
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Stuff Of Dreams

That dream haunted me all day long.  I played with the stitches in my head and with the yarn for most of the evening.  And finally, finally, I think that I've figured it out.

 Here it is: the stuff of dreams.  It looks almost exactly like what I saw.  In fact, I worked up a different variation that looked a little more like the dream blanket but I didn't like it as much in person.  So a little tweaking and voila!  This is the gauge swatch/sample that I came up with.  I even took the time to actually figure out and write down the pattern.  Now, I'm sure I'm not the first person in the world to figure out this particular sequence of stitches.  The 5 double crochet shell and V stitch are pretty common and I'm absolutely certain someone somewhere has made this before.  But yeah, here it is.  What I dreamed.

Side note:  I've got a post scheduled to go up tomorrow, but I'm pretty much going to be offline for a few days after that.  I may be able to check in here and other blogs but...yeah.  There's some...I'll be unavailable mostly. 


  1. That's really pretty, it'll make a lovely baby blanket. :)

    Re your last paragraph - I hope everything's ok. *sending hugs*

  2. I think it will make a nice blanket, too. I hope. *fingers crossed*

    And thanks, Alder. I'll be taking those hugs with me.

  3. That's a beautiful pattern Kris. Don't be gone too long, I'm used to "seeing" you every day. Take care & ((hugs)).

    1. Thanks, Mary. I'm pretty excited about the pattern.

      And I'll be around as much as I can...I get strength from all the people we "see". I'm gonna need it.
