
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Saturday, August 4, 2012


I don't take disappointment well.  I had gotten my brother the perfect birthday present.  I was incredibly excited to give it to him.  Then I was told some friends of his had gotten him the exact same present and they wanted to give it to him and I couldn't. I was heartbroken.  I was pissed.  

I sucked it up and made him a cthulu instead.  

I made it out of some Lion Brand Homespun in a green that I have no idea of the name of because it was in the big bag of yarn someone else gave me and the label was gone.  He looks pretty awesome and I know Tato will love it...but still.  Very disappointed that I can't give him what I wanted because it was just so damn perfect.  

In much less disappointing news, I finished the baby blanket for Sis in less time than anticipated so there was no sleep deprivation.  I got it all done, finished it off...and then realized it was not as big as I thought it was.  Briefly considered un-finishing it off and doing some more rounds but I just couldn't make myself.  The shower was this afternoon and the soon-to-be mama loved it to pieces though.  Sis gets the credit but I'm still happy. 

Now, onto the other baby blankets that need to get done.  But not tonight.  The carpal tunnel is acting up something fierce because of cthulu.  Amugurumi always does that to me.  Probably because of the small hook and extra tight gauge.  I've got to give it a rest, otherwise it will be completely useless, and I'll probably do some acupressure later.  That always helps. 

Also, got a bit of writing done last night but not enough to suit me.  I lost my mojo a bit when I got the bad birthday gift news and I couldn't get my head back in the game.  I'll try some more tonight, if I can keep my wrist still enough that it doesn't hurt.  We'll see what it feels like after the acupressure

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