
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

To Blog or Not To Blog

I've been at this blogging thing for almost two years now (about 21 months) and I've written 400 posts.  Being honest, I sometimes wonder if it's worth it.  I get extraordinarily stressed out sometimes, trying to think of what to write.  I feel bad when I don't put a post up because I have nothing to say.  It can be stressful and nerve wracking.

But then I remember how it makes me feel to write things down and send them out into the ether.  To know that people are reading even if they don't comment.  To read they comments when they are posted.  It's so helpful me to me and my state of mind.  So even if sometimes I think of packing it in and getting rid of the blog, the good far outweighs the stress inducing moments.

Thank you to all of you who take a moment out of your day and read my ramblings.  It is so greatly appreciated.  And as long as there are readers willing to come check out the blog, I'll keep writing. 


  1. Wow! 400 posts! I can certainly imagine it being stressful at times to think of things to post, I certainly couldn't do it, so thanks for keeping going. :)

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