
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Stuff and Things

--Finished the final first draft of a short story.  It's off to the betas this weekend!  I've already got major nerves.

--We got a new girl at work a couple of weeks ago.  Well, actually, she's not new.  She worked in one of the other offices.  I'd talked her loads of times on the phones but I don't think we actually met in person.  She's a sweetheart.  She saw my mitts and wants a pair.  Did I say no?  Of course not.  I said, "I absolutely have purple yarn."  At least I'm going to do the easy version and not anything complicated.

--They did a system update last night for one of our programs.  Have no idea if we'll even be able to log in when I get to work in a bit.  Sort of hoping not so that there's time to do funner work stuff.  (Yeah, I totally said funner)

--Now that the frog of the short story is done, I'm going back to working on Kirk.  Spock needs his T'hy'la.

--Tomorrow is March!  I love March.  It is my very favorite month of all the months.  There are several reasons...the most prominent and self serving is that it's my birthday month. :)

--March is looking to come in like a lion...I'm looking forward to the lamb part.

--Sometimes when I see the word March, all I can think about is Little Women.

--It's cold and wintery again (hence the March coming in like a lion bit) and i'm so far over it it's not even funny.  I don't even care about the cold at this point, I just want the snow to stop.

--I hate wearing socks to bed.  My feet need to be free.  But it was so cold last night they were necessary. When I woke up, they were gone.  I now can't find them.  Who the hell knows what sleeping me did with them?

--It's Friday!  Yay!  That always makes me happy.


  1. Lol on the bedsocks! And congrats on the story! Did you get your Bff's second Bella mitt finished? I don't think we saw photos. Watch out for the Mad March Hares AKA plot bunnies! :)

    1. They're lost. They aren't in the bottom of my sheets or on the floor or anything. I seriously don't know what happened to them. (They're bright purple too, so it's not like I could miss them!)

      Not yet on the mitt. I put it aside to work on Izzy's shawl, which isn't done yet, and there was Spock and now Kirk, and words and...the BFF says I can give them to her in the summer again and keep up the tradition! :P
