
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sweet Nectar of Life

OK, I'm sure it's no surprise to you when I say that I have a very addictive personality.  It's a good thing I've never tried cocaine.  I sure as hell can't afford that habit!  I'm addicted to the fiber arts and the written word...and many a TV series or book series could be called addictions for me.  I would not enjoy it if any one of those things were taken away and I'd probably have withdrawal.  But that would be all in my head and I could learn to live without it.

One thing that I'm actually addicted to, however, is coffee.  Like a real dependence on it.  My first cup of coffee in the morning makes me sigh and relax.  It is the nectar of life.

I have my routine.  After my shower, when I'm all dressed and ready to go, I putter downstairs, pop a K-cup in the Keurig and a minute or so later...oh, the joyous dark and satisfying brew is in my cup.  I sit at the table, drink my coffee, surf the web on my phone, and dread each tick of the second hand that brings me one moment closer to having to leave my coffee and go to work.

Don't get me wrong, there's more coffee at the office.  And fortunately for me, the people in my office are avid coffee drinkers too, so we get the good stuff to brew.  We even have a machine that, magic of magics, makes an entire pot of coffee in less than three minutes!  It's the most glorious thing.  And if I had an extra 150 bucks lying around, I'd get me one of those too.  Yes, of course I priced it.  Almost bought one anyway.  But I couldn't justify the expense when my own coffee maker makes a pot in twelve minutes (of course I timed it) and really, that is not too long to wait.  Because really, as awesome as Keurig is, I like to have a whole pot waiting for me if I'm going to be around longer than thirty minutes.

I'm a three cup person.  Of course, I will happily drink more.  But three cups is about what it take to get me feeling normal, happy, and sated.  I'm not talking about those dinky 6 or 8 oz cups either.  Oh no!  I'm talking about the great big 16 oz mugs that I adore with a passion.  My favorite proudly proclaims me a Crochet Goddess.  

So, now that I've enjoyed my morning cup of java, I will head to work.  And have my second and third.

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