
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Monday, July 30, 2012

And That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

I got some sad news.  Then I got some disappointing news.  And then I got some bad news.  

But then I got good news!

It looks like I'll be moving in the near future.  I won't be going far and I'm absolutely thrilled about it.  But the thought of packing up all my crap, and then schlepping all my crap, and then unpacking all my crap...ugh!  Moving my yarn stash alone requires many many bags and at least 12 strong men.  It'll probably be a week or two yet but...very excited and dreading it at the same time.

Finally, finally, made it to the Renaissance Festival this past weekend.  I took my honorary kid, and the BFF, and Brub and a good time was had by all.  It was Pirate Weekend.  ARRRGGHH!!  The costumes were very interesting and exciting and nice to see...even if some were a little, well, revealing for my six year old.  Thankfully, my pseudo-kid is pretty oblivious to the world around him.  He enjoyed himself and that was all that mattered.  

Sis has a sore elbow and is finding yarning difficult right now.  Of course, that means she's enlisted me to finish a baby blanket on her behalf by Saturday.  I'll do my damndest. It's pretty boring, just a bunch of doubles, but its worked in the round and it is a spiral of four colors so it looks nifty.  Its just boring to work.  Later this week, I'm sure I'll be in a mad scramble to get it done.  Knowing myself as well as I do, it will probably be finished Saturday morning.  Shower isn't until noon, after all. 

Writing has been slow going though.  I don't know why the muse is being such a fickle bitch.  Maybe she knows that I have many a yarn project to complete and is giving me a break to do them?  I don't know.  But I'm not yarning like I should either.  Sometimes I'm such a slacker.  Especially when there is Lyse's afghan (which is so close to done!) and Bunny's 'ghan which is not difficult and I just need to do because I finally figured out the pattern and I have two of my own baby blankets to finish....oy vey, I'm making my own head hurt.  I swear, tonight is the last night I'll be a slacker.  Tomorrow?  Yarn!

I'll let you know how it goes. 


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