
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Do Not Feed The Plot Bunnies

Okay, just so everyone is aware: you're not supposed to feed the plot bunnies! *glares roughly 3500 miles Northeast*

Seriously, it's a big no no.  Its like feeding a gremlin after midnight and getting it wet, which, as you know, is a very bad idea.  I'd go so far as to say it's downright dangerous.  They wreak havoc when you do that and my brain just can't handle it.  Really.  When you feed those plot bunnies, they don't just disappear into the ether.  Oh no.  They gain volume and strength and suddenly there's a whole other character and he's so damn adorable and sexy you just want to squeeze him.  And maybe lick him a little.  And he just kind of embeds himself into the story you're working on and then, the little bugger, he starts wanting his own damn story.  

But you know, I've got things to do other than write.  There are projects to complete and books to read and...

*sighs heavily and shakes head*  There's no help for it.  Once the plot bunny has been fed, there's no stopping it.

It looks like we're looking at a trilogy, folks.  


  1. Such a fine line between feeding plot bunnies and inspiring someone lol! Enjoy your muse. We should all be so lucky. TGIF!

    1. Lol. Yes! It is a very fine line. But I guess, ultimately, it's a good thing. And I'm so happy it's finally Friday!

  2. *unrepentant grin* Can't wait to read about my lickable gardener. :o)

    1. I'm still glaring, just so you know. But I guess I can't blame you...too much. (oh, and check your email)
