
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, October 25, 2013

No Rest For The Wicked

So I have to go into work early today and the only good thing about that is that it means I get to leave early too.

And I have (dare I say it?) plans!  Leave work, stop at the bank, stop at the post office, and then, yes folks, go to my LYS!  I know, I know. I don't actually need any more yarn.  There so much in my stash, it's ridiculous.  But well, yeah, I want to indulge myself.  And possibly purchase different yarn for the BFF's birthday present.  I probably have enough to make the mitts, even with the one completed aborted mitt.  I have other yarn that would work as well.  Except, I got it in my head that I wanted to get something extra super soft...like a cashmere blend, or maybe something with kid mohair.  I'm not sure.  I have to see what there is to see.  And if she still has that fabulous yarn I made the tribble out of, but in the right color, I'm going to get the stuff for her Christmas present too.  Oh, and maybe buy some new needles too. (No, I don't actually need any more of those, either.  Just want)

I did finally pick out a stitch pattern for the mitts, so I think I'm good there.  Of course, that may all change depending on the yarn.  And, also dependent on what I see, I may get yarn for that other thing I need to work on.  And at some point this weekend, I need to locate the yarn for Izzy's present, so I know exactly where it is.  

Then I'll spend the weekend yarning and possibly a bit of writing.  My goal is to get the mitts finished so that I'm not scrambling at the last minute, yet again.  Her birthday is sneaking up pretty quickly.  So that first.  Then my goddaughter's gift, which will probably be a toy of some fashion.  Then I'll turn my attention to my December gifts, one of which is crocheted, the other undecided.  

And in the midst of all that, I intend to write a novel.  


  1. A soothing visit to the yarn store will start your weekend off right! :)

    1. Oooh, yes. To be surrounded by so much pretty...better check in a few hours to make sure I didn't go into a yarn coma! :)

    2. Now I have a picture of you being found with glazed eyes in a corner at closing time, stroking yarn and mumbling "pretttyyyy". :D
