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Monday, October 7, 2013

Second Blessing: Part 3

All right!  Here we are.  An extra week made all the difference and I was able to get my thoughts on the page.  Or rather, Daniel and Sean's thoughts and actions.

Catch up, if you need to, but clickiing the label.  



            Daniel came awake slowly, as if his consciousness was returning bit by bit.  He felt disoriented and fuzzy and wasn’t entirely sure why.  Grasping at his bedside table, he finally managed to get a hand on his cell phone.  Saturday morning, seven A.M.  It took him painful minutes to do the math.  36 hours?  He’d been sleeping for roughly 36 hours?  What the hell had happened to him?  The last thing he remembered was being at Kelly’s and trying to fix the alder.  And there had been a man.  He was certain of that.  Someone he didn’t know.  But the details were fuzzy.
            He shook his head and climbed out of bed, resolving to figure everything out once he’d emptied his bladder.  Task accomplished, he decided he’d think more clearly after a shower.  He felt grimy and he wanted to be clean.  Munro had followed him into the bathroom but had been curiously silent, only sending relief that Daniel was awake and reassurance that everything was okay.  Clean and with a towel wrapped around his waist, Daniel made the trek back across the hall to his room to dress.
            That was when he heard sounds in his kitchen.
            For a panicked moment, Daniel froze. And then the salient details came rushing back in.  He’d been sucked into the spell he was weaving to purge the alder of the poison and the man he didn’t know had been the one to break him out of it.  Shane—or was it Sean?  Sam?—had simply used his own magic to sever Daniel’s tie with the tree, and then lead him into the house.  Ordered him around and taken care of him.
            Daniel dressed quickly.  He knew he could trust this man, because Kelly wouldn’t have allowed Daniel to go home with him otherwise, and Munro wasn’t freaking out.  In fact, when Daniel searched his bond with his familiar, he felt that Munro actually liked the man.  That was definitely in the man’s favor.  Daniel was still uneasy, and once he was dressed, walked quickly down the hall to his kitchen.
            Tall, dark, and muscular, the man was working at his stove, stirring something in a pot and humming softly to himself.  Daniel could only see the back of his head and he wanted the man to turn around so that he could see his face.  Almost as if the man could read his thoughts, he turned quickly and smiled.
            “Hey, you’re finally awake.  That’s good.  Come sit down and eat.”
            Daniel moved toward the table, not taking his eyes off the man.  His voice was quiet when he said, “Thanks, Shane.”
            The man smiled kindly but it seemed a little forced.  “Sean.”
            Well, that was embarrassing but Daniel couldn’t really be blamed.  He’d been half out of it when the man had arrived.  Really, he couldn’t be expected to remember the man’s name.  He apologized anyway, “I’m sorry.”
            Sean shook his head.  “It’s fine. Sit down.  This’ll be ready in a moment.”
            “I’m not really hungry,” Daniel answered, crossing to the counter instead of sitting.  He wanted a cup of tea but he didn’t think his stomach could handle food at the moment.  He removed a tea bag from the container and reached up to the cupboard to retrieve a mug.  Sean’s arm blocked him and got the mug himself, handing it to Daniel with a stern look.
            “Sit.  I’ll get the water.  And I don’t care if you’re hungry, you’ll eat anyway.  You need the nourishment.”
            There was something in Sean’s tone that Daniel didn’t quite understand.  It was clear that Sean was a bit agitated.  Daniel quickly sat at the table and, almost instantly, Sean relaxed. Just following his order put Sean at ease.  Daniel eyed him warily.  He wasn’t sure what that was about but until he could get a handle on it, it seemed better for everyone involved if Daniel just did what Sean said.
            A few minutes later, Sean brought a bowl of oatmeal to the table.  It was plain, just the way Daniel liked it.  Another moment later and Sean was walking over with the boiling water.  Daniel placed his tea bag in the mug and let Sean fill the cup.  Picking up his spoon, Daniel let his tea steep while he stirred at the oatmeal in the bowl, helping it to cool.  When Sean sat across the table from him, he looked up in surprise.
            Sean’s smile was kind.  “Kelly and Jason have both called to check on you, so you’re going to want to give them a cal and let them know you’re awake.”
            “I can tell them when I go over there in a bit to work on the alder,” Daniel said quietly, lifting his spoon to take a bite.  The instant the oatmeal was in his mouth his stomach decided it was starving.  He swallowed and scooped up another mouthful. 
            The command was firm and final.  Daniel’s head jerked up and locked gazes with Sean.  “What?”
            “The tree is healing on its own.  Kelly said it’s better than when we left the other night.  You don’t need to keep pouring your magic into it.”
            “I’m not going to just let it heal on its own when I can help speed it up,” Daniel said, a little of his own firmness sneaking in.
            “It’s not necessary.”  Sean’s eyes were hard, determined.  He was used to being obeyed.
            “You don’t understand.  Mary is getting married in three weeks under that tree and it needs to be in full bloom before that happens.”
            Sean’s expression made it clear that he didn’t care.  Daniel needed him to understand.  When Sean opened his mouth, Daniel spoke right over him.
            “Look.  That tree…” he trailed off for a second as emotions threatened to overwhelm him.  He took a deep breath, “That magnificent alder is our unwavering support.  It deserves the best care that I can give it.  It needs to be healed and whole.  Not just for Mary’s wedding but for all of us.  It deserves nothing less.”
            Daniel could hear the passion in his own voice and Sean seemed to take pause as he digested it as well.  For several moments, Daniel watched the thoughts play over Sean’s face.  Daniel was a grown man and would do as he pleased, he was going to fix the tree and it didn’t matter if he had Sean’s support.  But it seemed important that he make Sean understand.  The man had cared for him when he’d been sucked in by the magics and Munro liked him, so Daniel knew that Sean was a good man.  Daniel wasn’t entirely sure why, but he wanted Sean’s support on this.
            Finally, Sean blew out a breath.  “All right.  After you eat, we’ll go over and asses the situation.  I’ll help you cleanse the tree.”
            Daniel tucked in to his breakfast with feeling, glad that Sean seemed to understand.  He’d work out what Sean’s deal was later.  He wanted to be done so he could get to Kelly’s.

