
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Yarn and The Words

First and foremost: my thoughts and prayers go out to all in Boston after the tragedy of yesterday.  I don't have any words.  I can't begin to even fathom why things such as this happen but I am sending my best thoughts eastward.  And I am selfishly relieved that those I know that live there and were there are all OK.  

Second, just a notification: I hurt.  All that cleaning and moving of furniture, muscles got worked out that don't normal get worked out and I hurt.  It'll go away soon but right now? Hurt.  Thank you for listening.

This weekend, I went yarn shopping.  First, it was to a chain store to spend my gift cards there.  I got new scissors, some stitch holders, new tapestry needles cause they came in a handy case, yarn for mum's kindle cover, and baby yarn. I couldn't resist the baby yarn.  It's really think, so it'll work up quickly, and it's soft and fuzzy...almost like terry cloth.  Of course, the color that I liked the best was yellow and pink and turquoise and white, which screamed girl to me.  But I don't know if my co worker is having a girl yet.  She is going to find out though but I couldn't leave the yarn.  So I got some in that and also some in much more boy colors of blue, green and white.  So, once she finds out and announces, I'll start a baby blanket.  It probably won't be the pattern I created, the yarn is too thick for that, but the yarn is just too lovely.

Then I went to the LYS and met the cutest puppy on the planet.  They had a English bulldog name Brenda that was their mascot (she was the owner's dog) but she passed away a couple of months ago.  Lucy is nine weeks old and so damn cute.  I think bulldog puppies are the cutest puppies anyway but she's extra adorable.  She came running to greet me and get pets as soon as I walked in the door.  After wandering around for quite a while, I picked up some pretty dark blue yarn that wants to be fingerless mitts for me (but we all know that may change) and some rich mulberry colored yarn that I don't know what it wants to be yet but it wanted to get bought.  And a skein of chunky hand painted that is orange and brown and green and purple and just sumptuous that probably wants to be a scarf at some point.  I don't go there very often because it's the real high quality stuff so it's pretty expensive but Beth (the owner) always remembers me when I come in even if she can't remember if I'm me or my sister.  It's still very cool.

So, I started the Kindle cover yesterday and I got a few inches done and cut a piece of cardboard to size so I could make sure it fits and all that...I'm sure you'll be completely shocked and surprised to learn that even though I made a gauge swatch and triple checked my math, I still did it wrong!  Okay, not really, but I needed a multiple of eight so I went up instead of down on the stitch count and it was too wide.  So, it would have worked if I put the Kindle in the other way but the the stitches would be sideways and even though that's fine, it just...I was just not happy with it at all.  So, I frogged the whole thing and started over when I woke up from a nap with a different pattern (a wide pretty cable) and the right number of stitches and now it looks lovely even though I only have about two and half inches done.  And I'm not sure what I'm going to do about the flap at the top yet.

And in the middle of all this, there were the voices.  Only, the guy talking to me?  Not part of our current tale.  Or at least, not yet.  He told me his story is the next in the series.  Sort of left me speechless for a moment because, really, I hadn't planned on a sequel (even though I love sequels with the fiery passion of thousand suns) but he won't shut up so, I'm thinking, if there are no objections, after Spell Break is over, we'll get another story.  Because I already know the meta plot and also the title (which never, ever happens.  I suck at titling things).  Anyway, I'm thinking that when we get to the end of Kelly and Jason's tale (which I have no idea when exactly that will be), we'll stay in the world and have another story with some other MC's.  Unless, of course, anyone has a problem with that. 


  1. This post made me smile (except for Boston). I love sequels like you do.

    1. Ah, sequels. How I love thee. Whether they be new MCs in the same world or the same MCs in a new adventure, they make me very happy

  2. Oh, poor you with aching muscles, I hope they ease off soon. Your yarn shopping sounds like fun - lots of projects ahead!

    It’s interesting to hear you talk about having a strange man in your head, and yes, a sequel would be great. :)

    1. Experience tells me ill feel a great deal better tomorrow. I'm very much looking forward to that.

      As far as strange men in my head...well, I've gotten used to it the last few years. I used to think it was weird, but a lot of authors talk about how their characters talk to them, so at least I know I'm in good company. And yay sequels!
