are intact and whole, but the auger won't engage.  I realized that the lever to engage the auger just wasn't moving all the way.  So I gave it a bit of a nudge.  Now we know that if it doesn't do what it's supposed to, just give it a little kick and it's all good.

And, of course, my magic fingers serve me well when working on my yarn projects

Fortunately for me, I get to spend the day ensconced in my nice, cozy home.  The pressure is off on the projects that I had to complete so now I get to work on the other things.  Sis has made me promise to get her blanket to her in less than 11 months (like last years) and I am going to do my best.  If I can ever get all the yarn.  It's stuck in some sort of limbo.  And there is no indication from the website as to why it hasn't shipped. And they never answered the email I sent questioning the delay. It sort of makes me not want to buy from them again (which is why I'm refraining from naming the site) and that makes me sad because they've always done well by me before.

I've poured over my stitch dictionary and I think I've settled on a cable for Toby's mitts.  Now, I just have to figure out the right stitches to work it over.  I have a tracing of his hand so that I can make it the right size.  The biggest hurdle is that I have to figure out how to put a whole in the thumb.  Every pattern I've seen has whole thumbs or no top to the thumb.  But he wants to be able to cover the top of his thumb or be able to slip it out if he needs it.  I have some ideas that might work, but I'll have to play with it a bit to see if it will.  Otherwise, he's getting a completely covered thumb and he'll just have to deal with it.  I have a while before I need to worry about thumbs, though, because I can do that part last. 

Anyway, that's what I'm working on today.  


  1. Gosh, these mitts will be one-off designer mitts - you need to put a label in them. And made to measure, as well. Lucky Toby!

    And you have another talent - magic fingers. I don’t know, *sigh*, some people have more than their fair share of talents and I have none. *boo hoo*

    I’m only half joking there...I wish I was good at something creative. :-(

    1. I don't know that we can call them designer. I'm not good at creating my own patterns. Modifying existing patterns to suit my needs though? I'm all over that.

      As for my "talents", well, I've mostly just found a couple things I can do well and end up practicing a lot bc I get obsessed.

      I'm sure you have many a talent. As for something creative, all I can is that when I started with the yarn, it looked like a monkey with some sort of palsy made the finished product. I just kept doing it and doing it until it looked nice. If it was something that got your passion flowing, I have no doubt you'd be amazing at it ;)