            Three days later, and the last of phytophthora was finally cleared from the alder.  It had actually taken less time than Daniel had expected.  Even when Sean made him take breaks when he would have kept going.  With Sean augmenting his magic, it had made his power stronger and he was able to do more with each session.  And now the tree was clear of the disease.  Daniel still had no idea how it had gotten infected, but he was relieved it was gone.  The highest branches even had some new leaf growth.  By the time Mary’s wedding got here, it would be in full bloom again.  Especially if he gave it a little help.
            “Hey guys, come on inside.  I’ve got dinner,” Kelly called from the doorway.
            “Perfect timing,” Sean called back.  He released Daniel’s shoulders and stood, offering a hand out to Daniel.  He took it and used it to pull himself to his feet.  Sean held it for a few moments, his eyes searching Daniel’s face.  Whatever he saw there must have made him happy because he nodded once and gave Daniel a gentle nudge toward the house.
            Three days and Daniel felt that he had a better handle on Sean.  They had talked a lot in the evenings and shared their stories with each other.  Daniel now felt he could call Sean a friend.  The man had been devastated when he lost his familiar and Daniel admired how he was trying his best to keep himself together.  He glanced up at Munro, who was now happily perching in the alder again.  He was so grateful that Munro was healthy and whole.  Munro sent love back down their link.
            He also felt he understood Sean’s need for control a little bit better.  The man had a very dominant personality to begin with.  But now, with his life shattered from the loss of his familiar, he was struggling to keep himself together. Having control seemed to help with that.  Daniel still bristled internally at some of the orders Sean gave, but he always followed along.  It helped Sean and that was all Daniel cared about.  Because Sean needed all the help he could get.
            What Daniel couldn’t quiet get a handle on was his attraction to Sean.  The man was incredibly good looking, there was no doubt about that, but Daniel didn’t usually go for men who were so very Alpha.  Even though they had spent the better part of three days together, Daniel still got that flutter in his stomach every time he caught sight of Sean.  He wasn’t entirely sure if Sean was gay, but even if he was, it didn’t matter.  Daniel knew he needed support so he could get a handle on his magic.  He certainly didn’t need the complication of Daniel’s attraction.  He reminded himself, for about the hundredth time, to forget about the flutter in his stomach.  He washed his hands and sat at the table, resolved to keep that to himself.
            “Where’s Jason?” Daniel asked as he realized the table was set for three.
            “He’s working till close tonight,” Kelly answered as he set Daniel’s salad in front of him.
            Daniel murmured his thanks.  It was obvious Kelly had intended for Daniel and Sean to eat dinner with him because, while Kelly and Sean had bacon cheeseburgers and fries on their plates, Kelly had made a salad for Daniel complete with chick peas, peppers, toasted almonds and cheese.  Daniel took a bite and nearly moaned at the tangy vinaigrette dressing.  It was perfect.
            They ate in silence for a few minutes before Kelly started quietly questioning Sean on his well being.  With each query, Sean became a little more agitated.  It was clear he didn’t want to talk about his control over the magic or his missing familiar.  Kelly didn’t seem to care what Sean wanted.  He kept questioning.
            “I’d rather not discuss this,” Sean tried for diplomatic but Kelly unrepentantly ignored him.
            “I know that.  Except we have to.  You’ve been doing pretty well since you got here.  And I think that if you focused, you could call another—“
            “Daniel, eat your food,” Sean interrupted, his voice firm.  Daniel hadn’t even realized that he’d stopped eating.  Sean didn’t look at Daniel, his gaze fixed on Kelly. “I’m not going to even think about that.  Koenig has only been gone for four months.”
