
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Monday, June 4, 2012

June is bustin' out all over!

When in the fuck did June happen?  I don't know where the hell I've been but seriously?  How is it June already?!

I have stuff to finish!  But am I working on it?  Oh no.  That would make sense and be logical.  Instead, I'm reading and watching TV and generally enjoying the hell out of my downtime without doing anything constructive.  The Wise One would tell me that its OK because everyone needs downtime.  She's right.  But the truth is...

The truth is, I'm a little burnt out.  I get this way every once in a while with the yarn.  Me and the yarn, we have to take a break.  Because otherwise we get terribly sick of each other and we wonder how we'll ever get back to common ground of a healthy relationship.  So, yeah.  I'm taking a break.  Except for the baby blanket that I'm working on during lunch, because I only get a half an hour which means I can do about two rows and put it away for 24 hours.  And it's just so sweet I can't help but love it!

I did manage to write another chapter in one book and a half a chapter in the other.  That happened Friday.  And afterwards I was plumb tuckered out.  So, I'm taking a break from that too.  

And because it's June and it's a little bit rainy and mostly warm, my garden is absolutely flourishing!  Last year's rose bush has started blooming with a vengeance.  It has no idea it's going to get hacked to shit when it's done growing for the season, just to keep it from getting completely out of control.  But the garden looks absolutely stunning and even though I need to weed, the petunia's and pansies are absolutely loving this weather and getting plumper and more beautiful by the day.  Sometimes, when I get home from work, I have to just stand and stare at it for a few minutes, marveling.  I think the beauty of flowers is why God created them in the first place!

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