
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Hole

So, fall is here.  Which is awesome.  I love this weather, I love this time of year.  It's just the perfect season.  I love the reprieve from the heat and humidity of the summer.  (Spring arriving after the cold of winter is a close second)  And as the days, and especially the nights, get chillier, it's time to break out the warmer wear.  That I especially love.

Last night, it was pretty dang chilly.  I had my fingerless mitts on.  I wore them when I ate dinner because it's too early to turn the heat on, even though it was about 40 degrees.  And then I noticed it.  A hole.  Near the edge of my right mitt.  

Oh No!!

At first, I thought the seam had come apart, which would have been good because I could have fixed that.  But nooooo.  Of course not.  It must have gotten caught on something, because one of the stitches broke.  And knitting, well, it unravels from top to bottom.  So the stitch above it was coming loose as well.  Dammit all to hell!  I wracked my brain, trying to remember if I had any of the yarn left in order to darn the hole closed.  But I couldn't remember, and I wanted it fixed quickly so that it didn't unravel anymore.

Enter Sis to save the day!

I don't sew.  I especially don't sew with a sewing machine.  But Sis?  Sis is a master at the sewing machine.  She took my mitt, and she stitched underneath and above the hole so that even though it's still there, a wee bit, it will not unravel.  It is secure.  And my mitts live longer.  And that makes me happy.