
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Random Observations...About Me

When I'm out in the real world, I crave validation like nobody's business.  

I'm sometimes convinced I need to start taking Xanax.

I like cookies.  A lot.

I absolutely loathe Lady and the Tramp and Bambi, but I absolutely love Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King.

Drove to work today behind an absolutely gorgeous early 80's Corvette Stingray and nearly rear ended it because I was so busy admiring it.  By the time I got to work, I had a whole new scene and new characters in my head.  I wrote them down for future reference. 

When I love a book I get completely invested in the characters.  I refer to them by their first names like they are my friends.

My favorite kinds of stories included casts of characters that have created a family for themselves.

 You will always find created families in the books I write.

When I hear about a large sum of money, my first thought is always, "Do you know how much yarn I could buy with that?!"  I very often say it out loud.

I talk out loud to the people on the TV and in books.  They never listen.

I am an auditory learner.  This means I talk out loud to myself when I need to sort something out or when I need to help myself remember something.

I'm also a kinesthetic learner.  This means that there is often moving and pacing along with the talking out loud.

I see patterns fairly easily and am pretty good at puzzles.

I like to fix things.

When I put the top down on the convertible, I tend to speed without realizing it.

One of my guilty pleasures is hearing a song that actually gets me emotional.  I love it when a song makes you feel something.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people call diesel gas.  Diesel and gas are two different things!

I often make random lists just because I can.

I have atrocious handwriting.

I like to write things long hand anyway.

I have dermatographism.   It's kind of cool but mostly itchy.


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