
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Time has a way of sneaking away on me.  One minute, I look at the clock, and I've got plenty of time.  And then, the next, like three hours have passed and it's time for me to crawl into bed and I haven't gotten anything accomplished!

Happened again last night.

Okay, so I did get a bit accomplished.  I got some research done that I needed to do, so that was good.  But nothing is solidifying quite the way I want it to.  I have a severe case of the writer's block.  

I didn't get anything more done on the baby sweater, and I have to because the shower is in three weeks...the one in the girlfriend's corner of the woods, that is.  And I don't want to be scrambling last minute to get things finished.  I really, really hate when I have to do that.  

And speaking of time getting away from me: how is it October already?!  Now, I'm not a big fan of this month anyway (don't really know why) and there are some anxiety inducing events going on this month.  Which absolutely makes it worse than normal. So it's October and I've got 30 more days until I can relax in my skin again.  Ugh.  It's going to be a stressful time.  And even if I get good news, I have a feeling it will be fleeting euphoria.  At least until October is over.  I'm going to try very hard not to let it get me down, but this month has a tendency to pull me under anyway.

Incidentally, this is my 345th post...and the consecutive numbers amuse the crap out of me.    


  1. Did you get your time budget done? That should maybe make you feel things are under control.

    Congratulations on your 345th post!

    1. The time budget is still a work in progress. Priorities keeps changing. I just need to get through the next couple of weeks so it'll level out.

      And thanks!
