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Monday, November 17, 2014

It's the Holiday Season!

I really love this time of year.

'Round these parts, we get the snow, which for me makes the season.  Now, don't get me wrong.  I'm not a fan of blizzards, or 18 inches in 18 hours or anything like that.  But when it's all less than a couple of inches, and it just looks pretty on the grass and the houses and cars and trees, well that makes me really happy.

And Thanksgiving!  Oh, yes, how I love that holiday!  It a wonderful day, and my favorite part is spending it with my family, stuffing ourselves full, and enjoying the hell out of each other.  We usually laugh really hard, and often play board games.  Watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV, and a few other things that are tradition.  I love it.

And then, after the turkey coma wears off, it's the official start to the Christmas season.  I have to admit, I'm anxious and excited to get decorating, because I love seeing the Christmas cheer all around me.  

And holiday movies...I cannot even tell you how addicted to holiday cheesy romances I am.  Though most of them are het, I still love them.  On top of all my other Christmas movies.  That's basically all I watch from the day after Thanksgiving until Christmas.

So anyway, family time, and holiday cheer, and this whole end of the year makes me very happy.    


  1. Hope you have a great time over the next couple of months!! :)

  2. It does sound lovely! Do you read any of the holiday stories which are published? They sound perfect for you as they tend to feature the things which make you happy, like snow and families and fires and Christmas music ...

    1. Oh my yes! Yes I do! Seriously, Christmas cheese is my crack, and I'll be shooting up any and all that catch my eye over the next six weeks or so. I've gone nuts the past few years, buying a bunch. There are some that I already have that I'll be reading again. :)

  3. Someone after my own heart. Well except het romances :)

    1. In all things except for food. :) And you know damn well I'd like em better if they weren't het, but I can't stay away from the Christmas cheese!

    2. There are some good m/m ones, too.

    3. I've seen a couple, and I have one, but I have trouble finding good ones. Of if I do find them, actually getting access to them. I'm always on the look out though!

  4. Here area couple of really good anthologies: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9705875-his-for-the-holidays https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12961167-men-under-the-mistletoe and due soon: http://www.joshlanyon.com/the_works.html (Yes, I love Josh Lanyon, and Harper Fox, and ...)

    1. :D Oooh, I've read the first two anthologies, and yes very, very good! I'll check out that last one. Thanks Helena!
