
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Here they are folks! 

I decided that I was going to do whatever I needed to do to get those mitts done...and that's what I did!

I got them mostly finished this past weekend, but then I got distracted by books.  I couldn't help myself.  Sometimes, that happens.  Anyway, like I said, I got them mostly done and, as my post said previously, when I woke up Sunday morning, I was all set and raring to go to finish them.  And I finished the hand part and started the flap part; got that about half done.  But then my brain didn't want to knit anymore, it wanted to read.  So that's what we did.

But then, I was bound and determined to finish them.  So I got home last night, didn't even turn on the computer, and got to work.  I did not stop until it was done.  I think Toby's going to be around sometime this week, too, so I'll be able to give them to him in person instead of passing them along through Sis.

The left mitt is better than the right mitt.  Sorta makes me smad (that's sad and mad smooshed together so that you can't tell which emotion it really is) but also, it's their mark of handmande-ness so I guess I can't complain really.  Grandma would say only God is perfect.  And I know they look long and skinny, and they kind of are, but he's got long hands and also the cable kind of makes them squeeze together, but when you put them on, everything stretches out to the right place.  

It turns out I overbought the yarn by a lot, by the way.  It only took me one ball to do both mitts.  Less than, actually.  Pattern called for two balls, and I got three because I was making them longer than the pattern called for and with the cable...I just didn't want to be short.  But yeah, now I've got a lot of extra.

Now, what shall I work on for my next project, hm?


  1. Obviously you've got to knit Toby a matching hat!! lol.

    These are great, I love that shade of green.

    1. LOL! Oh no, we can't wear a hat and mess up our perfectly styled hair! Thanks, though, I love the color, too!

      Actually, you said that, I started thinking hat and my muse smacked me upside the head with another idea entirely. Now, I just have to see if it works!