            “Sean, you need to have a familiar in your life,” Kelly’s voice was soft.  “I don’t want to see you lose yourself.”
            Sean’s agitation skyrocketed.  It was clear that this topic was bad for his state of mind.  Daniel did the only thing he could think of; he put his fork down and pushed his plate away.  Instantly, Sean’s head snapped around to stare at him. 
            “Daniel,” He said, his voice full of warning.   “Pick up your fork and keep eating.  You need it.”
            Daniel scowled even though he didn’t mean it and slowly picked up the utensil like it was a big chore.  Sean’s gaze never wavered.  Giving a heavy sigh to make it seem like it was a challenge, Daniel began to eat.  Sean watched him carefully for a few bites. Then he returned his attention to his own food, apparently satisfied.
            Sneaking a peek up at Kelly, Daniel saw the man was confused at the display.  Daniel didn’t care.  It had gotten the subject changed and Sean calmed back down.  He was in control again, which is what Daniel knew Sean needed.  Kelly didn’t bring the topic up again and the rest of dinner passed with talk about the alder.  Daniel was relieved it was clear of disease and everyone was happy it would make a full recovery.
            When dinner was over and the dishes were stacked in the sink, Daniel and Sean got ready to leave.  Before they could make it to the door, Kelly’s voice stopped them.
            “Hey, before you go.  Daniel, I need you to look over some invoices so I can pay out your bills.”
            Daniel nodded.  “He’s my accountant for the landscaping business,” Daniel answered Sean’s silent query.  Sean nodded and leaned a shoulder against the wall to wait.  Daniel followed Kelly into his office.
            He was surprised when Kelly shut the door behind them and made no move to pull out any invoices.  “Kelly?” he asked, confused.
            “You all right, Daniel?  Everything with Sean okay?”
            Daniel blinked.  “Of course it is.  He’s a model house guest.”
            Kelly frowned.  “That’s not what I mean and you know it. What was that display at dinner?  I’ve never seen you act like that.”
            Oh.  Daniel figured it would come up sooner or later.  He should have known Kelly wouldn’t beat around the bush about something like that.  “It’s just…he needs it.  Sean needs to feel in control, to be in control.  It’s what’s helping to keep his magic stable.”
            Kelly thought about that for a long moment.  “So you’re just letting him order you around to help him?  Acting in a way that you normal wouldn’t just because it keeps him happy?”
            How could Daniel explain it to Kelly so that it made sense?  He didn’t know if he could.  “I’m choosing to defer to him because it keeps him centered.  It’s not a bad thing if it’s my choice.”
            Kelly seemed to absorb that.  “Just be careful, okay?  I don’t want you to do something you aren’t comfortable with just to keep him from exploding.  If it gets to the point that you think he’s going to break down, you need to tell me.  Do you understand?”
            Daniel nodded quickly.  “He’s a good man.  You know that.  He’s trying very hard not to succumb to the darkness.  If ordering me around a little, making some decisions for me, helps him to stay in control, then I’m happy to do that for him.”
            “Do you understand?” Kelly repeated, not swayed in the least by Daniel’s speech.
            “Yes, I understand. 
            “Good.”  Kelly blew out a breath.  “Look.  I wouldn’t have let him taken you home that day, or continue to stay with you, if I didn’t trust him.  But the truth is, he is a little unstable.  So just please be careful.”
            “I will.”
            Kelly nodded and pulled out the folder with the invoices that Daniel needed to approve.  After a quick look, Daniel signed off on them and headed out of the office.  Sean was just where he left him, but he straightened as Daniel approached.
            “Ready to go home?”
            Daniel nodded.  He really was.

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  1. Mary's getting married!!

    Sean's problems are interesting but Daniel pretending to be bratty seems a bit dishonest.

    1. Yes! She is! And just wait, my friend. Just wait. :)
