
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Yesterday went by both way too slowly and way too quickly!

Getting up at five o'clock int he morning on a Saturday?  Not fun.  No matter how you slice it.  But I managed to haul my ass out of bed.  The baby fell asleep when she wasn't supposed to and then, later, wouldn't sleep when she should.  But the times when she was sleeping were awesome.  He took a good long nap.  I ended up corralling them and confining them to two rooms, just because I couldn't keep chasing them.  I was tired and my patience was worn thin...and I didn't want to snap and be harsh when I didn't need to.  Finally, 3 o'clock rolled around and they went home.  I felt like I'd had a day twice as long as it was already.  But on the other hand, I was like, "holy crap! It's already three o'clock!"

Didn't stop me from taking a nap though.  

Then I went and collected Tato from work and we had one of our nights--which equals dinner and a movie.  Dinner was tasty and he made me try something new...which I didn't like.  Which always happens when I step outside of my food comfort zone and why it's so hard to get me to do it.  Though, in all honesty, it wasn't bad and I did eat it.  I just wouldn't eat it again.  

We watched Epic, which neither of us had seen.  It's exactly his kind of fantasy.  It was completely predictable and really cute.  I enjoyed it.  It was not, however, epic.  It was good, though, and I wouldn't be opposed to watching it again.  

Before the dinner and the movie, he helped me hash out some plot point that were sticking.  I'm worried about getting all the details down but I'm certainly going to try.

Today is a lazy day.  I need to clean some, but I might put that off till tomorrow.  I also need to yarn and I may or may not do that today.  Other than a couple of errands that I have to run (the cats are out of dry food and I need more litter) I'm thinking that I might not do much of anything at all.  I have tomorrow off, just a chill day, and I can get things done then.  Or not.  :)

Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend!


  1. Sounds like you need to get yourself a treat as a reward for the babysitting! :)

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
