
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Fight of the Vacuum

There are long haired people and three cats in this house, and that means that all of us are constantly shedding.  This, inexplicably, collects most noticeably on the stairs, along the edges and in the corners of each step.  So I, considerately, get the vacuum out and go to suck up the extra cat/person on the stairs.

I immediately notice that the suction is not great and that, while the clumps of hair are disappearing, they are not showing up in the clear collection container.  I turn it off, wrangle with the hose a bit, trying to see what the hold up is.  There doesn't appear to be one.  I take out the bin, take it apart, trying to rectify the situation.  When I say I take it apart, I mean that I literally start to disassemble the vacuum.  Thirty minutes later, all the pieces are back in the right place and the vacuum is reassembled.  

That was a great deal of fun, just so you know.  I like taking things apart and putting them back together.  I like to see how all the pieces fit.  And who needs diagrams or instruction manuals?  Not this girl.  Instructions are for wimps!  You just pay attention to the way it comes apart and putting it back is easy peasy. 

Btw, the clog was in the hose the whole time, just like I thought it was, and it only took a bit more wrangling and a little inventive twisting to shake it loose.

Oh, and for those of you who are interested, there was yarn, nap, movie and writing...for once all according to plan!


  1. I so admire people that just know how stuff is put together. You have an engineer's mind. Both my guys do this. When we buy something new, they've got it together before I finish reading the instructions. It's not easy peasy for everyone to put stuff back together! You're amazing!

    1. It just makes sense to me. It's like a puzzle, I can see how everything fits. I wouldn't say amazing, it's just the way my brain works. I don't fault those who needs to use directions, I just understand why their brains don't work like mine ;p

  2. You have three cats and we never hear a mention of them. Did they force you to sign a confidentiality clause before they let you start the blog? :)

  3. Heh heh heh. Simon's smart enough to make me do that. I'll tell you what, I'll tell their stories sometime soon ok? 😜

    1. Thanks, Kris. Looking forward to that.
