
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Not According to Plan

Oh well.  I'm not surprised.  Part of it was my fault, yes, but of course, things did not go according to plan.

I only knitted for about a half an hour before I decided I didn't like it at all and was bored out of my head.  It got, therefore, quickly scrapped.  It was the modular knitting thing I talked about but...yeah, it didn't look as good in the actual as it did in my brain.  Back to the drawing board I go.  

And then there was reading...lots and lots of reading.  I didn't mean to, but I got sucked in so I did that instead of watching a movie like I planned or even napping (though I did nap on Sunday).  Sometimes, that happens.  And it's not all bad...but yeah.  I did that and not a whole lot else for the majority of the weekend.

I did find some baby yarn in my stash, so I'm all set whenever I start the baby blanket.  I'm thinking I might move that up on the docket just to get it done.  I'm thinking of doing an amigurumi toy, too.  But not "Death by Carrot", I promise.  Something sweet and baby like.  I have that whole pattern book from Sis that she gave me for my birthday.  I think that would be a nice touch.  IF I can get the face right.  Faces are a problem for me.

And speaking of not according to plan: I'm as impatient as the next person so I was thinking about the schedule for Spell Break.  And thinking that I might post it more often, because I have episode 4 ready to go and episode 5 is almost ready.  What do you think?  Opposed to episodes more often?  I would still keep Monday mornings, and definitely have one go up that day, but maybe some weeks there would be extra eps?


  1. Great new plans! But really, for leisure time, I'm more easy on myself about going with the flow. I always have a huge list of things I want to get done on weekends and feel guilty if they don't get done (housework) but sometimes you just have to unwind and go with whatever mood you're in. And more Spell Break? I won't say no to that lol!

    1. I honestly don't know why I bother making plans...except I have a perverse need to have a plan, even if it goes to shit.

      I have plans (lol!) to work on Spell Break tonight. Stay tuned!

  2. A surprise extra episode of Spell Break would be nice now and again! But you better keep some extra in hand in case your plans go awry! :o)

    1. Ooooh. Alder, you're so smart! I never even thought of that. You are right. I will make sure to keep at least one episode ahead.

  3. Holy crap - I finally made it here. I have to admit, Mike helped me because I kept ending up with someone named Beth.... Are you surprised???? LOL

    1. Not even the tiniest bit. I knew Mike had to help. But you're here! Yay! Hi! *waves frantically*
