
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Yarn On The Brain

Seriously, right now, that's all I want to do.  Riding high on the finished mitts, I jumped right into the next project with the fabulous yarn I bought.  It's so freaking awesome!  So, I'm working on that.  When that's done, I'll get to Izzy's gift.  I really hope that one will work out like I intend.  And I do need to make Auntie's gift as well.  But after that?  After those are done?

I know what I'm going to yarn after that and it's going to be fucking epic!

I guess I'm in a yarn cycle right now.  I do that, go through cycles.  Which, of course, is unfortunate timing because I have to start a novel in a few days.  Not just have to, want to.  And it'll be good and I'll enjoy writing.  But the yarn is on the brain and therefore, I must yarn myself out in the next few days.  So I can be in a writing frame of mind.

Sometimes, there's so much creativity going on in my brain (not all of it worthy of seeing the light of day) that I'm afraid I'll explode.  


  1. Sounds like a fun time is being had up in your garrett. Now if only that pesky job wouldn't get in the way of your creative time! :)
