
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, October 11, 2013

I Love Yarn Day

Do you know what today is?!

It's I Love Yarn Day!

No, really.  It is.  And I had no idea any such thing existed but I woke up this morning to several emails proclaiming it's I Love Yarn Day and, of course, there were sales.  *whimpers*  Yarn sales!  What's a girl to do?

Turns out, the Craft Yarn Council  has proclaimed this the day to reaffirm the passion for yarn.  I seriously don't know how I never knew there was a yarn appreciation day.  But, even though I probably won't be partaking of the sales (sadface) it's really wonderful to know that there's a day to appreciate and celebrate all things yarn.  Totally gives me the warm and fuzzies.

I have a million things to do today: going to the bank and buying decorations and cleaning the bathroom and hanging some curtains.  But I'll make a point to spend some time with the yarn.  It'll certainly be a good time out for me, and a way to decompress a little.

Enjoy your day!  And if you know a fiber-holic, make sure you wish them a happy I Love Yarn Day!