
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, February 8, 2013

I Get My Reward!

See!  I was a good girl!  I finished my project!  And now?  I get my reward!  I went shopping with Brub and Sis as soon as I got home from work.  We hit the Christian store to get prezzies for the baby.  As the godfather, Brub wanted to get something nice and something fun.  I got a little something too...a cross with a sweet prayer on it...to go with the blanket.  I'm hoping that she will like it and be able to look back years from now and know that her godmother gave it to her. 
Here's a bit of detail, showing off the border a bit.  I was right when I said I'd have to pay attention.  It wasn't complicated, exactly.  Just that I had to make sure I was doing the right stitch in the right place.  Because of the shopping, and then pizza for dinner, I was worried that it would be very late indeed before I finished.  But fortunately, it wasn't terribly late.  Very ready for bed though.  

Storm is brewing and it's gonna be a big one.  I can't wait to get home tonight and be safe and cozy with tea and a good book.  It's not supposed to be too bad here, only about a foot to a foot and half when all is said and done.  It's going to be much worse to the north and to the northeast.  Here's hoping everyone stays safe!


  1. It's gorgeous!

    Stay safe and cozy in the storm. :)

    1. Thank you! Fortunately for me, it won't hit as hard here as it will for our 2 boys, and it's been downgraded a bit to only dump about 8 inches on my area. But still, I'm very glad I'll be home and cozy!
