
Welcome and thank you for visiting! Here you will find a bit about my life, including my obsession with the fiber arts and the written word.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Saved by the (lunch) bell

There was a moment today, just a moment, where I was ready to burst into tears.  Half way through the second day on the job and everyone disappears.  Of course, it was exactly in that 120 seconds during which I got stuck on what I was doing AND the phone rings.  That was the tear inducing moment.  For a panicked moment, I had no idea what to do.  I womaned up and answered the phone hoping that I could rely on my previous knowledge to get me through it.  It worked and I was able to muddle through the call.  I was able to then figure out most of my question on my own...and then it was lunchtime!  Everything could be left as it was until I came back.  And then everyone else would be back too.  It all worked out in the end.  But I hated that moment.  

Made my day a little bit when I got to lunch, my friends were there and they were all abuzz wanting to see pictures of C-Lou's afghan looking stellar on the back of her couch.  Of course, lunchtime was over much too quickly and it was back to an afternoon of work.  I was able to wander off in my brain for a few minutes and think about projects to be done.  That's always a splendid usage of my time.

Also spent some quality time with the voices this morning before work.  There are new ones!  I don't know yet where they belong or if they get a new story all together.  We shall see.  Either way, I had to get them out of my head and down on paper or else my brain would explode and I couldn't go into work with an exploded head.  It was a matter of self preservation, those few minutes of writing.  Thank goodness I had time and some paper.  

All in all, despite that 120 seconds of tear inducing panic, it was another good day.  I will be keeping my fingers crossed that it continues.

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