
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The 100th Post!

It seems fitting that I write my 100th post with celebratory news...That's right folks!  The tree is finally up, adorned, and sparkling!  And yes, it was a typical situation in which I did all the work while everyone watched.  OK, Sis helped with the lights and then opened boxes and handed me ornaments to put on the tree. 

Some other bits of random news:

Co-worker has a horrid flu and was in today before she left, went to the doctor, and found out it's a nasty version.  She's out until after Christmas.  We are all now paranoid that the flu will attack us all.  I'm crossing my fingers that it avoids me.

The BFF and I will be doing our Christmas prezzies plus our movie and wine on Saturday night.  I'm very excited for BFF time...and prezzies and wine.

I wrote a little story, basically because of a picture prompt over at Matty and Brad's blog.  Matt put it in the comments.  You can check it out here,  I also highly recommend following their blog.  It's fun and sweet and serious and a lot of wonderful things. 

I've got all my Christmas shopping done.  If there's anything else that I should have gotten, well, too damn bad.  I'm done and that's all she wrote.  

I'm very excited about Christmas this year, simply because everyone will be home, my aunt and uncle will be joining us, and there will be family time and a feast...and yes, OK, presents.  I like getting stuff, what can I say?  It doesn't make me bad, just makes me human.

I don't have to work on Christmas Eve, which is very nice.  It's the first time ever and I don't have to work because my boss told me I wasn't working that day.  I do have to work New Year's Eve, but only from 8 till noon.  At any rate, I appreciate the little bit of time they give us to show their appreciation.  It's little things like this that remind me yet again that I made the right choice back in March to take this job.

The muses have been fighting in my brain again.  I'm just waiting to see which one wins.  Right now, it's a draw.  They've retreated to plan their next attack.  I sometimes wonder why they can't combine forces.  There should be a way for me to yarn and write at the same time, right?

Happy Thursday!

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