
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Left One First

So it's November!  Yay!  That means October is done, and I have a weird and completely inexpiable dislike for that month.  But November is here and that is good. 

Less than 8 weeks till Christmas!  Woo!

So yesterday, I had a marathon yarning session.  I made up my own pattern for a pair of fingerless mitts.  And you know how I hate doing two of something.  So it was torture.  The good kind, but torture nonetheless.  But I was bound and determined that I would get them done, and it took me all damn day but they are finished.

It wouldn't be me if everything worked out properly of course.  I had to frog it twice before I really got started.  I made them with variegated yarn, and normally when I do mitts, I work the ribbing flat, and then start working in the round, sewing up the gap in the beginning.  But because of the way these colors worked, I had to start in the round from the very beginning.  So that was the first frog.

The second happened after I had finished about two inches, and realized they weren't big enough.  Because, you know, math.  So I had to take rip it out again.  These both happened on Friday night.  So I made a plan, and got cracking early yesterday morning.

And dudes, it worked out perfectly!  I was a little bit surprised myself.  Because, you know, winging it as I went along.   I mean, I knew theory and all but putting it into practice was something else entirely.  I had very specific requirements, and I had to custom fit them to someone.  So I was convinced it was going to be one big hot mess.  Especially after the false starts.  But yeah, once I got going, and it was actually working, I was like a yarner on fire.  

My fingers are sore, and my wrist is aching something fierce, but yeah, I got two mitts done.  After I finished the first one, about 3 o'clock, I had a serious attack of SSS.  Holy crap, did I not want to do the second one.  It was epic, and I whined out loud even though there was no one to hear.  But I just made myself do it.  The second mitt took a bit longer, because I had to take breaks and procrastinate a little with Youtube.  And then there was a whole incident with being roped into taking Tato to work. And then, long about ten, I was so tired I was nearly falling asleep.  But I was so close to being done, that I just made myself push through.  It took me until about 11:40, but God that sense of satisfaction was huge.  

But here's the thing that I realized when I was working on the mitts.  I made the left one first.  And it occurred to me that I always do.  When making mitts, and I've made my fair share, in which there is an actual wrong side and a right side, I always make the left one first.  I have no clue why.  But it's an interesting observation anyway.  

The yarn is totally sumptuous, 100% alpaca, and it just feels awesome.  And as per usual, I overbought.  This time, though, I really thought it would take almost the entire hank to make one, so I bought two hanks.  It took about 2/3 of one hank to make both.  Of course.  The good news is that I have the lovely, wonderful yarn now that I can use for something else.  Maybe fore me, as it's blues, and I love blues. 

I'm not going to post the pattern, because I only have it half written down in "Kris speak" but if anyone wants it, just drop me a note and I'll send it to you when I have it transcribed into English.  Well, into knitting, but you know what I mean.  In the meantime, check 'em out!


  1. Wow, they look great! And alpaca...mmmn, lovely. And well done for finishing them both in the one day! You've made me feel extra guilty for having a really lazy weekend! :)

    1. Don't feel guilt! That's the craziest productive weekend I've had in a really long time, and probably will for a while. :)

  2. So they look great. However, I have never understood fingerless mittens. *shakes head*

  3. Heh. :D They actually do keep you fairly warm...not as warm as gloves or mittens, of course, but they help a lot.

    1. Your nails look good too, assuming those are your hands :)

    2. LOL. Yep, that's my hand. You can barely see pinky "coke nail" But thanks! :D
