
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Karmic Cycle

Lately, I've noticed that all the good stuff that's been happening is followed by some bad stuff.  Of course, the reverse is also true.  If there's bad stuff, it's followed by good stuff.  

There were a couple of really good things going on for me and then, even though they didn't unhappen, when I was emotionally high and feeling good, somebody said something to me that brought me way down.

I had a rough day at work today.  I don't want to go into the detail because I'm trying to let it go.  But, emotionally, it was tough.  I agreed with what was happening, but it's hard for me to hear some of the things I was hearing.  I didn't feel like eating lunch, though I managed a few bites, so by the time I got back home, I was a little shaky and hungry, on top of being emotionally drained.  But following with the up and down theme, I got home to a sneak attack package.  I knew it was coming but I didn't expect to receive it until next week sometime.  It was a very pleasant surprise!

I'm a big believer in karma in general.  And I believe that the good thing/bad thing cycle is a part of that.  Its just that, when I'm down (especially over an extended period) it's hard to remember that good things will bring me back up.  And when I'm feeling good, its doubly hard to remember that things will and can bring me down.  

But my surprise package today is an excellent reminder that when bad stuff happens, good stuff happens too. 

**As a side note, Toby's coming over tonight and, even though I don't have the mitts finished, I'll have him try on the one that I do have finished.  I'm suddenly terrible nervous that it won't fit!


  1. Sorry you had a bad day at work. *hugs*

    For me, it's that I can't always control the ups and downs of life, but I can try to control my reactions to them. I find the first step is to become aware of the way I'm reacting. Then I can relax a bit and let go of some of the tension. Sometimes I can control my reactions better than others, but the first step is always becoming aware and not just reacting. Another thought is that - "The sum of our thoughts, words and feelings creates our outer life circumstances. The reverse is also true:our life circumstances and the people in our surroundings mirror our inner condition. Once you understand this, try paying attention to it in both directions." This is from the card I have on my desk right now. It is from the Barbel Mohr Cosmic Ordering pack of cards which a friend gave me for Christmas. I pick a new one at random to put on my desk each week . I like things like this that make me think about how my mind and emotions work. :)

    1. Controlling my reactions...yes. That is one of the hard parts. I had to work very hard at it yesterday. But I think I did well...and was able to let it go after I got home. I really like that quote. Thanks for sharing. And I love that idea of having something new each week to make you think!
