
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Coming Out

I wasn't going to do this.  I didn't think it was important, I didn't think it mattered.  But now I feel it does, and I'm ready to say it out loud.

I am bisexual.

I've known it about myself, and have accepted it within me, for a long time.  Years.  About 14 of them, actually.  But I didn't admit it out loud.  I didn't see the point.  I wasn't dating anyone at all, I tend towards men, so it wasn't something I needed to put out there.  But ever since that first time I admitted it out loud to someone else a few months ago, there's been something lighter inside me.  I never struggled with it for myself, but I didn't acknowledge it much either, and I didn't realize that it was a quiet, unobtrusive weight until I said it out loud and felt that lift.

The first person I told was a dear, wonderful friend who has my back always, and kicks my ass when I need it.  I knew I was safe telling him, and he barely blinked, which was what I needed.

I told Sis.  Her reaction? "I know."  I asked her how she knew and she said that girl parts didn't gross me out.  That made me smile, and we talked about it a little, but it's just a part of me for her.

I told Brub, Tato, and the BFF when we were talking about someone else and it just burst out of my mouth, "I'm bi."  There was a beat of silence.  Tato asked,"Really?"  I said, "Yep."  "Okay," he said, and that was that.

I never worried about shunning from my friends or family.  I think that I thought it wasn't important until if or when I found myself in a relationship with a girl.  And since I pretty much figured I wouldn't have a relationship of any sort at all, it wasn't something I need to share. 

But it's a part of me.  Not the whole of me, for sure.  But a part.  And I was hiding it, erasing it from the outside world.  And I'm done with that.

I am a bisexual, fiber addicted, sci fi loving, obsessive reading, introverted, m/m romance writing, too many things to list...person.


  1. Congratulations, well done. *applause applause*
    It does not define you. You are quite simply a human being.

  2. YAY Kris!!!
    And Ivan said it all. *hugs*

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-PNun-Pfb4

    1. That's the best thing ever. Especially coming from you. Thank you so very much.

  4. You are you. *Big Hugs*

  5. I've only just seen this, as I'm reading my way through a backlog of blogs which built up while I was ill. Coincidentally I've also been reading posts in Queer Romance Month, including this one by m/m writer Jo Myles: http://www.queerromancemonth.com/jo-myles/

    I'm glad you feel better for telling people, and I'm relieved that they reacted appropriately. I don't know you well enough for my opinion to matter to you (or at all really), but I hope that coming out helps you feel happier and more settled. I agree with Ivan: you're a person, and this is one aspect of you; it's important, of course, but it isn't the only thing which matters.

    1. Oh, Helena, I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been well but I'm glad to hear you're on the mend.

      Of course your opinion matters, and I think you very much for your words. It has helped me feel more settled in my own skin, and that is a very good feeling indeed!
