
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Saturday

I was going to go shopping this morning, for yarn of course, and spend some of those gift cards, but I got lazy.  And I had a stern talking to, from myself, that with all the yarn that I have in the stash right now, it really wasn't smart.  I did, however, make a copious list of yarns and accoutrements that I will need to purchase once I actually get to the store.  You know how I love my lists.  I'm in need of some bigger safety eyes and also some felt.  And yarn, of course!

I'm going to have another go at the yarn/movie/nap plan.  I'm going to start that baby blanket.  I need to get it done and out of the way so that I can move on to other things.  I think I have enough yarn to finish it, but of course, I'm not certain.  For a moment I dithered as to whether or not I should start it without getting more to make sure it all matches.  But I have about four or five random skeins of baby yarn from over buying in the past.  They don't match, it's not like I can use them together, but it illustrates the problem.  I keep buying new yarn for each project and then I have left overs.  I have two skeins that match.  I'm crossing my fingers it will be enough.  I really need to find an acceptable stash busting project!

Sis's blanket is still not anywhere close to getting done.  Her birthday was only two months ago.  I still have another eight months before I get worried...lol.

Anyway, I'm going to walk away from the computer, spend the morning with the yarn and then take a nap.  And when I wake up, I'm gonna try that paying attention to a movie thing without any interruptions.  Spell Break part the fifth is ready to go but the characters are still talking, which is good.  I might end up jumping back in that world later tonight/tomorrow and writing some more.  

I'll let you know how it goes.



  1. I hope your day is going according to plan this time. :o)

    1. Heh. I'm just about to enter the nap portion of the program...so far, so good! ;p

  2. I just picture your To Be Yarned pile of yarn like the equivalent of a To Be Read pile of books. Like we might run out and have to be ready for a dry spell lol!

    1. Heh heh heh. To Be Yarned...I love that! And you have to be ready for the apocalypse. Enough books and yarn to keep you occupied!
