
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Coffee with Cole

No work today!  I took the day off!

I wanted a day off anyway, right?  And when Rhys Ford posted that the next book in The Cole McGinnis series was being released today, I said I was going to take the day off of work so I could read it.  And then I thought, why the hell not?  So, I took the day off.  And I'm going to get my coffee and then I'm going to download Dirty Laundry.

This morning, I'm having coffee with Cole.  And Jae.  And Neko.  And Bobby.  And whoever else shows up.

By the way, if you haven't read any Rhys Ford I highly suggest you remedy that quickly.  Excellent writing.  Good story lines.  Freaking awesome characters.  She's on my automatic buy list.  Btw, there's a link to her blog at the bottom of the page...her's is one of the Places I Go.

And then after Dirty Laundry, I'll yarn.


  1. Lucky you! I haven't started this series yet. I loved Sinner's Gin. Pure genius!

    1. Sinner's Gin was the first of hers that I read, which lead me to reading the first two in this series. So. Good. I'm a little bit in love with Cole and Jae.

  2. It's nice to have a day just for yourself now and then. Enjoy!

    1. Personally, I love those days. Somehow, weekends don't quite count the same. :)
