
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Essentials of Crafting

I was thinking about it last night...about all the things that are not actually "crafting tools" that I find necessary to have when I'm yarning it up.  So, I thought I'd share what I came up with:

You know those heavy plastic zippered bags that sheets, curtains, blankets, etc come in?  I keep them and use them to store yarn and projects in the works.  They often have a little pocket in the front where the product information was stored and this pocket is perfect for storing the hook or other accoutrements that go with the project.  And they keep extra yarn all nice and neat and safe.

Post It Notes are extremely handy!  Admittedly, this is not a trick I thought of on my own.  But if you're reading a pattern from a chart, it works well to cover up the extra rows and helps you focus on the row that you're working.  I'm told highlighter tape works well, too.  But I like the Post It Note because, like I said, it hides what I don't need to see at the moment.  I've also used that blue painters tape.  I have a roll left over and it's fabulous because it sticks well and peels off easily.

I always keep a little bottle of lotion and a nail file handy.  If my hands get too dry, then it's hard to work with the yarn.  And my nails, if one becomes jagged, snags the yarn.  So, these two things are essential.

My phone, or rather the camera on it, is also one of those tools that I must have.  If I see something I like, I'll snap a picture, or take a screen shot, so that I can zoom in and study it later.  That way, if I don't have the pattern, I can try to figure it out.  Or I can have a picture reminder of what I want when going to look for a pattern.  And of course, that makes it easy to take a picture of the final product, which...

I catalog in my computer with the name of the pattern or the pattern written out if I created it.  And, of course, there are thousands of free patterns out there so the computer becomes essential.  Talk about a time suck!  I can get lost on some of those sites for hours looking at and reading patterns.

Pen, paper, and a calculator.  Also, very, very needed.  Sometimes it's just to jot down lists of what I need to buy but I also use it to write out thoughts and patterns, of course.  And the calculator?  Well, we know I'm mathily challenged even when I do have something to help me add.  But, really, I couldn't do with out them.

I'm sure there are other things, but I can't think of them right now.  But it just goes to show, a lot of what you need to make the things that I do can't be found at a craft store.   


  1. This is interesting, Kris. I've seen people mention that their yarn stash grows faster than they can knit it up. Do you find that, too?

    1. Lol. Oh, goodness yes!! I have so much yarn, I could almost open my own store. For one, I keep any left overs...I have so many partial skeins its crazy. And for two, I keep buying. Some of it is for particular projects but some of it is just because I couldn't leave something in particular on the shelf. I need to find a good stash busting project but I haven't yet!

    2. It's like me having books I haven't read, and still buying more, and borrowing from the library, too! :) It's a fear of having nothing to read! *the horror!!!*

    3. I shudder to think! Running out of books AND yarn? That's me in a padded room, rocking and mumbling!

  2. Here's what you can do with leftover yarn!!


    1. Now, I've seen a crocheted covered smart car...and a few years ago, a local artist covered an old abandoned gas station. But I had no idea it was a thing! That's pretty awesome!

  3. Alder, we have TBR piles, Kris has TBK piles. To be Knitted! Lol.

    1. LOL!! And sometimes, my TBR piles are fighting with my TBK piles and my TBW (written) piles. And then my head explodes and it's a mess!!

  4. You're so busy, I'm going to call you Ms. TBAlphabet! Lol.

    1. Bwhahahahahaha! That's just cause I don't have a real life, Mary!

  5. No way! You have friends, family, pets & hobbies.

    1. Yes, yes, I do. And I'm very blessed to have them. Thank you for reminding me! ((hugs))
