
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I Dreamed a Dream

Last night, I had a dream.  There was a huge (I'm talking ginormous) room and it was filled to capacity.  Thousands of people.  It was loud with the buzz of conversation.  For a moment, I was filled with crippling anxiety.  Until I actually looked at the people.  All ages, races, genders, all these people who represented all the different walks of life were sitting around, smiling, laughing, talking, and crafting.  There were yarns of every color and weight and texture.  Hooks and needles were flying as delicate lace was being worked, or big cushy afghans, or socks, or hats or scarves or gloves.  Thousands of people, thousands of project.  The anxiety melted away and all I could do was think, "My people!"

It was a good dream.

Now, I know there are all sorts of craft shows and conventions where this exact thing actually happens.  But I couldn't make myself actually go to one.  And that's OK.  Maybe someday I'll work it all out in my head and be able to do something like that.  But for now, it's nice to dream the dream. 

And the best part about this dream?  There was a woman sitting near the door; a friendly sort with a kind smile and and open face.  She was crocheting a baby blanket.  She was nearly done, the bulk of the blanket flowing over her ample lap.  It was gorgeous.  Made from a delicately variegated yarn in the soft pastels so common in the baby palette, it was light and fluffy.  The pattern had some sort of shell work coupled with a lacy stitch.  Ever since I woke this morning, I've been trying to piece it together, trying to figure out exactly what stitches she was using.  I must have seen the pattern somewhere.  Or perhaps it's my muse speaking to me.  Either way, I'm going to try to find it or work it out.  I think that's the blanket I want to make.


  1. What a lovely dream! And how magical if you make the blanket using the dream pattern.

    1. It won't leave me alone, as you can imagine, and I can't wait to get home because I think I have it figured out and I have to try it. I just hope the maths don't trip me up!

  2. Maybe that dream means something besides a pattern. I know you don't like crowds but I swear, I never felt more normal than I have at book conventions. I'm surrounded by like-minded people that make me feel like being a book lover is normal lol. Maybe one day you'll start with a small con but if it never happens it was still a lovely dream.

    1. I've heard that from other people, Mary, and I'm sure you're right on some level. Just the thought of all those people gives me the shudders, but I know my LYS (local yarn store) has a night where they get together, shoot the shit, and work on projects. I've been trying to work up the nerve to join in for more than a year. Maybe, someday soon, I'll be brave enough!

  3. No pressure. You wouldn't enjoy it if you aren't ready.

    1. You're right. But I used it as an excuse too. I'm trying to get better about that. Baby steps
