
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Progress Report

I'm happy to report that I was a very good girl last night. I got the bulk of the blanket finished. Finally. Now all I have left to do tonight is the borders. That's a bit of an involved process with this particular pattern. I'll have to actually pay close attention to what I'm doing. That's OK, though. I like a challenge. 

I found one thing I really liked about this pattern was that each round ended in the perfect position to start the next round. A lot of times, when crocheting in the round, that you have to slip stitch over to the starting point again. But this pattern?  Where you end is where you start the next round. I liked the symmetry of that a lot. 

I also discovered I worked a little faster than I thought I did. Using the handy dandy stop watch on my phone, I timed how long it took to make each motif.  Of course, when I shared with Mom that each motif took me, on average, 17 minutes and 16 seconds, she mocked me a little. She seemed to think that was weird. I just rolled my eyes at her. Timing myself gave me the motivation I needed to get things done. And even when I got sleepy and was ready to quit, there were only two left to do. For a brief moment, I considered putting it away and just doing that tomorrow. But then my brain vetoed that. Told me firmly that there were only two left and in 34 minutes, I could be done. So I got it done. 

Tonight, I'll get the border on. And then I'll be completely done. Stick it in the dryer with a Downey sheet and freshen it up, and I can bring it in for some show and tell Friday. 

And then finally, finally, back to Sis's blanket and Toby's mitts!


  1. I hope you've got a nice reward planned for yourself for this weekend, now that you've finished your Mom's gift and will have finished the christening gift, and done them both on time.

    1. I sure do. I haven't bought a book in a week (I'm going through withdrawals, complete with DTs) and there is supposed to be a bit of a storm tomorrow. So, I plan to curl up with a mug of Earl Grey, a new book, and some snacks.

    2. A book is my favourite reward too, also my favourite comfort. I couldn't manage without books!

    3. I'm sort of book obsessed. I read one a day, if there's nothing else that I absolutely must do, and I usually buy a new one. Though I have been known to go back a reread my favorites to the point of ridiculousness. ;)

    4. Oh yes, I reread too. Sometimes the whole thing, sometimes just my favourite scenes. I'm rereading Sunshine by Robin Mckinley at the moment. When I first got it, I read and reread it time and again, sometimes a book will grab me like that and won't let go! This is the first time of rereading in a couple of years and I still love it. Have you read it?

    5. I do the same thing, either the whole thing or flip through and read just my favorite parts. I love it when a book speaks to me on some gut level and i just get attached. The characters becone real friends. I have not read Sunshine. I've never even heard of it. What's it about?

  2. It is a vampire book, but nothing like the plethora of other vampire books that are about. Robin McKinley writes magical books. There's a quote from Neil Gaiman on the cover:- "Astonishing...a perfect work of magical literature". She doesn't write many books but they are all rather otherworldly and magical. Very fairy tale like. She has a retelling of Beauty and the beast that I love called 'Beauty' and a version of Sleeping Beauty called 'Spindle's End'. I own 5 of her books.

    1. That's right up my favorite alley! I'll check it out!
